275 research outputs found

    Multiprocessor Global Scheduling on Frame-Based DVFS Systems

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    In this ongoing work, we are interested in multiprocessor energy efficient systems, where task durations are not known in advance, but are know stochastically. More precisely, we consider global scheduling algorithms for frame-based multiprocessor stochastic DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) systems. Moreover, we consider processors with a discrete set of available frequencies

    Gang FTP scheduling of periodic and parallel rigid real-time tasks

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    In this paper we consider the scheduling of periodic and parallel rigid tasks. We provide (and prove correct) an exact schedulability test for Fixed Task Priority (FTP) Gang scheduler sub-classes: Parallelism Monotonic, Idling, Limited Gang, and Limited Slack Reclaiming. Additionally, we study the predictability of our schedulers: we show that Gang FJP schedulers are not predictable and we identify several sub-classes which are actually predictable. Moreover, we extend the definition of rigid, moldable and malleable jobs to recurrent tasks

    Quality Review of Irradiated Cellular Blood Product Orders

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    Objectives: Our goal is to educate house staff on the indications for irradiated blood products. We hope to reduce the number of inappropriate irradiation orders to less than 50% of the total orders for irradiated blood products and to be followed up over time.https://jdc.jefferson.edu/patientsafetyposters/1062/thumbnail.jp

    Design and implementation of an AC voltage regulator based on series power semiconductor array

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    This thesis describes the use of an array of power semiconductors (series transistor array) and a buck-boost transformer in the design and implementation of a single phase AC voltage regulator. The power semiconductor array was used to act as variable impedance across the bridge points of a rectifier. The input point of the bridge rectifier was also connected directly to the primary winding of the buck-boost transformer. A closed loop circuit was designed using an RMS/DC converter chip, with complete electrical isolation between the low voltage control circuits and the power circuits. The major advantages of this technique are: fast response to RMS voltage fluctuation; waveform fidelity; light weight; and reduced size compared to that of a servo-driven AC voltage regulator such as the PS10 Smart Power Station, which was used in this project as a benchmark for the AC voltage regulator using the power semiconductor array. The device used for testing the performances of both AC voltage regulators was the NoiseKen VDS-2002 Voltage Dip and Swell Simulator. This simulator was used to perform voltage dip, swell, interruption, and variation tests in a manner fully compliant with IEC 61000 – 4 – 11

    Brainwork in the Research Lifecycle: Idea Development Activity with SCAMPER

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    This poster demonstrates how to reconceptualize research ideas using the Mind Tool “SCAMPER” developed by Alex Osborn and Bob Erbele. One of the most intangible aspects of the scholarly research cycle is the act of thinking and reasoning. Much of it is assumed, taken for granted, or simply expected as part and parcel of being an academic in a research university. But thinking, understanding, making sense, processing, synthesizing and developing new ideas pervades all or most of the research activities in which scholars engage. We need to help make the information in our library systems usable in our digital world by connecting our various resources to the software and hardware that our researchers use to perform their brainwork. This poster demonstrates how to perform an Idea Development activity by applying the SCAMPER mind tool to literature searches with graduate students for research idea development

    Coaching the Dissertation: Hosting a 3 Day Intensive Workshop

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    For many students, the process of completing a dissertation stipulates a set of unfamiliar rules, unfamiliar schema, and a foreign field of play that can affect student resiliency. This presentation will describe a 3-day workshop event facilitated by the Robert Block Library in collaboration with full-time faculty to help scholars focus on their own research and writing to support their progress to completion. The workshop incorporated high impact communication practices incorporating the CASEL framework with a combination of panels, one-on-one sessions with faculty members and the research librarian and independent activities. Planning and preparation will be shared and insights covering common obstacles with appropriate strategies and interventions to develop your own intensive dissertation workshop. Student successes and feedback will be shared

    The critical examination of the new public sector management in view of hrm – the critical success factors

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    New Public Sector Management (NPSM) is an emerging model of public administration that has gained widespread attention in recent years. It aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public services through the application of private-sector management practices. The Human Resource Management (HRM) function plays a crucial role in the success of NPSM. This paper critically examines the NPSM model in view of HRM, focusing on the critical success factors that can lead to the effective implementation of NPSM. The paper identifies and analyses various HRM practices that can enhance the performance of public sector organizations under NPSM. The critical success factors identified in this paper include strategic planning, employee empowerment, performance management, training and development, and employee motivation. The paper concludes that the successful implementation of NPSM requires a comprehensive and integrated approach to HRM that focuses on developing employees' capabilities and aligning their goals with the organization's objectives


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    ABSTRAK Harley Davidson hadir di Indonesia mulai dikenal luas sejak tahun akhir 1920-an. Pada saat itu para penghobi Harley Davidson mendatangkan motornya langsung dari Amerika Serikat, melalui cara membeli sendiri maupun lewat jasa importir umum. Baru pada tahun 1997 Harley-Davidson Motor Corporation membuka perwakilan resminya di Indonesia. Karena banyaknya Harley Davidson lovers di Indonesia, berbagai komunitas pun bermunculan, salah satunya yakni Harley Owners Group (HOG). Komunitas HOG Internasional secara resmi berdiri pada tahun 1983. Ada beberapa komunitas Harley Davidson di bawah HOG Bali Chapter yaitu Sanur Rider, Pemecutan Rider, Goldwod, SOG, Brotherhood, Broker Hero, Chapter Ubud. Harley Davidson garage, bar and cafe ini adalah tempat untuk perkumpulan antar club Harley Davidson khususnya di Bali dengan mengadopsi unsur maskulin. Sebagai ilustrasi, seorang penggemar Harley Davidson mentato dirinya dengan simbol rajawali, mengenakan jaket kulit hitam, memakai aksesoris rantai, bandana, yang semuanya bernuansa Harley Davidson. Penampilan seperti ini umumnya diadopsi oleh pengendara Harley Davidson sehinga secara perlahan membentuk kesadaran bersama bahwa begitulah cara berpenampilan dari seorang pengendara Harley Davidson yang sejati. Harley Davidson Garage Bar and Cafe dirancang sesuai dengan konsep maskulin yang mampu memberikan ciri khas dan daya tarik bagi pengunjung dengan cara pengaplikasian ide tersebut kedalam sebuah perancangan desain interior. Desain cenderung bersifat tegas, garang, dan macho, sehingga sesuai dengan ikon pengendara Harley Davidson yang lebih dari 100 tahun menjadi kode maskulinitas. Rancangan bar dan cafe yang luas agar dapat di jadikan tempat perkumpulan komunitas Harley Davidson dan desain ruangan yang berhubungan dengan ciri khas Harley Davidson itu sendiri, memberikan rasa nyaman pada saat berkunjung dengan memperhatikan estetika dan ergonomis. Kata kunci: Maskulin, Harley Davidson, Garage, Cafe, Bar, Desain Interior. ABSTRACT Harley Davidson presence in Indonesia is best known for beginning in the late 1920s. at that time the hobbyist HarleyDavidson bring motornya directly from the United States, by itself or through purchasing services General importers. New in 1997 Harley-Davidson Motor Corporation opened its official representative in Indonesia. Because of the many HarleyDavidson lovers in Indonesia, various communities emerged, one of the Harley Owners Group (HOG). The community was officially established International HOG in 1983. There are several Harley Davidson community under Bali Sanur i.e. Chapter HOG Rider, Pemecutan Rider, Goldwod, SOG, the Brotherhood, the Hero's Broker, Chapter of Ubud. Harley Davidson garage, bar and cafe is a place for the gathering of theHarley Davidson club inter in particular in Bali by adopting the masculine element. As an illustration, a fan of Harley Davidsonof tattooing themselves with the symbol of an eagle, wearing a black leather jacket, wearing bandanas, chains, accessories, all of which are Harley Davidson. Looks like this is generally adopted by Harley Davidson riders so there is slowly formingconsciousness with that of the band's that's the way a rider Harley Davidson genuine. Harley Davidson Garage Bar and Cafe is designed in accordance with the concept of being able to give masculinecharacteristics and attractiveness to visitors by means of these ideas into a deployment design interior design. Design tends to be assertive, fierce, and macho, so according to the icon Harley Davidson that is over 100 years old became an icon of masculinity. The draft bar and a spacious cafe in order to make the community spot in Harley Davidson and the room designas it relates to the hallmark Harley Davidson itself, giving a sense of comfort at the time of a visit with attention to aesthetics and ergonomic. Keywords: Harley Davidson, masculine, Garage, Cafe, Bar, Interior Desig