1,353 research outputs found

    Entire domain basis function expansion of the differential surface admittance for efficient broadband characterization of lossy interconnects

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    This article presents a full-wave method to characterize lossy conductors in an interconnect setting. To this end, a novel and accurate differential surface admittance operator for cuboids based on entire domain basis functions is formulated. By combining this new operator with the augmented electric field integral equation, a comprehensive broadband characterization is obtained. Compared with the state of the art in differential surface admittance operator modeling, we prove the accuracy and improved speed of the novel formulation. Additional examples support these conclusions by comparing the results with commerical software tools and with measurements

    In Conversation with Mubin Shaikh: From Salafi Jihadist to Undercover Agent inside the "Toronto 18" Terrorist Group

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    This interview with former undercover agent Mubin Shaikh can help academics and security practitioners understand the key role played and the challenges faced by covert human intelligence sources within domestic terrorist groups. The interview highlights the identity crisis, the personal factors, and the allure of jihadi militancy that initially drove Shaikh to join a Salafi jihadist group. It investigates Shaikh’s process of disengagement from the Salafi jihadist belief system and his rediscovery of a moderate, inclusive, and benevolent form of Islam. It explores his work as an undercover agent for the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, and the Integrated National Security Enforcement Team responsible for disrupting domestic terrorist groups. The “Toronto 18” terrorist cell, the key role played by undercover agents in preventing terrorist action, and the challenges posed by entrapment are also discussed

    Nucleic acid detection with surface plasmon resonance using cationic latex

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    An affinity sensor based on Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR) was used to detect nucleic acids. SPR is an optical technique that is able to detect small changes in the refractive index of the immediate vicinity of a metal surface. After a specific amplification of DNA, achieved using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), detection was accomplished through the application of latex particle intermediates. The assay was based on the inhibition of latex particle adsorption to a metal surface by DNA. The amount of latex present determined the sensitivity of the inhibition assay. The adsorption behaviour of latex particles at a gold surface was investigated using SPR. The parameters that played an important role in this adsorption were ionic strength and pH

    The association of preoperative anxiety and depression with neurocognitive disorder following oncological surgery

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    Background: The proposed underlying mechanisms of anxiety and depression, and of postoperative neurocognitive disorder (NCD), each include immune system involvement. Therefore, the aims of this study were to investigate the incidence of postoperative NCD 3 months after surgery among oncological patients undergoing surgery and to evaluate the role of preoperative anxiety and depression. Method: A consecutive series of patients (age ≥ 18 years) undergoing surgery for the removal of solid tumors were included (n = 218). Cognitive performance was assessed preoperatively and at 3 months postoperatively. Preoperative anxiety and depression were evaluated using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. Results: NCD affected 12.3% of elderly patients (age ≥ 70 years, n = 57) at 3 months after surgery, with executive function mostly affected. By contrast, 8.4% of younger patients (age < 70 years, n = 107) were affected, with information processing speed mostly affected. Low educational attainment was a risk factor (OR, 6.0; 95% CI, 1.9–19.0) of overall NCD, whereas preoperative anxiety was associated with decline in the domain of executive function. Conclusion: Postoperative NCD is a complication of oncological surgery for all adults instead of the elderly only. Preoperative anxiety was associated with an increased risk of executive function decline, and low educational attainment was a key factor for overall NCD

    The association between the inflammatory response to surgery and postoperative complications in older patients with cancer; a prospective prognostic factor study

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    BACKGROUND: Accurate prognostic biomarkers would substantially improve surgical planning and decisions making yet no studies have been reported exploring the inflammatory response in surgically treated older patients with cancer. The aim of this study was to explore inflammatory biomarkers as potential prognostic factors for postoperative complications within 30 days in older patients with cancer. METHOD: Patients 65 years and older undergoing surgery for removal of a solid malignant tumour were included in an observational cohort study. All complications occurring up to 30 days postoperatively were documented prospectively. Inflammatory markers were measured in plasma samples pre- and postoperatively: C-reactive protein (CRP), Interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, and Tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α). Associations between inflammatory markers and postoperative complications were explored using logistic regression analysis. RESULTS: Between July 2010 and April 2014, plasma samples of 224 patients were collected. Median age was 72 (65-89) years and 116 (51.8%) patients were female. Approximately half of the patients developed postoperative complications (49.6%) of whom 62 patients (55.9%) developed >1 complication. An independent prognostic effect was observed for the inflammatory biomarkers IL-6 and IL-10 for the occurrence of postoperative complications. CONCLUSION: The perioperative inflammatory response is associated with complications, independently from patient and surgical factors which are also associated with outcome. Research is warranted towards further exploration of the perioperative inflammatory response with the aim to improve perioperative care and outcome, and might help to improve surgical planning and decision making for older patients with cancer

    The Taurus Boundary of Stellar/Substellar (TBOSS) Survey II. Disk Masses from ALMA Continuum Observations

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    We report 885μ\mum ALMA continuum flux densities for 24 Taurus members spanning the stellar/substellar boundary, with spectral types from M4 to M7.75. Of the 24 systems, 22 are detected at levels ranging from 1.0-55.6 mJy. The two non-detections are transition disks, though other transition disks in the sample are detected. Converting ALMA continuum measurements to masses using standard scaling laws and radiative transfer modeling yields dust mass estimates ranging from \sim0.3-20M_{\oplus}. The dust mass shows a declining trend with central object mass when combined with results from submillimeter surveys of more massive Taurus members. The substellar disks appear as part of a continuous sequence and not a distinct population. Compared to older Upper Sco members with similar masses across the substellar limit, the Taurus disks are brighter and more massive. Both Taurus and Upper Sco populations are consistent with an approximately linear relationship in MdustM_{dust} to MstarM_{star}, although derived power-law slopes depend strongly upon choices of stellar evolutionary model and dust temperature relation. The median disk around early M-stars in Taurus contains a comparable amount of mass in small solids as the average amount of heavy elements in Kepler planetary systems on short-period orbits around M-dwarf stars, with an order of magnitude spread in disk dust mass about the median value. Assuming a gas:dust ratio of 100:1, only a small number of low-mass stars and brown dwarfs have a total disk mass amenable to giant planet formation, consistent with the low frequency of giant planets orbiting M-dwarfs.Comment: 41 pages and 32 figures, with all tables and appendices presented here in their entirety. Accepted for publication in AJ (November 26, 2017