1,761 research outputs found

    Die Ontstaan en Ontwikkeling van die Pan-Afrikanisme en due implikasies daarvan

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    Dit was nie voor 1880 dat tropiese Afrika, dil is die grootste gedeelte van Wes-, Oos- en Midde-Afrika, deur ontdekkingsreisigers,handelaars en sendelinge tot so ’11 mate ontsluit is, dat dit in die vaarwater van die wêreldpolitiek geraak het nie. Lank voor hierdie tyd is natuurlik steunpunte aan die Wes-, Suid- en Ooskusdeur die Portugese en later die Nederlanders en Engelse eset ter wille van óf dieslawehandel en/óf as steunpunte op dielarig handelsweg na die ryke Ooste

    Die ,,Epistre au Lecteur" van Calvyn

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    Die gangbare opvatting ten opsigte van Calvyn se kuns- en musiekbeskouing soos dit blyk uit musiekgeskiedkundige bronne, stel hom voor as totaal wars van enige vorm van kuns

    Een en ander oor my ervaring in die Universiteit van Suid Afrika

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    Toe die Raad van die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika my teen die einde van 1944 uitgenooi het om ’n ondersoek in verband met die stelsel van eksterne studente aan die Universiteit in te stel, het ek reeds ’n redelike agtergronds kennis daarvan besit


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    Reeds in die vroeë Middeleeue het die voordrag van die lydensgeskiedenis van Christus deel gevorm van die liturgie van die Rooms-Katolieke Kerk

    Die pan-afrikanistiese vete teen Suid-Afrika

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    Die Pan-Afrikanisme het sy oorsprong onder die nako- melinge van die Negerslawe in die Wes-Indiese Eilande en die V.S.A. aan die begin van die huidige eeu. Aanvanklik was die hoofoogmerk die bestryding van diskrim inasie teen die Negers in Amerika en die sam esnoering van alle Negers in die wêreld in een beweging. Tydens en na die twee wêreldoorloë verskuif die sw aartepunt van die beweging na Afrika self en w ord dit die m ondstuk van die nuwe opkomende sw art nasio- nalisme wat veral gedra en gepropageer is deur ’n nuwe intellektuele elite opgelei in Europa en Amerika. Die hoof- doelstellings word van toe af die emansipasie en die eenheid van Afrika

    Non-traumatic injury profile of amateur cyclists

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    Background. Non-traumatic bicycle injuries are common. However, research available on non-traumatic injuries in amateur cyclists is more than a decade old, and most of the research on this topic has been done in Europe and America on professional cyclists in multi-day cycling events. An understanding of the common injuries may lead to appropriate prevention intervention. Objective. To determine the incidence of overuse injuries in amateur cyclists preparing for participation in a 1-day cycle challenge. Methods. A questionnaire was emailed to participants of the 2012 Momentum 94.7 Cycle Challenge, which amateur participants ≥18 years old were invited to complete. Data on demographics, training habits and the participants’ injury profile in the preceding year were collected. Results. Of the 3 300 respondents, 75% were male and 59% were between 30 and 50 years old. Non-traumatic injury, pain or neurological symptoms were reported by 88% of the respondents. The percentages of all respondents who experienced problems in the following anatomical areas were as follows: neck 34%, back 41%, hand/wrist 41%, buttock/perineum 41%, hip 7%, knee 33% and foot/ankle 24%. Knee pain was responsible for the need to stop training for the largest percentage of respondents. Neurological complaints were common in respondents who experienced neck, back, hand/wrist, buttock/perineum and foot/ankle problems. Conclusion. Non-traumatic injuries in amateur cyclists are common, with back, hand/wrist and buttock/perineal symptoms the most frequent problems. Knee problems caused the greatest need to stop training and seek medical help

    Replacing property rules with liability rules : encroachment by building

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    CITATION: Van Der Merwe, A. J. 2008. Replacing property rules with liability rules : encroachment by building. South African Law Journal, 125(3):592-628.The original publicatio is available at https://journals.co.za/content/journal/ju_saljAccording to South African common law, movables attached permanently to land lose their independence and become part of the land; the landowner 'acquires' ownership of them through accession. In encroachment cases it has accordingly always been said that the affected landowner could demand that the encroaching structures be removed, but since the decision of the Orange Free State High Court in Rand Waterraad v Bothma 1997 (3) SA 120 (O) it appears as if the South African courts might be inclined, in certain instances, to leave the encroachment in place and order the encroaching neighbour to pay compensation instead. At least in some cases, this replacement of a property rule with a liability rule might appear just and it generally seems to conform to trends in other modern legal systems. In some cases South African courts have gone even further and ordered that the land affected by encroachment be transferred to the encroacher against payment of compensation. Quite apart from the fairness of replacing injunctive relief with compensation, this raises the further question whether such a forced sale of land is legitimate in terms of s 25 of the South African Constitution.Publisers versio

    International comparisons of Foundation Phase number domain mathematics knowledge and practice standards

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    Poor mathematics performance in schools is both a national and an international concern. Teachers ought to be equipped with relevant subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge as one way to address this problem. However, no mathematics knowledge and practice standards have as yet been defined for the preparation of Foundation Phase student teachers in South Africa. To make recommendations for the drafting of such standards for final year Foundation Phase teachers, we compared different policy documents. We performed a document analysis on policy documents from South Africa, The Netherlands, Australia and North Carolina (United States of America), all of which addressed the number domain in mathematics. Our findings indicate that knowledge standards ought to include subject matter knowledge, while practice standards require pedagogical content knowledge, noting that neither of these are fulfilled in the education system in South Africa at present.Key words: foundation phase; knowledge and practice standards; mathematical knowledge; number domain; pedagogical content knowledge; policy documents; subject matter knowledg

    Efficacy of teachers in a number of selected schools in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa

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    No Abstract Available South African Journal of Education Vol.25(1) 2005: 38-4
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