344 research outputs found

    Erasing Distinguishability Using Quantum Frequency Up-Conversion

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    The frequency distinguishability of two single photons was successfully erased using single photon frequency up-conversion. A frequency non-degenerate photon pair generated via spontaneous four-wave mixing in a dispersion shifted fiber was used to emulate two telecom-band single photons that were in the same temporal mode but in different frequency modes. The frequencies of these photons were converted to the same frequency by using the sum frequency generation process in periodically poled lithium niobate waveguides, while maintaining their temporal indistinguishability. As a result, the two converted photons exhibited a non-classical dip in a Hong-Ou-Mandel quantum interference experiment. The present scheme will add flexibility to networking quantum information systems that use photons with various wavelengths.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Selected factors associated with administrators\u27 leadership behaviors and school accountability

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    In this era of educational accountability, achieving and maintaining high levels of student academic performance is the goal of every school. State accountability models serve as the measure to determine if school districts are successfully educating students, and the responsibility of student academic success rests on the principal of each school. Effective leadership is a necessary component of successful schools, especially in rural school districts. The focus of this research was to explore teachers\u27 perceptions of the leadership behaviors and practices of their principals and determine if relationships existed between the leadership behaviors and the schools\u27 accountability ratings. A survey research design was utilized in this study of eight schools across three rural school districts in central Mississippi. The researcher utilized The Principal Instructional Management Rating Scale to survey 121 teacher participants regarding their perceptions of principals\u27 leadership behaviors or practices. The study revealed no statistically significant relationships existed between principals\u27 leadership behaviors and school accountability ratings. However, the findings support existing literature on the indirect influence of principal leadership on student achievement

    Splitting HAIR: Reviving the American Tribal Love-Rock Musical in the 1970s

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    When Hair premiered on Broadway in 1968, the musical garnered attention for its reflection the current cultural moment. Critics acknowledged this congruence of form, content, and zeitgeist as the production’s greatest asset. This alignment with the Vietnam era proved a liability nine years later when Hair received its first Broadway revival, particularly when the musical’s authors replaced many of the libretto’s cultural references with allusions to the 1970s, further illuminating the musical’s inherently time-bound qualities

    The Impact of Childhood Experiences on Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Functioning: Does the Past Dictate the Future?

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    Childhood experiences of maltreatment are related to interpersonal difficulties in childhood (Pettit, Dodge, & Brown, 1988) and adulthood (Messman-Moore & Coates, 2007; Varia & Abidin, 1999; Busby, Walker, & Holman, 2011). However, most studies have examined the effects of maltreatment on interpersonal functioning (Messman-Moore & Coates, 2007; Busby, Walker, & Holman, 2011) within the context of romantic relationships (Hazan & Shaver, 1987; Feeney & Noller, 1990). Thus, the present study examined the impact childhood maltreatment and neglect has on later intrapersonal functioning and interpersonal interactions and whether gender differences emerge therein. Results indicated maltreated individuals initiate relationships less often and assert lower levels of autonomy within those relationships. Further, men with a history of maltreatment reported lower levels of emotional support, suggesting gender may moderate the relationship between experiences of maltreatment and interpersonal outcomes. Finally, individuals with a history of maltreatment reported lower levels of self-esteem than their non-maltreated counterparts

    Quantum optical waveform conversion

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    Currently proposed architectures for long-distance quantum communication rely on networks of quantum processors connected by optical communications channels [1,2]. The key resource for such networks is the entanglement of matter-based quantum systems with quantum optical fields for information transmission. The optical interaction bandwidth of these material systems is a tiny fraction of that available for optical communication, and the temporal shape of the quantum optical output pulse is often poorly suited for long-distance transmission. Here we demonstrate that nonlinear mixing of a quantum light pulse with a spectrally tailored classical field can compress the quantum pulse by more than a factor of 100 and flexibly reshape its temporal waveform, while preserving all quantum properties, including entanglement. Waveform conversion can be used with heralded arrays of quantum light emitters to enable quantum communication at the full data rate of optical telecommunications.Comment: submitte
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