2,234 research outputs found

    Skills Obsolescence: Causes and Cures

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    Until now there has been surprisingly little research on the causes of and the remedies for skills obsolescence. This study tries to fill that gap to some extent by analysing the relation between risk factors and skills obsolescence. Moreover, the role remedies play to counter skills obsolescence is analysed. Four empirical analyses that relate skills obsolescence to risk factors and remedies are presented. We find that most risk factors identified in the literature can be validated empirically. The remedies for skills obsolescence are not effective in all situations: the results show that there is considerable variation in the effectiveness of the remedies across different types of skills obsolescence. Although current available data does not allow a comprehensive analysis, which also takes account of relations between the various types of skills obsolescence, the results obtained are plausible and offer a starting point for further research.education, training and the labour market;

    Technisch werkdocument HBO-Monitor 1994: de arbeidsmarktpositie van afgestudeerden van het hoger beroepsonderwijs uit het studiejaar 1992-1993

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    Dit technisch werkdocument bevat een technische toelichting op de uitvoering van het HBO- Monitor onderzoek voor zover deze informatie niet in de overige HBO-Monitor publicaties over het uitvoeringsjaar 1994 is opgenomen. Het werkdocument gaat in concreto in op de dataverzameling (hoofdstuk 2), het herwegen van de resultaten naar het landelijk totaal aan afgestudeerden uit het studiejaar 1992/1993 (hoofdstuk 3), en de uitkomsten van de multivariate analyses die zijn uitgevoerd om te bepalen welke factoren de arbeidsmarktposi tie van de hbo''ers beïnvloeden.labour market entry and occupational careers;

    Immunocytokines: the long awaited therapeutic magic bullet in rheumatoid arthritis?

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    Modulatory cytokines such as IL-4 and IL-10 looked promising biologicals, but suffered from poor exposure at the inflamed joints when administered via the patient-friendly subcutaneous route. Immunocytokines have now been engineered with tissue targeting potential and are a possible solution to this problem, although challenges still exist. Local inflammatory processes cause destruction of extracellular matrix (ECM) components, leading to neo-eptitopes, and/or elicit the synthesis of new ECM components. This makes ECM elements interesting targets for antibody-mediated recognition and retention, to achieve higher levels of immunocytokines at the site of therapeutic interference. The study presented by Schwager and colleagues shows that targeted delivery of IL-10 is more efficacious in experimental arthritis. Clinical studies are warranted to show whether this strategy works for all rheumatoid arthritis patients or is better for subgroups with a defined ECM phenotype. In principle, the scFv-targeting system is plastic enough to allow for personalized strategies