213 research outputs found

    Topological nature of spinons and holons: Elementary excitations from matrix product states with conserved symmetries

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    We develop variational matrix product state (MPS) methods with symmetries to determine dispersion relations of one dimensional quantum lattices as a function of momentum and preset quantum number. We test our methods on the XXZ spin chain, the Hubbard model and a non-integrable extended Hubbard model, and determine the excitation spectra with a precision similar to the one of the ground state. The formulation in terms of quantum numbers makes the topological nature of spinons and holons very explicit. In addition, the method also enables an easy and efficient direct calculation of the necessary magnetic field or chemical potential required for a certain ground state magnetization or particle density.Comment: 13 pages, 4 pages appendix, 8 figure

    Faster Methods for Contracting Infinite 2D Tensor Networks

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    We revisit the corner transfer matrix renormalization group (CTMRG) method of Nishino and Okunishi for contracting two-dimensional (2D) tensor networks and demonstrate that its performance can be substantially improved by determining the tensors using an eigenvalue solver as opposed to the power method used in CTMRG. We also generalize the variational uniform matrix product state (VUMPS) ansatz for diagonalizing 1D quantum Hamiltonians to the case of 2D transfer matrices and discuss similarities with the corner methods. These two new algorithms will be crucial to improving the performance of variational infinite projected entangled pair state (PEPS) methods.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures, V. Zauner-Stauber previously also published under the name V. Zaune

    Spinon confinement in a quasi one dimensional anisotropic Heisenberg magnet

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    Confinement is a process by which particles with fractional quantum numbers bind together to form quasiparticles with integer quantum numbers. The constituent particles are confined by an attractive interaction whose strength increases with increasing particle separation and as a consequence, individual particles are not found in isolation. This phenomenon is well known in particle physics where quarks are confined in baryons and mesons. An analogous phenomenon occurs in certain magnetic insulators; weakly coupled chains of spins S=1/2. The collective excitations in these systems is spinons (S=1/2). At low temperatures weak coupling between chains can induce an attractive interaction between pairs of spinons that increases with their separation and thus leads to confinement. In this paper, we employ inelastic neutron scattering to investigate the spinon confinement in the quasi-1D S=1/2 XXZ antiferromagnet SrCo2V2O8. Spinon excitations are observed above TN in quantitative agreement with established theory. Below TN the pairs of spinons are confined and two sequences of meson-like bound states with longitudinal and transverse polarizations are observed. Several theoretical approaches are used to explain the data. A new theoretical technique based on Tangent-space Matrix Product States gives a very complete description of the data and provides good agreement not only with the energies of the bound modes but also with their intensities. We also successfully explained the effect of temperature on the excitations including the experimentally observed thermally induced resonance between longitudinal modes below TN ,and the transitions between thermally excited spinon states above TN. In summary, our work establishes SrCo2V2O8 as a beautiful paradigm for spinon confinement in a quasi-1D quantum magnet and provides a comprehensive picture of this process.Comment: 17 pages, 18 figures, submitted to PR

    Transfer Matrices and Excitations with Matrix Product States

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    We investigate the relation between static correlation functions in the ground state of local quantum many-body Hamiltonians and the dispersion relations of the corresponding low energy excitations using the formalism of tensor network states. In particular, we show that the Matrix Product State Transfer Matrix (MPS-TM) - a central object in the computation of static correlation functions - provides important information about the location and magnitude of the minima of the low energy dispersion relation(s) and present supporting numerical data for one-dimensional lattice and continuum models as well as two-dimensional lattice models on a cylinder. We elaborate on the peculiar structure of the MPS-TM's eigenspectrum and give several arguments for the close relation between the structure of the low energy spectrum of the system and the form of static correlation functions. Finally, we discuss how the MPS-TM connects to the exact Quantum Transfer Matrix (QTM) of the model at zero temperature. We present a renormalization group argument for obtaining finite bond dimension approximations of MPS, which allows to reinterpret variational MPS techniques (such as the Density Matrix Renormalization Group) as an application of Wilson's Numerical Renormalization Group along the virtual (imaginary time) dimension of the system.Comment: 39 pages (+8 pages appendix), 14 figure

    Symmetry Breaking and the Geometry of Reduced Density Matrices

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    The concept of symmetry breaking and the emergence of corresponding local order parameters constitute the pillars of modern day many body physics. The theory of quantum entanglement is currently leading to a paradigm shift in understanding quantum correlations in many body systems and in this work we show how symmetry breaking can be understood from this wavefunction centered point of view. We demonstrate that the existence of symmetry breaking is a consequence of the geometric structure of the convex set of reduced density matrices of all possible many body wavefunctions. The surfaces of those convex bodies exhibit non-analytic behavior in the form of ruled surfaces, which turn out to be the defining signatures for the emergence of symmetry breaking and of an associated order parameter. We illustrate this by plotting the convex sets arising in the context of three paradigmatic examples of many body systems exhibiting symmetry breaking: the quantum Ising model in transverse magnetic field, exhibiting a second order quantum phase transition; the classical Ising model at finite temperature in two dimensions, which orders below a critical temperature TcT_c; and a system of free bosons at finite temperature in three dimensions, exhibiting the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation together with an associated order parameter ψ\langle\psi\rangle. Remarkably, these convex sets look all very much alike. We believe that this wavefunction based way of looking at phase transitions demystifies the emergence of order parameters and provides a unique novel tool for studying exotic quantum phenomena.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, Appendix with 2 pages, 3 figure