3,064 research outputs found
Juvenile delinquence and juvenile justice in the Netherlands An overview of recent trends
In the 1990s, the interest in juvenile delinquency has grown substantially in the Netherlands as a result of an increase of serious crime, but also of specific events. In this paper we identify trends in juvenile delinquency in the Netherlands, based on police data as well as self-report studies. The over-all level of juvenile delinquency is fairly stable, but violence against persons shows a marked increase. Traditionally, the Dutch response to juvenile delinquency was mild, but probably due to changing crime patterns a trend has become discernible into the direction of tougher action. This trend is confirmed by a new juvenile criminal law, enacted in 1995. Recent policies in dealing with juvenile crime target both prevention and punishment.A lo largo de la década de los 90 la atención prestada a la delincuencia juvenil ha crecido notoriamente en Holanda debido al incremento de delitos graves, pero también a otros acontecimientos. En este articulo se identifican tendencias de la delincuencia juvenil en Holanda a partir, tanto de datos policiales, como de estudios mediante autoinformes. Las cifras globales de delincuencia juvenil se han mantenido estables, pero la violencia contra las personas muestra un acusado incremento. Tradicionalmente, la respuesta holandesa a la delincuencia juvenil ha sido suave, pero probablemente a causa de los cambios en las pautas delictivas se puede discernir una tendencia a la adopción de actuaciones más duras. Esta tendencia resulta confirmada por la nueva ley de justicia juvenil de 1995. Las políticas recientes ante la delincuencia juvenil presentan objetivos tanto preventivos como punitivos
The radio source B 1834+620: A double-double radio galaxy with interesting properties
We present a study of the peculiar radio galaxy B 1834+620. It is
characterised by the presence of a 420-kpc large edge-brightened radio source
which is situated within, and well aligned with, a larger (1.66 Mpc) radio
source. Both sources apparently originate in the same host galaxy, which has a
R_s-magnitude of 19.7 and a redshift of 0.5194, as determined from the strong
emission-lines in the spectrum. We have determined the rotation measures
towards this source, as well as the radio spectral energy distribution of its
components. The radio spectrum of the large outer source is steeper than that
of the smaller inner source. The radio core has a spectrum that peaks at a
frequency of a few GHz. The rotation measures towards the four main components
are quite similar, within rad m of 58 rad m. They are
probably largely galactic in origin. We have used the presence of a bright
hotspot in the northern outer lobe to constrain the advance velocity of the
inner radio lobes to the range between 0.19c and 0.29c, depending on the
orientation of the source. This corresponds to an age of this structure in the
range between 2.6 and 5.8 Myr. We estimate a density of the ambient medium of
the inner lobes of \la 1.6 \times 10^{-30} gr\,cm (particle density
\la 8 \times 10^{-7} cm). A low ambient density is further supported
by the discrepancy between the large optical emission-line luminosity of the
host galaxy and the relatively low radio power of the inner lobes.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA
Exploring differences in social disclosures internationally: A stakeholder perspective
Country of origin is considered to be an important determinant of the level and type of corporate social disclosure. In this paper, we use stakeholder theory to explain differ- ences in social disclosure among countries. We argue that the manner in which the role of a corporation and its stakeholders is defined in a society will affect the extent and quality of corporate social disclosure (CSD) in annual reports. Our findings based on a content analysis of 1998 and 1999 annual reports for 32 Norwegian/Danish companies and 26 US companies in the electric power generation industry, lend support to the stakeholder explanation for observed international differences in CSD
Scholars, Concepts and Discoveries: A 3 x 3 Silhouette
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Does the adoption of IFRS affect corporate social disclosure in annual reports?
In this exploratory study we investigate the impact of the implementation of IFRS on corporate social disclosures (CSD) within the context of stakeholder theory. We measure the level of CSD in annual reports using a disclosure instrument based on the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development report “Guidance on Corporate Responsibility Indicators in Annual Reports”. We find that IFRS adoption had a differential effect on CSD based on a firm\u27s institutional setting i.e., the stakeholder–management relationship prevalent in their institutional environment. Firms in the stakeholder countries did not have a significant change in the level of CSD following the mandatory adoption of IFRS while firms from the shareholder countries experienced a significant increase over the same period resulting in shareholder countries providing an overall higher level of CSD after IFRS adoption than stakeholder countries. These findings suggest that firms\u27 reactions to the requirements of IFRS and the stakeholder pressure to provide additional CSD are influenced by institutional environment. Further, our results provide support for the use of stakeholder theory to predict the level of CSD
Imaging and manipulation of skyrmion lattice domains in Cu2OSeO3
Nanoscale chiral skyrmions in noncentrosymmetric helimagnets are promising
binary state variables in high-density, low-energy nonvolatile memory.
Skyrmions are ubiquitous as an ordered, single-domain lattice phase, which
makes it difficult to write information unless they are spatially broken up
into smaller units, each representing a bit. Thus, the formation and
manipulation of skyrmion lattice domains is a prerequisite for memory
applications. Here, using an imaging technique based on resonant magnetic x-ray
diffraction, we demonstrate the mapping and manipulation of skyrmion lattice
domains in Cu2OSeO3. The material is particularly interesting for applications
owing to its insulating nature, allowing for electric field-driven domain
manipulation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
Synchrotron Radiation Techniques and their Application to Actinide Materials
Research on actinide materials, both basic and applied, has been greatly
advanced by the general techniques available from high-intensity photon beams
from x-ray synchrotron sources. The most important single reason is that such
x-ray sources can work with minute (e.g., microgram) samples, and at this
level, the radioactive hazards of actinides are much reduced. We start by
discussing the form and encapsulation procedures used for different techniques,
then discuss the basic theory for interpreting the results. By reviewing a
selection of x-ray diffraction (XRD), resonant elastic x-ray scattering (REXS),
x-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD), resonant and non-resonant inelastic
scattering (RIXS, NIXS), dispersive inelastic x-ray scattering (IXS), and
conventional and resonant photoemission experiments, we demonstrate the
potential of synchrotron radiation techniques in studying lattice and
electronic structure, hybridization effects, multipolar order, and lattice
dynamics in actinide materials.Comment: To be published in Reviews of Modern Physics; 57 pages, 36 figures,
475 reference
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