393 research outputs found

    Hypoglycemia and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Diabetes Hospitalized in the General Ward

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    OBJECTIVE: Hypoglycemia is associated with adverse outcomes in mixed populations of patients in intensive care units. It is not known whether the same risks exist for diabetic patients who are less severely ill. In this study, we aimed to determine whether hypoglycemic episodes are associated with higher mortality in diabetic patients hospitalized in the general ward. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: This retrospective cohort study analyzed 4,368 admissions of 2,582 patients with diabetes hospitalized in the general ward of a teaching hospital between January 2003 and August 2004. The associations between the number and severity of hypoglycemic (≤50 mg/dl) episodes and inpatient mortality, length of stay (LOS), and mortality within 1 year after discharge were evaluated. RESULTS: Hypoglycemia was observed in 7.7% of admissions. In multivariable analysis, each additional day with hypoglycemia was associated with an increase of 85.3% in the odds of inpatient death (P = 0.009) and 65.8% (P = 0.0003) in the odds of death within 1 year from discharge. The odds of inpatient death also rose threefold for every 10 mg/dl decrease in the lowest blood glucose during hospitalization (P = 0.0058). LOS increased by 2.5 days for each day with hypoglycemia (P < 0.0001). CONCLUSIONS: Hypoglycemia is common in diabetic patients hospitalized in the general ward. Patients with hypoglycemia have increased LOS and higher mortality both during and after admission. Measures should be undertaken to decrease the frequency of hypoglycemia in this high-risk patient population

    Greenhouse gas emissions in The Netherlands 1990-2012 : National Inventory Report 2014

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    In 2012 is de totale uitstoot van broeikasgassen van Nederland, zoals CO2, methaan en lachgas, met ongeveer 1,7 procent gedaald ten opzichte van 2011. Deze daling komt vooral door een lager brandstofgebruik in de energie- en transportsector. Dit lijkt een gevolg van de economische recessie, waardoor emissies door elektriciteitsproductie en het wegtransport in Nederland zijn afgenomen. Cijfers De totale broeikasgasemissie wordt uitgedrukt in CO2-equivalenten en bedraagt in 2012 191,7 teragram (megaton of miljard kilogram) . Ten opzichte van de uitstoot in het Kyoto-basisjaar (213,2 Tg CO2-equivalenten) is dit een afname van ongeveer 10 procent. Het basisjaar, dat afhankelijk van het broeikasgas 1990 of 1995 is, dient voor het Kyoto-protocol als referentie voor de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. De uitstoot van de overige broeikasgassen zoals lachgas en methaan is sinds het basisjaar met 51 procent afgenomen. De CO2-uitstoot daarentegen is in deze periode met 4 procent gestegen. Landen zijn voor het Kyoto-protocol verplicht om de totale uitstoot van broeikasgassen op twee manieren te rapporteren: met en zonder het soort landgebruik en de verandering daarin. Dit is namelijk van invloed op de uitstoot van broeikasgassen. Voorbeelden zijn natuurontwikkeling (dat CO2 bindt) of ontbossing (waardoor CO2 wordt uitgestoten). In bovengenoemde getallen zijn deze zogeheten LULUCF-emissies (Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry) niet meegenomen. Overige onderdelen inventarisatie Het RIVM stelt jaarlijks op verzoek van het Ministerie van Infrastructuur en Milieu (IenM) de inventarisatie van broeikasgasemissies op. De inventarisatie bevat trendanalyses om ontwikkelingen in de uitstoot van broeikasgassen tussen 1990 en 2012 te verklaren, en een analyse van de onzekerheid in deze getallen. Ook is aangegeven welke bronnen het meest aan deze onzekerheid bijdragen. Daarnaast biedt de inventarisatie documentatie van de gebruikte berekeningsmethoden, databronnen en toegepaste emissiefactoren. Met deze inventarisatie voldoet Nederland aan de nationale rapportageverplichtingen voor 2012 van het Klimaatverdrag van de Verenigde Naties (UNFCCC), van het Kyoto-Protocol en van het Bewakingsmechanisme Broeikasgassen van de Europese Unie.Total greenhouse gas emissions from the Netherlands in 2012 decreased by approximately 1.7 per cent, compared with 2011 emissions. This decrease is mainly the result of decreased fuel combustion in the Energy sector (increased electricity import) and in road transport. In 2012, total direct greenhouse gas emissions (excluding emissions from LULUCF - land use, land use change and forestry) in the Netherlands amounted to 191.7 Tg CO2 eq. This is approximately 10 per cent below the emissions in the base year (213.2 Tg CO2 eq.). The 51% reduction in the non-CO2 emissions in this period is counterbalanced by 4 per cent increase in CO2 emissions since 1990. This report documents the Netherlands' 2014 annual submission of its greenhouse gas emissions inventory in accordance with the guidelines provided by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol and the European Union's Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Mechanism. The report comprises explanations of observed trends in emissions; a description of an assessment of key sources and their uncertainty; documentation of methods, data sources and emission factors applied; and a description of the quality assurance system and the verification activities performed on the data.Ministerie van I&

    The copper-transporting capacity of ATP7A mutants associated with Menkes disease is ameliorated by COMMD1 as a result of improved protein expression

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    Menkes disease (MD) is an X-linked recessive disorder characterized by copper deficiency resulting in a diminished function of copper-dependent enzymes. Most MD patients die in early childhood, although mild forms of MD have also been described. A diversity of mutations in the gene encoding of the Golgi-resident copper-transporting P1B-type ATPase ATP7A underlies MD. To elucidate the molecular consequences of the ATP7A mutations, various mutations in ATP7A associated with distinct phenotypes of MD (L873R, C1000R, N1304S, and A1362D) were analyzed in detail. All mutants studied displayed changes in protein expression and intracellular localization parallel to a dramatic decline in their copper-transporting capacity compared to ATP7A the wild-type. We restored these observed defects in ATP7A mutant proteins by culturing the cells at 30°C, which improves the quality of protein folding, similar to that which as has recently has been demonstrated for misfolded ATP7B, a copper transporter homologous to ATP7A. Further, the effect of the canine copper toxicosis protein COMMD1 on ATP7A function was examined as COMMD1 has been shown to regulate the proteolysis of ATP7B proteins. Interestingly, in addition to adjusted growth temperature, binding of COMMD1 partially restored the expression, subcellular localization, and copper-exporting activities of the ATP7A mutants. However, no effect of pharmacological chaperones was observed. Together, the presented data might provide a new direction for developing therapies to improve the residual exporting activity of unstable ATP7A mutant proteins, and suggests a potential role for COMMD1 in this process

    Design and Organization of the Dexamethasone, Light Anesthesia and Tight Glucose Control (DeLiT) Trial: a factorial trial evaluating the effects of corticosteroids, glucose control, and depth-of-anesthesia on perioperative inflammation and morbidity from major non-cardiac surgery

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The perioperative period is characterized by an intense inflammatory response. Perioperative inflammation promotes postoperative morbidity and increases mortality. Blunting the inflammatory response to surgical trauma might thus improve perioperative outcomes. We are studying three interventions that potentially modulate perioperative inflammation: corticosteroids, tight glucose control, and light anesthesia.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>The DeLiT Trial is a factorial randomized single-center trial of dexamethasone vs placebo, intraoperative tight vs. conventional glucose control, and light vs deep anesthesia in patients undergoing major non-cardiac surgery. Anesthetic depth will be estimated with Bispectral Index (BIS) monitoring (Aspect medical, Newton, MA). The primary outcome is a composite of major postoperative morbidity including myocardial infarction, stroke, sepsis, and 30-day mortality. C-reactive protein, a measure of the inflammatory response, will be evaluated as a secondary outcome. One-year all-cause mortality as well as post-operative delirium will be additional secondary outcomes. We will enroll up to 970 patients which will provide 90% power to detect a 40% reduction in the primary outcome, including interim analyses for efficacy and futility at 25%, 50% and 75% enrollment.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The DeLiT trial started in February 2007. We expect to reach our second interim analysis point in 2010. This large randomized controlled trial will provide a reliable assessment of the effects of corticosteroids, glucose control, and depth-of-anesthesia on perioperative inflammation and morbidity from major non-cardiac surgery. The factorial design will enable us to simultaneously study the effects of the three interventions in the same population, both individually and in different combinations. Such a design is an economically efficient way to study the three interventions in one clinical trial vs three.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p><b>This trial is registered at </b>Clinicaltrials.gov <b>#</b>: NTC00433251</p

    Atorvastatin Improves Survival in Septic Rats: Effect on Tissue Inflammatory Pathway and on Insulin Signaling

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the survival-improving effect of atorvastatin in sepsis is accompanied by a reduction in tissue activation of inflammatory pathways and, in parallel, an improvement in tissue insulin signaling in rats. Diffuse sepsis was induced by cecal ligation and puncture surgery (CLP) in male Wistar rats. Serum glucose and inflammatory cytokines levels were assessed 24 h after CLP. The effect of atorvastatin on survival of septic animals was investigated in parallel with insulin signaling and its modulators in liver, muscle and adipose tissue. Atorvastatin improves survival in septic rats and this improvement is accompanied by a marked improvement in insulin sensitivity, characterized by an increase in glucose disappearance rate during the insulin tolerance test. Sepsis induced an increase in the expression/activation of TLR4 and its downstream signaling JNK and IKK/NF-κB activation, and blunted insulin-induced insulin signaling in liver, muscle and adipose tissue; atorvastatin reversed all these alterations in parallel with a decrease in circulating levels of TNF-α and IL-6. In summary, this study demonstrates that atorvastatin treatment increased survival, with a significant effect upon insulin sensitivity, improving insulin signaling in peripheral tissues of rats during peritoneal-induced sepsis. The effect of atorvastatin on the suppression of the TLR-dependent inflammatory pathway may play a central role in regulation of insulin signaling and survival in sepsis insult

    Why Are Clinicians Not Embracing the Results from Pivotal Clinical Trials in Severe Sepsis? A Bayesian Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Five pivotal clinical trials (Intensive Insulin Therapy; Recombinant Human Activated Protein C [rhAPC]; Low-Tidal Volume; Low-Dose Steroid; Early Goal-Directed Therapy [EGDT]) demonstrated mortality reduction in patients with severe sepsis and expert guidelines have recommended them to clinical practice. Yet, the adoption of these therapies remains low among clinicians. OBJECTIVES: We selected these five trials and asked: Question 1--What is the current probability that the new therapy is not better than the standard of care in my patient with severe sepsis? Question 2--What is the current probability of reducing the relative risk of death (RRR) of my patient with severe sepsis by meaningful clinical thresholds (RRR >15%; >20%; >25%)? METHODS: Bayesian methodologies were applied to this study. Odds ratio (OR) was considered for Question 1, and RRR was used for Question 2. We constructed prior distributions (enthusiastic; mild, moderate, and severe skeptic) based on various effective sample sizes of other relevant clinical trials (unfavorable evidence). Posterior distributions were calculated by combining the prior distributions and the data from pivotal trials (favorable evidence). MAIN FINDINGS: Answer 1--The analysis based on mild skeptic prior shows beneficial results with the Intensive Insulin, rhAPC, and Low-Tidal Volume trials, but not with the Low-Dose Steroid and EGDT trials. All trials' results become unacceptable by the analyses using moderate or severe skeptic priors. Answer 2--If we aim for a RRR>15%, the mild skeptic analysis shows that the current probability of reducing death by this clinical threshold is 88% for the Intensive Insulin, 62-65% for the Low-Tidal Volume, rhAPC, EGDT trials, and 17% for the Low-Dose Steroid trial. The moderate and severe skeptic analyses show no clinically meaningful reduction in the risk of death for all trials. If we aim for a RRR >20% or >25%, all probabilities of benefits become lower independent of the degree of skepticism. CONCLUSIONS: Our clinical threshold analysis offers a new bedside tool to be directly applied to the care of patients with severe sepsis. Our results demonstrate that the strength of evidence (statistical and clinical) is weak for all trials, particularly for the Low-Dose Steroid and EGDT trials. It is essential to replicate the results of each of these five clinical trials in confirmatory studies if we want to provide patient care based on scientifically sound evidence

    Off-line breath acetone analysis in critical illness

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    Analysis of breath acetone could be useful in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) setting to monitor evidence of starvation and metabolic stress. The aims of this study were to examine the relationship between acetone concentrations in breath and blood in critical illness, to explore any changes in breath acetone concentration over time and correlate these with clinical features. Consecutive patients, ventilated on controlled modes in a mixed ICU, with stress hyperglycaemia requiring insulin therapy and/or new pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiograph were recruited. Once daily, triplicate end-tidal breath samples were collected and analysed off-line by selected ion flow tube mass spectrometry (SIFT-MS). Thirty-two patients were recruited (20 males), median age 61.5 years (range 26–85 years). The median breath acetone concentration of all samples was 853 ppb (range 162–11 375 ppb) collected over a median of 3 days (range 1–8). There was a trend towards a reduction in breath acetone concentration over time. Relationships were seen between breath acetone and arterial acetone (rs = 0.64, p < 0.0001) and arterial beta-hydroxybutyrate (rs = 0.52, p < 0.0001) concentrations. Changes in breath acetone concentration over time corresponded to changes in arterial acetone concentration. Some patients remained ketotic despite insulin therapy and normal arterial glucose concentrations. This is the first study to look at breath acetone concentration in ICU patients for up to 8 days. Breath acetone concentration may be used as a surrogate for arterial acetone concentration, which may in future have a role in the modulation of insulin and feeding in critical illness

    Ischaemic accumulation of succinate controls reperfusion injury through mitochondrial ROS.

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    Ischaemia-reperfusion injury occurs when the blood supply to an organ is disrupted and then restored, and underlies many disorders, notably heart attack and stroke. While reperfusion of ischaemic tissue is essential for survival, it also initiates oxidative damage, cell death and aberrant immune responses through the generation of mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS). Although mitochondrial ROS production in ischaemia reperfusion is established, it has generally been considered a nonspecific response to reperfusion. Here we develop a comparative in vivo metabolomic analysis, and unexpectedly identify widely conserved metabolic pathways responsible for mitochondrial ROS production during ischaemia reperfusion. We show that selective accumulation of the citric acid cycle intermediate succinate is a universal metabolic signature of ischaemia in a range of tissues and is responsible for mitochondrial ROS production during reperfusion. Ischaemic succinate accumulation arises from reversal of succinate dehydrogenase, which in turn is driven by fumarate overflow from purine nucleotide breakdown and partial reversal of the malate/aspartate shuttle. After reperfusion, the accumulated succinate is rapidly re-oxidized by succinate dehydrogenase, driving extensive ROS generation by reverse electron transport at mitochondrial complex I. Decreasing ischaemic succinate accumulation by pharmacological inhibition is sufficient to ameliorate in vivo ischaemia-reperfusion injury in murine models of heart attack and stroke. Thus, we have identified a conserved metabolic response of tissues to ischaemia and reperfusion that unifies many hitherto unconnected aspects of ischaemia-reperfusion injury. Furthermore, these findings reveal a new pathway for metabolic control of ROS production in vivo, while demonstrating that inhibition of ischaemic succinate accumulation and its oxidation after subsequent reperfusion is a potential therapeutic target to decrease ischaemia-reperfusion injury in a range of pathologies

    Ground-γ\gamma band coupling in heavy deformed nuclei and SU(3) contraction limit

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    We derive analytic expressions for the energies and B(E2)B(E2)-transition probabilities in the states of the ground and γ\gamma bands of heavy deformed nuclei within a collective Vector-Boson Model with SU(3) dynamical symmetry. On this basis we examine the analytic behavior of the SU(3) energy splitting and the B(E2) interband transition ratios in the SU(3) contraction limits of the model. The theoretical analyses outline physically reasonable ways in which the ground-γ\gamma band coupling vanishes. The experimental data on the lowest collective states of even-even rare earth nuclei and actinides strongly support the theoretical results. They suggest that a transition from the ground-γ\gamma band coupling scheme to a scheme in which the ground band is situated in a separate irreducible representation of SU(3) should be realized towards the midshell regions. We propose that generally the SU(3) group contraction process should play an important role for such a kind of transitions in any collective band coupling scheme in heavy deformed nuclei.Comment: 24 pages (LaTeX), 7 figures (12 postscript files