6,770 research outputs found

    Visual claudicatio: diagnosis with 64-slice computed tomography

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    Kuwaitiella rubra gen. et sp. nov. (Bangiales, Rhodophyta), a new filamentous genus and species from the north-western Indian Ocean

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many thanks to Bivin Thomas, Pupa Kumai and Hedda Weitz for helping in the laboratory and improving this manuscript, to Ioanna Kosma for diving, to Yusuf Buhadi for assistance during field work, archiving and preparation of herbarium specimens, and to Tatiana Mikhaylova for micrographs of previously collected filamentous red algae from Kuwait. We are grateful to La′ala Kuwait Real Estate Company and especially Mr. Fawaz Al-Marzouq for providing the salinity data. The present work is part of MHH's PhD thesis ‘Macroalgal biodiversity of Kuwait, with special emphasis on the vicinity of desalination plants’ funded by a PhD fellowship from the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences. FCK received support from the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland pooling initiative. MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. Work of AFP was in part supported by the project IDEALG (France: ANR-10-BTBR-04). Research Funding Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Grant Number: 10-BTBR-04 Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland IDEALG. Grant Number: ANR-10-BTBR-04 Scottish Funding Council. Grant Number: HR09011 Marine Alliance for Science and Technology Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of SciencesPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Impactbox:De Kracht van Naoberschap

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    De Hanzehogeschool heeft in opdracht van de gemeente Midden-Drenthe een meetinstrument ontwikkeld om de waarde van ondernemende dorpen in kaart te brengen. Kyra Luijters, lid van het lectoraat DFO, voerde dit onderzoek uit in samenwerking met verschillende dorpsinitiatieven

    A valley-spin qubit in a carbon nanotube

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    Although electron spins in III-V semiconductor quantum dots have shown great promise as qubits, a major challenge is the unavoidable hyperfine decoherence in these materials. In group IV semiconductors, the dominant nuclear species are spinless, allowing for qubit coherence times that have been extended up to seconds in diamond and silicon. Carbon nanotubes are a particularly attractive host material, because the spin-orbit interaction with the valley degree of freedom allows for electrical manipulation of the qubit. In this work, we realise such a qubit in a nanotube double quantum dot. The qubit is encoded in two valley-spin states, with coherent manipulation via electrically driven spin resonance (EDSR) mediated by a bend in the nanotube. Readout is performed by measuring the current in Pauli blockade. Arbitrary qubit rotations are demonstrated, and the coherence time is measured via Hahn echo. Although the measured decoherence time is only 65 ns in our current device, this work offers the possibility of creating a qubit for which hyperfine interaction can be virtually eliminated