52 research outputs found

    An example from Flanders on how to inform and support parents in media education

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    Sofie Vandoninck, Marije Nouwen and Bieke Zaman investigate parents’ and children’s experiences, attitudes and feelings about digital media, as well as how families deal with the current challenges they are facing. They were involved in the development of content for MediaNest, an online platform for parents recently launched by Mediawijs, the Flemish Knowledge Centre for Media Literacy. Sofie and Marije are researchers at the Meaningful Interactions Lab (Mintlab) and Bieke Zaman is Professor in Human-computer Interaction and Digital Humanities at the Faculty of Social Sciences. All three are based at KU Leuven

    Internet safety helplines: exploratory study first findings

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    Executive Summary: This is the first short report on a study of Helplines, an essential component of the network of Safer Internet Centres coordinated by Insafe. 70% of all helplines are general service helplines with 30% dedicated specifically to internet safety. All helplines offer a confidential service that offers information, support, guidance and referral. Helplines offer a range of services using a variety of platforms: telephone counselling services, email support, support using online chat, text services, online forum, peer support, social networking and in some instances face-to-face support. Among the most important success factors identified by helplines include: ‘positive feedback from callers’, the ‘number of calls’ and ‘participation from stakeholders’. Among the most persistent risks identified by helplines are bullying and cyberbullying (92%) followed by hate speech (88%) and sexual content (75%). Recommendations arising from the study call for development of an alert system for emerging risks, access to technical expertise for helpline staff and support for further stakeholder collaboration

    Insafe Helplines: Operations, Effectiveness and Emerging Issues For Internet Safety Helplines

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    This report presents findings of research undertaken by EU Kids Online on behalf of European Schoolnet (EUN) on the operations, effectiveness and impact of Insafe helplines. Helplines form an integral part of the Safer Internet Centre (SIC) in each country within the Insafe network of 31 national awareness centres. Helplines provide a confidential counselling and support service and offer information, support, guidance and referral for young people as well as adults with responsibility for children. The purpose of the study was to undertake research that would assist Insafe helplines to develop their effectiveness and demonstrate their impact. This study looked at both the wider context in which helplines operate, the new and emerging risks that internet use may pose for children and young people, the support required and the resources needed to respond effectively, as well as the implications for operational effectiveness. Respondents in the research, which included helpline professionals and volunteers, contributed to a discussion of successes as well as gaps in order to assist in the identification of strategies to support better awareness and monitoring of effectiveness

    Gevraagd: betere informatie van de overheid over dreigende ontwikkelingen in het aanbod van drugs

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    Om het potentieel gevaarlijk aanbod van oude en nieuwe drugs te kunnen opsporen en daarop snel te reageren, werken de lidstaten van de Europese Unie tegenwoordig met een ‘early warning system’. Zo’n systeem moet goed kunnen communiceren. Wij onderzochten de communicatieve prestaties van het Belgische systeem. Het kan beter, zowel wat algemene persberichten betreft als de interactie met specifieke doelgroepen

    Zero to eight : young children and their internet use

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    EU Kids Online has spent seven years investigating 9-16 year olds’ engagement with the internet, focusing on the benefits and risks of children’s internet use. While this meant examining the experiences of much younger children than had been researched before EU Kids Online began its work in 2006, there is now a critical need for information about the internet-related behaviours of 0-8 year olds. EU Kids Online’s research shows that children are now going online at a younger and younger age, and that young children’s “lack of technical, critical and social skills may pose [a greater] risk” (Livingstone et al, 2011, p. 3).peer-reviewe

    How to cope and build online resilience?

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    Disconnected: youth, new media and the ethics gap

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    status: publishe

    EU Kids Online. Online risico's

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    status: publishe

    Online risico's: weerbaarheidsopbouw bij kinderen en jongeren

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    status: publishe