44 research outputs found

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    The daily relation between parental rejection and emotional eating in youngsters : a diary study

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    KEY POINTS Cross-sectional survey studies have demonstrated significant associations between parental rejection and peer rejection on the one hand and disturbed eating in youngsters, like emotional eating, on the other hand. In this study, we wanted to expand our knowledge on these relationships by investigating the daily fluctuations in these variables. Youngsters completed a 7-day diary to assess daily parental rejection, peer rejection and emotional eating. Using multilevel analyses, our results showed that daily variations in parental rejection were related to daily variations in emotional eating of the youngsters. This highlights the importance of addressing the parent-child relationship in interventions for emotional eating in youngsters.Background: This study investigated the daily relation between parental rejection and peer rejection on the one hand and emotional eating in youngsters on the other hand.Methods: Participants (N = 55) between the ages of 11 and 15 years completed a 7-day diary. A multilevel design was used to examine day-to-day within-person relationships between parental and peer rejection (measured by CHS) and emotional eating (measured by DEBQ-C) of youngsters.Results: The results showed that daily variations in parental rejection were related to daily variations in emotional eating of the youngsters. Daily peer rejection was only marginally significantly related to the emotional eating of the youngsters.Conclusions: These results indicate that especially parental rejection, and to a lesser extent peer rejection, are associated with the emotional eating of youngsters. The findings highlight the importance of addressing the parent-child relationship in interventions for emotional eating in youngsters

    De plaats en betekenis van evaluatie in de interbestuurlijke veiligheids- en preventieplannen

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    Net zoals in andere beleidsdomeinen wint beleidsevaluatie geleidelijk aan aandacht binnen het domein van politie, justitie en veiligheid. Potentiële actoren van beleidsevaluatie zijn de wetenschappelijke onderzoeksinstellingen die op basis van onafhankelijk beleidsevaluerend onderzoek een antwoord kunnen formuleren op de vraag naar de wenselijkheid om het gevoerde beleid verder te zetten en de voorwaarden die daaraan verbonden zijn. In deze bijdrage stellen we de vraag naar de plaats en betekenis van evaluatieonderzoek in de ontwikkeling van de veiligheids- en preventieplannen vanaf 1991 tot vandaag. Bij de vraag naar de plaats van evaluatieonderzoek stellen we vast dat beleidsevaluatie oorspronkelijk een taak was voor onafhankelijke onderzoekinstellingen maar dat deze verantwoordelijkheid verschoven is naar de contractanten van de veiligheids- en preventiecontracten, waardoor ook het evaluatieonderzoek veranderde in een administratieve evaluatie met het oog op verlenging van de contracten. Voor het beantwoorden van de tweede vraag over de betekenis van evaluatieonderzoek werd een beroep gedaan op het bestuurskundige model van Weiss dat de relatie tussen onderzoek en beleidspraktijk conceptualiseert. Deze verkennende bijdrage is het resultaat van een interdisciplinaire oefening tussen bestuurskunde en criminologie: op basis van bestuurskundige modellen en concepten inzake beleidsevaluatie werd een criminologisch beleidsdomein geëxploreerd en geanalyseerd. De theoretische kennis hieromtrent werd aangevuld met interviews met sleutelfiguren op lokaal en federaal niveau

    Key signalling nodes in mammary gland development and cancer. The Snail1-Twist1 conspiracy in malignant breast cancer progression

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    Breast cancer is the most common cancer among women, and despite significant advances in diagnosing and treating it, metastatic spread of cancer cells results in a high mortality rate. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an embryonic program in which epithelial cells lose their characteristics and gain mesenchymal features. Therefore, EMT might play a very important role during malignant tumour progression. In this review we summarise recent advances in breast cancer research with a particular focus on the transcription factors Snail1 and Twist1. Besides discussing the role of EMT in normal mammary gland development, we describe regulatory mechanisms involving newly discovered upstream regulators and microRNAs, the association of EMT with breast cancer stem cells, and the involvement of the tumour microenvironment in breast cancer progression

    Comprehending emotional eating in obese youngsters: the role of parental rejection and emotion regulation

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    OBJECTIVES: The present study examined the role of emotion regulation in the relation between parental rejection and emotional eating of obese youngsters. METHOD: Participants were 110 obese youngsters between the ages of 10 and 16 years who were referred to a Belgian treatment centre for obesity. Participants completed questionnaires assessing maternal and paternal rejection, emotion regulation strategies and emotional eating during their intake at the treatment centre. Bootstrapping procedure was used to test if emotion regulation mediated the relationship between maternal and paternal rejection on the one hand and emotional eating of the youngster on the other hand. RESULTS: Results revealed that the use of maladaptive emotion regulation strategies mediated the relation between maternal rejection and emotional eating. Paternal rejection was neither associated with the emotion regulation nor with the emotional eating of the youngster. DISCUSSION: The findings highlight the importance of assessing the emotional bond between mother and child and the emotion regulation of the youngster in the treatment of pediatric obesity

    Who is at risk for dyslexia? Phonological processing in five- to seven-year-old Dutch-speaking children with SLI

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    A disproportionally high number of children with specific language impairment (SLI) develop dyslexia. Yet it is hard to predict which individual child is at risk. This article presents a longitudinal study of phonological and early literacy development of 18 Dutch-speaking children with SLI, compared to 18 typically developing controls over a period of 2 years. These matched pairs of children were followed from 1 year before until 1 year after the start of formal literacy instruction. Children with SLI had problems with phonological awareness (PA) and verbal short-term memory (vSTM) in kindergarten. PA and vSTM in kindergarten were not good predictors for dyslexia in children with SLI, but rapid automatized naming (RAN) measured in kindergarten was strongly correlated with reading and spelling in both groups. We can infer that only SLI children who additionally failed on RAN in kindergarten developed reading and spelling problems at the end of Grade 1. © 2010 Society for the Scientific Study of Reading.status: publishe

    The effect of parental rejection on the emotional eating behaviour of youngsters : a laboratory-based study

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    Results from survey studies demonstrate a relationship between parental rejection and self-reported emotional eating of youngsters. The aim of the current study was to build on this research by examining the relationship between parental rejection and actual emotional eating, using an experimental laboratory paradigm. Participants were 46 youngsters between the ages of 10 and 17 years old. Participants first completed online questionnaires at home, measuring parental rejection and emotional eating style. At the laboratory, participants were randomly assigned to a neutral condition or negative mood condition, followed by a multi-item snack buffet. The interaction effect maternal rejection × condition on energy intake from savoury food was significant. More maternal rejection predicted more energy intake from savoury food in the negative mood condition, but not in the neutral condition. The results highlight the importance of assessing, and if mandatory, improving the emotional bond between parent and child in the prevention and intervention of emotional eating