10 research outputs found

    Liquid Oxygen Thermodynamic Vent System Testing with Helium Pressurization

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    This report presents the results of several thermodynamic vent system (TVS) tests with liquid oxygen plus a test with liquid nitrogen. In all tests, the liquid was heated above its normal boiling point to 111 K for oxygen and 100 K for nitrogen. The elevated temperature was representative of tank conditions for a candidate lunar lander ascent stage. An initial test series was conducted with saturated oxygen liquid and vapor at 0.6 MPa. The initial series was followed by tests where the test tank was pressurized with gaseous helium to 1.4 to 1.6 MPa. For these tests, the helium mole fraction in the ullage was quite high, about 0.57 to 0.62. TVS behavior is different when helium is present than when helium is absent. The tank pressure becomes the sum of the vapor pressure and the partial pressure of helium. Therefore, tank pressure depends not only on temperature, as is the case for a pure liquid-vapor system, but also on helium density (i.e., the mass of helium divided by the ullage volume). Thus, properly controlling TVS operation is more challenging with helium pressurization than without helium pressurization. When helium was present, the liquid temperature would rise with each successive TVS cycle if tank pressure was kept within a constant control band. Alternatively, if the liquid temperature was maintained within a constant TVS control band, the tank pressure would drop with each TVS cycle. The final test series, which was conducted with liquid nitrogen pressurized with helium, demonstrated simultaneous pressure and temperature control during TVS operation. The simultaneous control was achieved by systematic injection of additional helium during each TVS cycle. Adding helium maintained the helium partial pressure as the liquid volume decreased because of TVS operation. The TVS demonstrations with liquid oxygen pressurized with helium were conducted with three different fluid-mixer configurations-a submerged axial jet mixer, a pair of spray hoops in the tank ullage, and combined use of the axial jet and spray hoops. A submerged liquid pump and compact heat exchanger located inside the test tank were used with all the mixer configurations. The initial series without helium and the final series with liquid nitrogen both used the axial jet mixer. The axial jet configuration successfully demonstrated the ability to control tank pressure; but in the normal-gravity environment, the temperature in the upper tank region (ullage and unwetted wall) was not controlled. The spray hoops and axial jet combination also successfully demonstrated pressure control as well as temperature control of the entire tank and contents. The spray-hoops-only configuration was not expected to be a reliable means of tank mixing because there was no direct means to produce liquid circulation. However, surprisingly good results also were obtained with the sprayhoops- only configuration (i.e., performance metrics such as cycle-averaged vent flowrate were similar to those obtained with the other configurations). A simple thermodynamic model was developed that correctly predicted the TVS behavior (temperature rise or pressure drop per TVS cycle) when helium was present in the ullage. The model predictions were correlated over a range of input parameters. The correlations show that temperature rise or pressure drop per cycle was proportional to both helium mole fraction and tank heat input. The response also depended on the tank fill fraction: the temperature rise or pressure drop (per TVS cycle) increased as the ullage volume decreased

    Pressurization and expulsion of cryogenic liquids: Generic requirements for a low gravity experiment

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    Requirements are presented for an experiment designed to obtain data for the pressurization and expulsion of a cryogenic supply tank in a low gravity environment. These requirements are of a generic nature and applicable to any cryogenic fluid of interest, condensible or non-condensible pressurants, and various low gravity test platforms such as the Space Shuttle or a free-flyer. Background information, the thermophysical process, preliminary analytical modeling, and experimental requirements are discussed. Key parameters, measurements, hardware requirements, procedures, a test matrix, and data analysis are outlined

    Autogenous pressurization of cryogenic vessels using submerged vapor injection

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    Experimental results are reported for submerged injection pressurization and expulsion tests of a 4.89 cu m liquid hydrogen tank. The pressurant injector was positioned near the bottom of the test vessel to simulate liquid engulfment of the pressurant gas inlet; a condition that may occur in low-gravity conditions. Results indicate a substantial reduction in pressurization efficiency, with pressurant gas requirements approximately five times greater than ideal amounts. Consequently, submerged vapor injection should be avoided as a low-gravity autogenous pressurization method whenever possible. The work presented herein validates that pressurent requirements are accurately predicted by a homogeneous thermodynamic model when the submerged injection technique is employed

    Correlation of Helium Solubility in Liquid Nitrogen

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    A correlation has been developed for the equilibrium mole fraction of soluble gaseous helium in liquid nitrogen as a function of temperature and pressure. Experimental solubility data was compiled and provided by National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Data from six sources was used to develop a correlation within the range of 0.5 to 9.9 MPa and 72.0 to 119.6 K. The relative standard deviation of the correlation is 6.9 percent

    Radio Frequency Mass Gauging of Propellants

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    A combined experimental and computer simulation effort was conducted to measure radio frequency (RF) tank resonance modes in a dewar partially filled with liquid oxygen, and compare the measurements with numerical simulations. The goal of the effort was to demonstrate that computer simulations of a tank's electromagnetic eigenmodes can be used to accurately predict ground-based measurements, thereby providing a computational tool for predicting tank modes in a low-gravity environment. Matching the measured resonant frequencies of several tank modes with computer simulations can be used to gauge the amount of liquid in a tank, thus providing a possible method to gauge cryogenic propellant tanks in low-gravity. Using a handheld RF spectrum analyzer and a small antenna in a 46 liter capacity dewar for experimental measurements, we have verified that the four lowest transverse magnetic eigenmodes can be accurately predicted as a function of liquid oxygen fill level using computer simulations. The input to the computer simulations consisted of tank dimensions, and the dielectric constant of the fluid. Without using any adjustable parameters, the calculated and measured frequencies agree such that the liquid oxygen fill level was gauged to within 2 percent full scale uncertainty. These results demonstrate the utility of using electromagnetic simulations to form the basis of an RF mass gauging technology with the power to simulate tank resonance frequencies from arbitrary fluid configurations

    Cryogenic Transfer Line Chilldown

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    The transient behavior of a small scale cryogenic transfer line was investigated during chilldown to cryogenic temperatures. The vacuum-jacketed apparatus consisted of a vertical tube followed by a near horizontal tube. The apparatus was equipped with view ports in the near horizontal section to allow visual observation of the flow patterns. Wall temperatures were measured at various locations along the length of the transfer line. Each test was conducted at a constant liquid volumetric flowrate at the transfer line inlet until saturation temperatures were obtained throughout the system

    Reference Gauging System for a Small-Scale Liquid Hydrogen Tank

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    A system to accurately weigh the fluid contents of a small-scale liquid hydrogen test tank has been experimentally verified. It is intended for use as a reference or benchmark system when testing lowgravity liquid quantity gauging concepts in the terrestrial environment. The reference gauging system has shown a repeatable measurement accuracy of better than 0.5 percent of the full tank liquid weight. With further refinement, the system accuracy can be improved to within 0.10 percent of full scale. This report describes the weighing system design, calibration, and operational results. Suggestions are given for further refinement of the system. An example is given to illustrate additional sources of uncertainty when mass measurements are converted to volume equivalents. Specifications of the companion test tank and its multi-layer insulation system are provided

    Empirical Correlations for the Solubility of Pressurant Gases in Cryogenic Propellants

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    We have analyzed data published by others reporting the solubility of helium in liquid hydrogen, oxygen, and methane, and of nitrogen in liquid oxygen, to develop empirical correlations for the mole fraction of these pressurant gases in the liquid phase as a function of temperature and pressure. The data, compiled and provided by NIST, are from a variety of sources and covers a large range of liquid temperatures and pressures. The correlations were developed to yield accurate estimates of the mole fraction of the pressurant gas in the cryogenic liquid at temperature and pressures of interest to the propulsion community, yet the correlations developed are applicable over a much wider range. The mole fraction solubility of helium in all these liquids is less than 0.3% at the temperatures and pressures used in propulsion systems. When nitrogen is used as a pressurant for liquid oxygen, substantial contamination can result, though the diffusion into the liquid is slow

    Development and Design of Zero-g Liquid Quantity Gauge for Solar Thermal Vehicle

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    The development and design of a cryogenic liquid quantity gauge for zero-gravity (zero-g) applications are described. The gauge, named the compression mass gauge (CMG), operates on the principle of slightly changing the volume of the tank by an oscillating bellows. The resulting pressure change is measured and used to predict the volume of vapor in the tank, from which the volume of liquid is computed. For each gauging instance, pressures are measured for several different bellows frequencies to enable minor real-gas effects to be quantified and thereby to obtain a gauging accuracy of 11 percent of tank volume. The CMG has been selected by NASA's Future-X program for a flight demonstration on the United States Air Force-Boeing Solar Orbit Transfer Vehicle Space Experiment (SOTVSE). This report reviews the design trade studies needed for the CMG to satisfy the SOTVSE limitations on its power, volume, and mass and also describes the mechanical design of the CMG

    Development and Design of a Zero-G Liquid Quantity Gauge for a Solar Thermal Vehicle

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    The development and design of a cryogenic liquid quantity gauge for zero-g applications is described. The gauge, named the Compression Mass Gauge (CMG), operates on the principle of slightly changing the volume of the tank by an oscillating bellows. The resulting pressure change is measured and used to predict the volume of vapor in the tank, from which the volume of liquid is computed. For each gauging instance, pressures are measured for several different bellows frequencies to enable minor real-gas effects to be quantified and thereby to obtain a gauging accuracy of +/- 1% of tank volume. Southwest Research Institute (Tm) and NASA-GRC (Glenn Research Center) have developed several previous breadboard and engineering development gauges and tested them in cryogenic hydrogen and nitrogen to establish the gauge capabilities, to resolve several design issues, and to formulate data processing algorithms. The CMG has been selected by NASA's Future X program for a flight demonstration on the USAF (United States Air Force) / Boeing Solar Thermal Vehicle Space Experiment (SOTVSE). This paper reviews the design trade studies needed to satisfy the SOTVSE limitations on CMG power, volume, and mass, and describes the mechanical design of the CMG