29 research outputs found

    Measurement of Radiation Exposure of Hands and Fingers of Nuclear Medicine Personnel Using Innovative Low-Cost GM Based System

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    Pocket dosimeters are used commonly in Nuclear Medicine or radiology workers for daily dose measurement or during certain high radiation exposure procedures for short periods of time. These are expensive and have many maintenance costs. It may not be feasible to procure many at a time due to cost restraints. We designed a low cost remote dose monitoring device for measurement of radiation for short periods of time. Measuring device was constructed using micro Geiger Muller Counter. The micro-Geiger Counter with model no SBM21 was connected to high voltage circuit and the output signal was obtained. After this, output signal was sent it to Arduino circuit running custom code ESP8266 and readings was made on the mobile/ laptop application after connecting to Arduino circuit running custom code ESP8266 via internet. Readings were taken for short durations during certain periods. Readings were compared to the standard measuring instrument simultaneously. The tube was connected to their hands for hand exposure with a wire. Readings were recorded in the form of μSv/h or mSv/h. RESULT: Total readings were taken during various occasions while preparing (59) and dispensing (45) radioisotopes. During preparation of radiopharmaceuticals, average readings for 99mTc-Sestamibi[16 SAMPLE] (100mCi to 250mCi), 99mTc-MDP [21SAMPLE] (150-200mCi) and 99mTc-DTPA [22SAMPLES] (10-20mCi) were 1115 μSv/h, 3083 μSv/h and 453 μSv/h respectively. During dispensing of radiopharmaceuticals, average readings of total 15 sample each for 99mTc-Sestamibi (100mCi to 250mCi), 99mTc-MDP (150-200mCi) and 99mTc-DTPA (10-20mCi) were 351μSv/h, 209 μSv/h and 235 μSv/h respectively. It was feasible for the worker to fit the measuring device in their pocket while working. Conclusion: Our pilot study revealed accurate readings >95% of the times for short periods of time. Study designing, standardization of readings with more real time accuracy can make this method more reliable and is a low cost means to monitor short periods of radiation exposure for radiation workers.&nbsp

    To evaluate the profile of patients with disc edema/ papilledema and their presenting pattern

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    Background: Raised intracranial pressure (ICP) is a potentially life threatening condition, which can also lead to visual loss and blindness. One of the only objective signs accessible during physical examination to confirm a suspicion of raised ICP is papilledema, or swelling of the optic nerve head (ONH). Material & Methods: The present study is a non randomized prospective case series being conducted in the 50 patients with disc edema/papilledema attending OPD and referred from other departments to DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, Gandhi Medical College and associated Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal from January 2013- December 2014. All patients underwent a complete medical evaluation including careful history taking, ophthalmic examination, complete blood count, blood sugar,urea,creatinine, serum lipid profile, thyroid, chest x-ray in specific cases. and CSF analysis (including opening pressure), follow up examination was compared with fundal photography. Results: In our study out of 50 patients, Most commonly affected age group was between 21-30 years in which 32% cases were observed, 42% affected were males and 58% females. Papilledema in 30% patient were of local cause in which 22% cases were of optic neuropathy followed by 6% cases of AION in age group of 51-60 year followed by 2% cases of BRAO in age group of 41-40 years. Among systemic causes, 24% cases of ICSOL followed by 12% cases of meningitis, 10% cases of malignant hypertension, 8% cases of drug history, 6% cases of malaria and 2% case each of diabetes, pseudotumorcerebri, anaemia, encephalopathy and head injury. Conclusion: ophthalmic evaluation and subjective grading of papilledema by FUNDAL examination has the potential of being a low cost objectively and quantitatively, and assess progression and efficacy of treatment directed toward lowering ICP and thus improve clinical decision-making regarding its diagnosis and treatment papilledema

    Study of radiological findings in papilledema

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    Background: Early recognition of papilledema and elevated ICP is of paramount importance for ensuring restoration of vision. Papilledema, frequently occurs in the setting of increased ICP and in a variety of medical conditions, including pseudotumorcerebri, sinus thrombosis, intracerebral hemorrhage, frontal lobe neoplasms, and Chiari malformation.the primary role of imaging in the diagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension (IIH) has been to exclude other conditions that can cause increased intracranial pressure (ICP) and papilledema. Material & Methods: The present study is a non randomized prospective case series being conducted in the 50 patients with disc edema/papilledema attending OPD and referred from other departments to DEPARTMENT OF OPHTHALMOLOGY, Gandhi Medical College and associated Hamidia Hospital, Bhopal from January 2013- December 2014, All patients underwent a complete medical evaluation including careful history taking, ophthalmic examination, Investigations includes MRI Scan was done in Radiology as well neurology reference was taken from Neurosurgery department, Hamidia Hospital, G.M.C. Bhopal. Result: In radiological study ICSOL is observed in 70.58% cases followed by 11.76% cases of sinusitis followed by 5.88% case each venous thrombosis,demyelination and infarction. Conclusion: Early recognition of papilledema and elevated ICP is of paramount importance for ensuring restoration of vision. Newer advanced MR imaging techniques such as fMRI and DTI may prove useful in the future to assess the potential effects of papilledema on retinal and visual pathway integrity

    A study of fungal corneal ulcer

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    Background: Fungal keratitis is an inflammation of the cornea caused by fungi. This infection is difficult to treat and it can lead to severe visual impairment or blindness. It is worldwide in distribution, but is more common in the tropics and subtropical regions. Corneal ulcers are the second most-common cause of preventable blindness after cataract in tropical developing countries. Material & Methods: A retrospective study included 30 cases of fungal corneal ulcer was carried out on indoor and outdoor cases of fungal corneal ulcer, in Department of ophthalmology, in technical collaboration with department of microbiology in tertiary care teaching hospital. A presumptive diagnosis was based on clinical features and history, diagnosis was confirmed by KOH preparation and culture. Results: The maximum incidence of ulcers was seen in age group of 41-60 years and majority of them were males. Most common predisposing factor was trauma. Most common clinical feature was slough followed by hypopyon, perforation, lowered intraocular tension, satellite lesions and vascularization respectively. Conclusion: The diagnosis of fungal keratitis is usually difficult. The clinical suspicion by ophthalmologist is unequivocally, key element in making diagnosis of fungal infection of cornea. A wide range of conventional and molecular techniques are currently available for laboratory diagnosis of fungal keratitis. Early diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential to avoid blindness


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    Objective: The geriatric population is prone to multiple comorbidities, and their fragile bones and unsteadiness make them susceptible to fractures, commonly observed in the wrist and proximal end of the femur. Internal fixation of fractures under central neuraxial block allows for early mobilization. However, the presence of comorbidities in elderly patients puts them at higher risk for anesthesia and surgery. Methods: To manage postoperative pain following surgery for proximal femur fracture, opioid-sparing multimodal analgesia techniques are employed. Regional anesthesia techniques such as fascia iliaca block, femoral nerve block, and quadratuslumborum block are utilized as part of a multimodal approach. Pain is subjective, and the inability to communicate does not negate the need for appropriate pain relief. Results: Postoperative pain, if poorly managed, can result in complications, prolonged recovery, and chronic pain with reduced quality of life. Effective pain relief enhances patient satisfaction, reduces hospital stays and costs. Inadequate pain control activates the sympathetic nervous system, increases hormonal response, and contributes to adverse events. Opioids, though common, pose risks and adverse effects. Conclusion: The erector spinae plane block (ESPB) is a safe and easy-to-perform technique for postoperative pain management. It involves ultrasound-guided deposition of local anesthetic, allowing effective spread. Previous studies have shown its effectiveness for thoracic pain relief. This study evaluated lumbar ESPB and compared it with systemic analgesics in terms of ease of positioning and postoperative pain control

    The use of evidence-based practices for the management of shoulder impingement syndrome among Indian physical therapists: a cross-sectional survey

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    ABSTRACT Background: The understanding of the pathomechanics of shoulder impingement has evolved over the years. Likewise, assessment techniques and effective treatment strategies have also been developed. Physical therapists should keep up-to-date on the current evidence. Objective: This study explored the practices currently used by Indian physical therapists for the assessment and management of shoulder impingement syndrome (SIS). Method: Using an online questionnaire, therapists were asked to declare the causes, methods of assessment and their choices of physical therapy techniques for the management of SIS. The proportions of therapists using different techniques were analyzed descriptively, and comparisons across gender, experience level, and training were made. Data were analyzed to see if the choices of respondents compared with their responses for etiology. Results: A total of 211 responses were analyzed. Most respondents (>75%) believed that overuse and abnormal motion/posture are the most significant causes of SIS. However, fewer respondents reported assessing posture (60.2%) and dyskinesis, especially in women (24.2%). Ninety-four percent of the respondents reported using exercises, but exercise prescription was rather generic. Therapists additionally trained in the techniques of joint mobilization or taping declared using these techniques more frequently. The use of interferential therapy and ultrasound was reported by 89.5% and 98.4% of respondents, respectively Conclusion: Most therapists declared awareness of current recommended practices, but patient assessment, exercise prescription, and use of electrotherapy modalities were only partially based on current evidence. The study helps to identify gaps in current physical therapy approaches to SIS in India

    pH-Mediated Collective and Selective Solar Photocatalysis by a Series of Layered Aurivillius Perovskites

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    Semiconductor photocatalysis under natural sunlight is an emergent area in contemporary materials research, which has attracted considerable attention toward the development of catalysts for environmental remediation using solar energy. A series of five-layer Aurivillius-phase perovskites, Bi5ATi4FeO18 (A = Ca, Sr, and Pb), are synthesized for the first time. Rietveld refinements of the powder X-ray diffraction data indicated orthorhombic structure for the Aurivillius phases with Fe largely occupying the central octahedral layer, whereas the divalent cations (Ca, Sr, and Pb) are statistically distributed over the cubo-octahedral A-sites of the perovskite. The compounds with visible-light-absorbing ability (Eg ranging from ∼2.0 to 2.2 eV) not only exhibit excellent collective photocatalytic degradation of rhodamine B–methylene blue (MB) and rhodamine B–rhodamine 6G mixture at pH 2 but also show almost 100% photocatalytic selective degradation of MB from the rhodamine B–MB mixture at pH 11 under natural solar irradiation. The selectivity in the alkaline medium is believed to originate from the combined effect of the photocatalytic degradation of MB by the Aurivillius-phase perovskites and the photolysis of MB. Although a substantial decrease in MB adsorption from the mixed dye solution (MB + RhB) together with slower MB photolysis at the neutral pH makes the selective MB degradation sluggish, the compounds showed excellent photocatalytic degradation activity and chemical oxygen demand removal efficacy toward individual RhB (at pH 2) and MB (at pH 11) under sunlight irradiation. The catalysts are exceptionally stable and retain good crystallinity even after five successive cyclic runs without any noticeable loss of activity in both the acidic and alkaline media. The present work provides an important insight into the development of layered perovskite photocatalysts for collective degradation of multiple pollutants and selective removal of one or multiple pollutants from a mixture. The later idea may open up new possibilities for recovery/purification of useful chemical substances from the contaminated medium through selective photocatalysis

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    Not AvailabletSignificant variations are observed in the content and composition of the essential oils obtained from dif-ferent Ocimum species based on their distinct morphological characters and harvesting seasons. Variousgermplasms of Ocimum basilicum grown in India were compared for the essential oil content and compo-sition to identify the superior germplasm rich in desirable chemical components, such as methyl chavicoland eugenol, that could be exploited for commercial cultivation in western plains of India. The essentialoils were extracted using hydro distillation and chemically characterized on Gas Chromatograph–massspectrophotometer (GC–MS). Colour of the leaves varied from green to purple-green with bunchy, indi-vidual and intermediate type of panicles. Maximum oil per cent in leaf was observed in DOB-1 (0.70%),followed by DOB-5 (0.61%) at stage II. Leaves harvested at stage II gave higher essential oil yield thanharvested at stage I. The content of methyl chavicol increased at full flowering (stage II), while contentof Eugenol and methyl eugenol increased at onset of flowering (stage I). Majority of the germplasm werefound to be rich in methyl chavicol, except DOB-4 which was rich in methyl cinnamate. The intensity ofpurple leaf colour was observed to be positively correlated in lines rich in methyl chavicol. Maximummethyl cinnamate (DOB-4) content, leaf size and average minimum plant height were found positivelyrelationship. Such relationship has become a key factor field nose needs to be properly understood andsuperior lines DOB-1 and DOB-5 further used in improvement programme.Not Availabl