34 research outputs found

    Study of the Attributes and Behaviors of Middle School Principals in Successful Title I Schools

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    School leadership is being urged to change in order to meet the needs of societal and school demographics. By increasing our efforts to bridge the gap for our youth in transition between elementary and high school, we are modeling a unified system that sends the message that all youth matter (Balfanz, 2007; Ogbu, 1987). Middle school principals are now responsible for providing effective leadership in a wide variety of specific subjects. Principals today are encouraged to restructure a school by possessing and providing idealized attributes, idealized behaviors, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation and individualized consideration, all while creating a school climate that will yield successful academic improvement. The purpose of the study was to study the attributes and behaviors of middle school principals in successful Title I schools. This study explored the leadership styles and best practices reportedly used by the principals in order to meet the diverse needs of all students and increase academic achievement. The study examined the attributes and behaviors of Middle School Principals in Title I Schools. The role of the leader in shaping and directing the school towards academic success was also examined. The leadership style and practices of a principal play an important part in student achievement. Grasping the leadership practices and the effect of the practices on middle school achievement provides a wealth of knowledge that will advance our understanding of middle school students and improve student achievement. The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) was used to determine strengths and areas of improvement and a face-to-face interview was conducted to explore principals’ perceptions of their leadership practices. The MLQ measures a broad range of leadership types. In this study, principal leadership seemed to play a significant role in the success of the campus. All of the principals in the study exhibited attributes and behaviors that coincide with Transformational Leaders. Idealized Influence was included in the Top 3 for all of the Title I principals. The researcher searched for commonalities and differences. The findings from this study revealed that each of the four Title I middle school participants engaged in various initiatives and actions that contributed to their campus success. The first common initiative that all of the principals implemented was the alignment of curriculum to state standards. Secondly, all of the participants were highly visible in the classrooms. The principals believed they needed to be visible to parents, teachers, and students, and consistently communicate the vision for student success. Thirdly, the principals felt strongly about creating ways to empower teachers and staff to build leadership capacity and positive relationships. Finally, principals consistently communicated their vision to all stakeholders. These common behaviors were (a) ongoing monitoring and evaluation of programs, (b) visibility, (c) building relationships, (d) building leadership capacity, and (e) shared vision. Recognizing the attributes and behaviors shared by leaders who are successful in Title I schools will help school districts to identify those who would be effective in creating a climate of success within such a challenging environment.Educational Leadership and Policy Studies, Department o

    Hartmannas ir Sezemanas. Husserlio fenomenologijos kritika ir intuicijos problema

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    [full article and abstract in Lithuanian; abstract in English] This article deals with the problem of the relationship between intuition and construction. Nicolai Hartmann and Vasily Sesemann understand Husserl’s phenomenology as the practice of intuitive knowledge, which can be contrasted to conceptual construction. Both authors seek to join intuition and conceptual knowledge using the concept of dialectics, or the genesis of knowing. Their positions differ in valuing the relationship between intuition and construction. Hartmann emphasizes the perspective of the natural sciences as a necessary element of knowledge, and Sesemann criticizes scientific knowledge as objectifying and therefore insufficient to understand consciousness and values. Firstly, I discuss how Hartmann understands intuition and construction. Then I analyze how Sesemann explained the irrationality of givenness. Finally, I discuss how both philosophers justify the synthesis of intuition and construction.[straipsnis ir santrauka lietuvių kalba; santrauka anglų kalba] Straipsnyje nagrinėjama intuicijos ir konstravimo santykio problema pažinime. Nikolajus Hartmannas ir Vosylius Sezemanas supranta Edmundo Husserlio fenomenologiją kaip intuicija besiremiantį pažinimą, kuris yra priešingas konstravimu grindžiamam žinojimui. Abu autoriai kritikuoja Husserlio prieigą ir siūlo susieti intuiciją ir konstravimą naudojant dialektiką ir žinojimo genezės eksplikaciją. Hartmannas pabrėžia gamtos mokslų svarbą pažinime, o Sezemanas kritikuoja mokslinį pažinimą kaip nepakankamą, nes šis objektyvuoja sąmonę ir negali suprasti vertybių. Pirma, nagrinėju, kaip Hartmannas supranta intuicijos ir konstrukcijos santykį pažinime. Antra, analizuoju, kaip Sezemanas atskleidžia duoties iracionalumą. Galiausiai, aptariu, kaip abu autoriai siekia susieti intuiciją ir konstravimą

    Emmanuel Mayer, Die Objektivität der Werterkenntnis bei N. Hartmann, 1952

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    Vancourt R. Emmanuel Mayer, Die Objektivität der Werterkenntnis bei N. Hartmann, 1952. In: Revue des Sciences Religieuses, tome 29, fascicule 4, 1955. pp. 417-418

    Emmanuel Mayer, Die Objektivität der Werterkenntnis bei N. Hartmann, 1952

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    Vancourt R. Emmanuel Mayer, Die Objektivität der Werterkenntnis bei N. Hartmann, 1952. In: Revue des Sciences Religieuses, tome 29, fascicule 4, 1955. pp. 417-418

    Hegel'e göre Tanrı'nın varlığıyla ilgili kanıtların anlamı

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    İnsanın Tanrı'ya tabii yükselişi, tefekkür (reflexion) yardımıyla çözümlenmesi gereken, doğrudan bir veri gibidir. Ruhun, "Mutlak"a doğru kendiliğinden yüksel­mesi, bağlanabileceğimiz ve dinî yapıyı taşıyabilecek, üstün bir bilginin kurulmasına engel midir? Pietistler, bu doğrudan verilerle yetinmemizi isterler ve Tanrı'nın varlı­ğını kanıtlamaya çalışmayı, dinsizlik gibi görürler. Spener, öğrencilerine, akıl yürüt­ menin "susuz çölleri"nde yollarını şaşırmamalarını, "ateşli iman"a ve duygunun coşkunluğuna dayanmalarını tavsiye eder1 , felsefenin, Tann'nın varlığı konusunda, zayıf kanaatlar ortaya koyabildiğini hatırlatır. Hegel aynı fikirde değildir, iman ve duygu alanında, daha ileri gidebilmenin mümkün olduğu kanaatındadır. Ona göre, diğer doğrulamalardan kendimizi muaf tutsak bile, hiç olmazsa, bulduğumuz doğ­rudan veriye güvenme hakkına sahip olduğumuza güvenmemiz gerekir. Jacobi, doğrudan bilginin değerini ispatlamaktan, ulaştığı şeyi açıklamaktan kaçınabilir mi? Bu bilginin, değerine kendinin tanık olduğunu ileri sürenler buluna­ caktır. Fakat, yine de bunu ispat etmek gerekir; yoksa akıl tatmin olmayacaktır. Akıl, yerini duyguya bırakmaya çağrıldığında, bunun neden ve hangi şartlarda olduğunu bilmek ister. Sonuç olarak, her hipotezde, doğrudan dinî verilere basit dö­nüş yetmez. Jacobi ve Schleiermacher'in bunu yeterli görmelerinin nedeni, dinî tec­rübede, "Mutlak"la bir nevi esrarlı birleşmenin olduğunu kabul etmeleridir. Hegel, "Mutlak"la birleşmeyi, düşünme-öncesi (pre-reflexive), kendiliğinden zımnî bir dü­şünce gibi gördüğünden, Tanrı'nın varlığının kanıtlarının kapsamını ve anlamını ye­niden bulacak güçtedir