1,024 research outputs found

    How Health Claims on Product Packaging Influence Consumer Perceptions and Purchase Decisions

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    The goal of this investigation was to expand upon research from the field of consumer behavior, with a specific focus on food product packaging and health claims. It specifically focused on how these health claims impact consumer perceptions and purchase decisions related to everyday food items. Students at Bryant University were asked to take part in a study which measured their overall health knowledge and nutritional interest. They were then presented with different variations of a product packaging label to assess its impact on their attitude towards a product. Findings indicated that both females and those who score highest on a health knowledge scale are more likely to be influenced by packaging claims. Implications for marketers are further discussed in the body of the paper

    Charge and Magnetic Properties of Three-Nucleon Systems in Pionless Effective Field Theory

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    A method to calculate the form factor for an external current with non-derivative coupling for the three-body system in an effective field theory (EFT) of short-range interactions is shown. Using this method the point charge radius of 3He{}^3\mathrm{He} is calculated to next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in pionless EFT (EFT(Ìžâ€‰âŁÏ€)\mathrm{EFT}(\not{\!\pi})), and the magnetic moment and magnetic radius of 3H{}^3\mathrm{H} and 3He{}^3\mathrm{He} are calculated to next-to-leading order (NLO). For the 3He{}^3\mathrm{He} charge and magnetic form factors Coulomb interactions are ignored. The 3He{}^3\mathrm{He} point charge radius is given by 1.74(4) fm at NNLO. This agrees well with the experimental 3He{}^3\mathrm{He} point charge radius of 1.7753(54) fm [Angeli and Marinova, At. Data Nucl. Data Tables 99, 69 (2013)]. The 3H{}^3\mathrm{H} (3He{}^3\mathrm{He}) magnetic moment in units of nuclear magnetons is found to be 2.92(35) (-2.08(25)) at NLO in agreement with the experimental value of 2.979 (-2.127). For 3H{}^3\mathrm{H} (3He{}^3\mathrm{He}) the NLO magnetic radius is 1.78(11) fm (1.85(11) fm) which agrees with the experimental value of 1.840(182) fm (1.965(154) fm) [I. Sick, Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 47, 245 (2001)]. The fitting of the low-energy constant L1L_{1} of the isovector two-body magnetic current and the consequences of Wigner-SU(4) symmetry for the three-nucleon magnetic moments are also discussed.Comment: v1: 38 pages 6 figure

    Improved shielding termination adapter for electrical cable connectors

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    Termination adapter replaces braid ring and ensures permanent attachment and grounding of sheath wires. The inner ferrule of the termination is slipped inside the exposed ends of the sheath wires and the outer ferrule is placed over the wires and crimped in place to secure the wires for grounding

    L’accompagnement psychosocial en soins palliatifs. Une travailleuse sociale tĂ©moigne de son rĂŽle auprĂšs des personnes malades et de leurs proches

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    Cet article traite de l’accompagnement psychosocial des personnes atteintes de cancer en phase terminale et de leurs proches. L’auteure dĂ©crit d’abord la rĂ©alitĂ© de ces personnes, leur vĂ©cu psychologique et social. Elle aborde ensuite leurs principaux besoins, pour enfin prĂ©ciser la nature de la relation d’aide dans le contexte des soins palliatifs, en s’attardant sur les valeurs et les attitudes nĂ©cessaires Ă  intĂ©grer pour travailler auprĂšs de cette clientĂšle. Une derniĂšre partie touche le rĂŽle du service social dans une Ă©quipe de soins palliatifs. L’auteure fait de cet article un tĂ©moignage de son engagement auprĂšs de ces personnes malades et de leurs proches.This article is about the psycho-social support provided to cancer patients in their terminal phase and to their families. The author first describes their daily reality from a physical, psychological and social point of view. She then discusses the major needs of these patients and explains the nature of the help relation in the context of a palliative care center with a special emphasis on the values and attitudes necessary to work with this particular clientele. The last section deals with the role of the social worker as a member of the palliative care medical team

    Les diplĂŽmĂ©s des H.É.C. Ă  leur entrĂ©e sur le marchĂ© du travail, 1941-1980

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    Avant de mettre en place un systĂšme permanent d’enquĂȘte sur l’évolution des carriĂšres de ses diplĂŽmĂ©s, l’École des Hautes Études Commerciales juge utile de faire le point sur celles des diplĂŽmĂ©s du passĂ©. L’analyse de donnĂ©es d’enquĂȘte montre qu’à leur entrĂ©e sur le marchĂ© du travail, les bacheliers et les licenciĂ©s, de 1941 Ă  1980, se dirigent essentiellement vers le secteur privĂ©. En excluant les cabinets d’experts-comptables oĂč 50%, en moyenne, des diplĂŽmĂ©s entrent Ă  titre de stagiaires afin de complĂ©ter leur formation professionnelle, les secteurs d’activitĂ© Ă©conomique qui embauchent le plus de finissants sont le secteur manufacturier, le secteur financier ainsi que le secteur commercial. Le genre de postes auxquels accĂšdent les diplĂŽmĂ©s des H.É.C. a changĂ© au cours de la pĂ©riode Ă©tudiĂ©e : le diplĂŽmĂ© est employĂ© de plus en plus comme analyste en divers domaines de la gestion, comme conseiller en administration, alors qu’autrefois, il s’insĂ©rait plus souvent dans la hiĂ©rarchie de direction de l’entreprise
