940 research outputs found

    A new and versatile method for the successful conversion of AFLP-TM markers into simple single locus markers

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    Genetic markers can efficiently be obtained by using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting because no prior information on DNA sequence is required. However, the conversion of AFLP markers from complex fingerprints into simple single locus assays is perceived as problematic because DNA sequence information is required for the design of new locus-specific PCR primers. In addition, single locus polymorphism (SNP) information is required to design an allele-specific assay. This paper describes a new and versatile method for the conversion of AFLP markers into simple assays. The protocol presented in this paper offers solutions for frequently occurring pitfalls and describes a procedure for the identification of the SNP responsible for the AFLP. By following this approach, a high success rate for the conversion of AFLP markers into locus-specific markers was obtained

    The non-linguistic status of the Symmetry Condition in signed languages: Evidence from a comparison of signs and speechaccompanying representational gestures

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    Since Battison (1978), it has been noted in many signed languages that the Symmetry Condition constrains the form of two-handed signs in which two hands move independently. The Condition states that the form features (e.g., the handshapes and movements) of the two hands are 'symmetrical'. The Symmetry Condition has been regarded in the literature as a part of signed language phonology. In this study, we examine the linguistic status of the Symmetry Condition by comparing the degree of symmetry in signs from Sign Language of the Netherlands and speech-accompanying representational gestures produced by Dutch speakers. Like signed language, such gestures use hand movements to express concepts, but they do not constitute a linguistic system in their own right. We found that the Symmetry Condition holds equally well for signs and spontaneous gestures. This indicates that this condition is a general cognitive constraint, rather than a constraint specific to language. We suggest that the Symmetry Condition is a manifestation of the mind having one active 'mental articulator' when expressing a concept with hand movement

    An Interacting Galaxy System Along a Filament in a Void

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    Cosmological voids provide a unique environment for the study of galaxy formation and evolution. The galaxy population in their interior have significantly different properties than average field galaxies. As part of our Void Galaxy Survey (VGS), we have found a system of three interacting galaxies (VGS_31) inside a large void. VGS_31 is a small elongated group whose members are embedded in a common HI envelope. The HI picture suggests a filamentary structure with accretion of intergalactic cold gas from the filament onto the galaxies. We present deep optical and narrow band H_alpha data, optical spectroscopy, near-UV and far-UV GALEX and CO(1-0) data. We find that one of the galaxies, a Markarian object, has a ring-like structure and a tail evident both in optical and HI. While all three galaxies form stars in their central parts, the tail and the ring of the Markarian object are devoid of star formation. We discuss these findings in terms of a gravitational interaction and ongoing growth of galaxies out of a filament. VGS_31 is one of the first observed examples of a filamentary structure in a void. It is an important prototype for understanding the formation of substructure in a void. This system also shows that the galaxy evolution in voids can be as dynamic as in high density environments.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in A

    KK246, a dwarf galaxy with extended H I disk in the Local Void

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    We have found that KK 246, the only confirmed galaxy located within the nearby Tully Void, is a dwarf galaxy with an extremely extended H I disk and signs of an H I cloud with anomalous velocity. It also exhibits clear misalignment between the kinematical major and minor axes, indicative of an oval distortion, and a general misalignment between the H I and optical major axes. We measure a H I mass of 1.05 +- 0.08 x 10^8 M_sun, and a H I extent 5 times that of the stellar disk, one of the most extended H I disks known. We estimate a dynamical mass of 4.1 x 10^9 M_sun, making this also one of the darkest galaxies known, with a mass-to-light ratio of 89. The relative isolation and extreme underdense environment make this an interesting case for examining the role of gas accretion in galaxy evolution.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A

    Tidal Remnants and Intergalactic HII Regions

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    We report the discovery of two small intergalactic HII regions in the loose group of galaxies around the field elliptical NGC 1490. The HII regions are located at least 100 kpc from any optical galaxy but are associated with a number of large HI clouds that are lying along an arc 500 kpc in length and that have no optical counterpart on the Digital Sky Survey. The sum of the HI masses of the clouds is almost 10^10 M_sun and the largest HI cloud is about 100 kpc in size. Deep optical imaging reveals a very low surface brightness counterpart to this largest HI cloud, making this one of the HI richest optical galaxies known (M_HI/L_V~200). Spectroscopy of the HII regions indicates that the abundance in these HII regions is only slightly sub-solar, excluding a primordial origin of the HI clouds. The HI clouds are perhaps remnants resulting from the tidal disruption of a reasonably sized galaxy, probably quite some time ago, by the loose group to which NGC1490 belongs. Alternatively, they are remnants of the merger that created the field elliptical NGC1490. The isolated HII regions show that star formation on a very small scale can occur in intergalactic space in gas drawn from galaxies by tidal interactions. Many such intergalactic small star formation regions may exist near tidally interacting galaxies.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of the IAU Symposium #217, Recycling Intergalactic and Interstellar Matter, eds. P.-A. Duc, J. Braine, and E. Brinks, 6 pages with low resolution figures. The full paper with high resolution images can be downloaded from http://www.astron.nl/~morganti/Papers/cloud.ps.g

    From gas to galaxies

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    The unsurpassed sensitivity and resolution of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) will make it possible for the first time to probe the continuum emission of normal star forming galaxies out to the edges of the universe. This opens the possibility for routinely using the radio continuum emission from galaxies for cosmological research as it offers an independent probe of the evolution of the star formation density in the universe. In addition it offers the possibility to detect the first star forming objects and massive black holes. In deep surveys SKA will be able to detect HI in emission out to redshifts of z2.5z \approx 2.5 and hence be able to trace the conversion of gas into stars over an era where considerable evolution is taking place. Such surveys will be able to uniquely determine the respective importance of merging and accreting gas flows for galaxy formation over this redshift range (i.e. out to when the universe was only one third its present age). It is obvious that only SKA will able to see literally where and how gas is turned into stars. These and other aspects of SKA imaging of galaxies will be discussed.Comment: To be published in New Astronomy Reviews, Elsevier, Amsterdam as part of "Science with the Square Kilometre Array", eds. C. Carilli and S. Rawlings. 18 pages + 13 figures; high resolution version and other chapters of "Science with the Square Kilometre Array" available at http://www.skatelescope.org/pages/science_gen.ht

    Large-scale HI in nearby radio galaxies: segregation in neutral gas content with radio source size

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    We present results of a study of neutral hydrogen (HI) in a complete sample of nearby non-cluster radio galaxies. We find that radio galaxies with large amounts of extended HI (M_HI >= 10^9 M_solar) all have a compact radio source. The host galaxies of the more extended radio sources, all of Fanaroff & Riley type-I, do not contain these amounts of HI. We discuss several possible explanations for this segregation. The large-scale HI is mainly distributed in disk- and ring-like structures with sizes up to 190 kpc and masses up to 2 x 10^10 M_solar. The formation of these structures could be related to past merger events, although in some cases it may also be consistent with a cold-accretion scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in A&A Letters. A version with full resolution figures can be found at http://www.astro.rug.nl/~emonts/emonts_HIletter_jan07.pd