385 research outputs found

    A simple, autonomous, non-linear inversion method for the analysis of occultation observation of the dusty atmosphere of Mars.

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    editorial reviewedOzone (O3) is an important atmospheric specie of planet Mars, capable of absorbing ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Occultation of solar (or stellar) radiation and measurement of the extinction of UV photons by the atmosphere is a standard O3 remote sensing method. Both O3 and carbon dioxide (CO2) absorb UV photons in the 200 – 300 nm range, the O3 Hartley absorption band peaking near 250 nm. Dusts also contribute to, and sometimes dominate, the UV extinction by the atmosphere of Mars. The wavelength-dependent dust extinction coefficient (k) is often described using a power law k=k0 (λ0/ λ)α with reference value k0 at wavelength λ0. The ad-hoc α exponent stems from the properties of the dusts. We develop a simple autonomous, nonlinear method to retrieve the vertical profiles of CO2, O3 and dust properties from solar occultation profiles, under a spherical symmetry assumption. The gas concentration and dust reference extinction (k0) are represented using a combination of triangle functions of the radial distance (r), producing a piecewise linear profile. The α parameter is represented similarly using triangle functions of log(r). Slant line-of-sight optical thickness results from the Abel transform of these profiles, producing hypergeometric 2F1 functions for the dusts. The different parameters are retrieved by inverse Abel transform using a least squares minimization, which depends linearly on the CO2, O3 and k0 profiles, and non-linearly on α. The linear parameters are considered as functions of the α, reducing the fitting to a non-linear minimization over the α parameter profile only. This drastically reduces the number of dimensions of the parameter space. We show that this method allows efficient retrieval of all the parameters. Noise is however expected to be present when analyzing occultation data from the NOMAD-TGO instrument, which can reduce the ability to retrieve the minimization parameters. The k0 and O3 profiles can, nevertheless, be expected to be retrieved over about two orders of magnitude, while the CO2 density profile can be expected to be fairly retrieved at relatively low altitude

    IUPAC Critical Evaluation of the Rotational-Vibrational Spectra of Water Vapor, Part III: Energy Levels and Transition Wavenumbers for H216O

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    This is the third of a series of articles reporting critically evaluated rotational-vibrational line positions, transition intensities, and energy levels, with associated critically reviewed labels and uncertainties, for all the main isotopologues of water. This paper presents experimental line positions, experimental-quality energy levels, and validated labels for rotational-vibrational transitions of the most abundant isotopologue of water, H216O. The latest version of the MARVEL (Measured Active Rotational-Vibrational Energy Levels) line-inversion procedure is used to determine the rovibrational energy levels of the electronic ground state of H216O from experimentally measured lines, together with their self-consistent uncertainties, for the spectral region up to the first dissociation limit. The spectroscopic network of H216O contains two components, an ortho (o) and a para (p) one. For o-H216O and p-H216O, experimentally measured, assigned, and labeled transitions were analyzed from more than 100 sources. The measured lines come from one-photon spectra recorded at room temperature in absorption, from hot samples with temperatures up to 3000K recorded in emission, and from multiresonance excitation spectra which sample levels up to dissociation. The total number of transitions considered is 184667 of which 182156 are validated: 68027 between para states and 114129 ortho ones. These transitions give rise to 18486 validated energy levels, of which 10446 and 8040 belong to o-H216O and p-H216O, respectively. The energy levels, including their labeling with approximate normal-mode and rigid-rotor quantum numbers, have been checked against ones determined from accurate variational nuclear motion computations employing exact kinetic energy operators as well as against previous compilations of energy levels. The extensive list of MARVEL lines and levels obtained are deposited in the supplementary data of this paper, as well as in a distributed information system applied to water, W@DIS, where they can easily be retrieved

    Envision M5 Venus orbiter proposal

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    EnVision [1,2] is a Venus orbiter mission that will determine the nature and current state of geological activity on Venus, and its relationship with the atmosphere, to understand how and why Venus and Earth evolved so differently. Envision is a finalist in ESA’s M5 Space Science mission selection process, and is being developed in collaboration with NASA, with the sharing of responsibilities currently under assessment. It is currently in Phase A study; final mission selection is expected in June 2021. If selected, EnVision will launch by 2032 on an Ariane 6.2 into a six month cruise to Venus, followed by aerobraking, to achieve a near-circular polar orbit for a nominal science phase lasting at least 4 Venus sidereal days (2.7 Earth years)

    UV/Vis+ Photochemistry Database : Structure, Content and Applications

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    Acknowledgments This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. However, the authors are indebted to those colleagues who support us in maintaining the database through the provision of spectral and other photochemical data and information. The National Center for Atmospheric Research is operated by the University Coporation for Atmopsheric Research, under the sponsorship of the National Science Foundation. Disclaimer: The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the U.S.EPA. Mention of trade names or products does not convey and should not be interpreted as conveying official U.S. EPA approval, endorsement, or recommendation.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Strong variability of Martian water ice clouds during dust storms revealed from ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter/NOMAD

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    Observations of water ice clouds and aerosols on Mars can provide important insights into the complexity of the water cycle. Recent observations have indicated an important link between dust activity and the water cycle, as intense dust activity can significantly raise the hygropause, and subsequently increase the escape of water after dissociation in the upper atmosphere. Here present observations from NOMAD/TGO that investigate the variation of water ice clouds in the perihelion season of Mars Year 34 (April 2018‐19), their diurnal and seasonal behavior, and the vertical structure and microphysical properties of water ice and dust. These observations reveal the recurrent presence of a layer of mesospheric water ice clouds subsequent to the 2018 Global Dust Storm. We show that this layer rose from 45 to 80 km in altitude on a timescale of days from heating in the lower atmosphere due to the storm. In addition, we demonstrate that there is a strong dawn dusk asymmetry in water ice abundance, related to nighttime nucleation and subsequent daytime sublimation. Water ice particle sizes are retrieved consistently and exhibit sharp vertical gradients (from 0.1 to 4.0 μm), as well as mesospheric differences between the Global Dust Storm (<0.5 μm) and the 2019 regional dust storm (1.0 μm), which suggests differing water ice nucleation efficiencies. These results form the basis to advance our understanding of mesospheric water ice clouds on Mars, and further constrain the interactions between water ice and dust in the middle atmosphere