38 research outputs found

    Modelling of beef sensory quality for a better prediction of palatability

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    Despite efforts by the industry to control the eating quality of beef, there remains a high level of variability in palatability, which is one reason for consumer dissatisfaction. In Europe, there is still no reliable on-line tool to predict beef quality and deliver consistent quality beef to consumers. Beef quality traits depend in part on the physical and chemical properties of the muscles. The determination of these properties (known as muscle profiling) will allow for more informed decisions to be made in the selection of individual muscles for the production of value-added products. Therefore, scientists and professional partners of the ProSafeBeef project have brought together all the data they have accumulated over 20 years. The resulting BIF-Beef (Integrated and Functional Biology of Beef) data warehouse contains available data of animal growth, carcass composition, muscle tissue characteristics and beef quality traits. This database is useful to determine the most important muscle characteristics associated with a high tenderness, a high flavour or generally a high quality. Another more consumer driven modelling tool was developed in Australia: the Meat Standards Australia (MSA) grading scheme that predicts beef quality for each individual muscle Ă— specific cooking method combination using various information on the corresponding animals and post-slaughter processing factors. This system has also the potential to detect variability in quality within muscles. The MSA system proved to be effective in predicting beef palatability not only in Australia but also in many other countries. The results of the work conducted in Europe within the ProSafeBeef project indicate that it would be possible to manage a grading system in Europe similar to the MSA system. The combination of the different modelling approaches (namely muscle biochemistry and a MSA-like meat grading system adapted to the European market) is a promising area of research to improve the prediction of beef quality. In both approaches, the volume of data available not only provides statistically sound correlations between various factors and beef quality traits but also a better understanding of the variability of beef quality according to various criteria (breed, age, sex, pH, marbling etc.)

    Understanding the Relationship Between Perceived Quality Cues and Quality Attributes in the Purchase of Meat in Malaysia

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    This study utilizes the Total Food Quality Model to gain a better understanding of how Malaysian consumers make their decision to purchase fresh/chilled meat. We examine the association between quality cues and desired values (quality attributes) with regard to food that is guaranteed Halal, safe to eat, healthy and nutritious, has a good taste, represents good value for money, and is produced in a way that protects the environment and worker welfare. The findings reveal that different quality cues assume different levels of importance when pursuing different desired values

    Veränderte Prozesse der Entscheidungsfindung in der Raumentwicklung

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    Ausgehend von veränderten Problemstellungen in der aktuellen Raumentwicklung setzt sich der vorliegende Artikel zum Ziel, planerische Lösungsversuche als komplexe Prozesse der Entscheidungsfindung zu konzipieren. Hierbei wird der Umgang mit Unsicherheit als Ausgangspunkt der Überlegungen gewählt. Durch Aufzeigen dreier aktueller, kontextuell deutlich unterschiedlicher Planungsprojekte aus der Schweiz werden deren bestimmende Momente identifiziert und als «Kipp-Punkte» konzipiert. In der Diskussion wird schliesslich die aktuell brisante Frage aufgegriffen, ob und inwiefern die laufende Revision des Raumplanungsgesetzes in der Schweiz auf die Projekt- und Aufgabenorientierung der Planung eingehen kann. Bezugnehmend auf eigene empirische Befunde und auf Karen S. Christensen’s Votum, wonach Planer ihre Vorgehensweisen den jeweiligen Situationen anpassen sollten, folgert der Beitrag, dass Planer dabei je nach gesetzlichen Bedingungen behindert oder unterstützt werden. Schlüsselwörter: Raumentwicklung, Planung, Unsicherheit, Komplexität, Projekt- und Aufgabenorientierung, Schwei

    Prozesse der Entscheidungsfindung – geographische Zugänge und Perspektiven: Einführung zum Themenheft

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    On the empergence of agency in participatory strategic planning

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    &#039;Empty, swept and garnished&#039;: The public finance initiative case of Throckley middle school

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    As spaces of complex layering of multiple relations, each with their own space-time dynamics and reach, policies of urban governance and their tangible outcomes can be materially experienced as conjunctions of multiple meshworks of assemblages with different scopes and different systems of values. This paper investigates a case example of a Private Finance Initiative for the construction of Throckley Middle School in Newcastle upon Tyne. Completed in 2003, Throckley school closed in 2005. A Deleuzean-inspired tracing of several Throckley assemblages is presented and the paper concludes by discussing the challenges of adopting a Deleuzean perspective for analysis of urban governance and infrastructure development

    Tracing the disorderly real: Performing civic engagement in a complex world

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    a volume in Research on International Civic Engagement Series Editors Erik Bergrud, Park University and Kaifeng Yang, Florida State University The Pew Charitable Trusts defines civic engagement as &quot;Individual and collective actions designed to identify and address issues of public concern. Civic engagement can take many forms, from individual volunteerism to organizational involvement to electoral participation. It can include efforts to directly address an issue, work with others in a community to solve a problem or interact with the institutions of representative democracy. Civic engagement encompasses a range of activities such as working in a soup kitchen, serving on a neighborhood association, writing a letter to an elected official or voting.&quot; While publications on civic engagement have increased in recent years, there are some limitations or unfilled needs: (1) There is a lack of international perspectives; (2) There is a lack of management focus; (3) There are increasing demands on publications regarding online civic engagement; (4) They tend to be fragmented in individual disciplines such as Nonprofit management, political science, public administration, and sociology. We need a cross-disciplinary approach. Significant features: (1) Each book will have an international focus with contributions from around the world. It stimulates the sharing of experiences across countries. (2) Each book will focus on one cutting-edge topic that has not been carefully addressed in the literature. (3) Emphasizing the integration of research and practice, each book will provide both advanced research studies and innovative best practices. (4) Addressing both offline and online civic engagement. (5) A management focus so that books will provide practitioners insights on how to improve their managerial practices that relate to civic engagement

    Erkenntnis und Interesse : zur handlungstheoretischen Wirtschaftsgeographie am Beispiel der Sanierung genossenschaftlicher Wohnbauten

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    Nach anfänglich grosser Skepsis haben handlungstheoretische Ansätze in weiten Teilen der Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeographie in den letzten Jahren einen paradigmatischen Charakter erhalten. Nun gilt es, die Ansätze hinsichtlich ihrer empirischen Leistungsfähigkeit für das Fach auszuloten. Bei der Gegenüberstellung eines <i>rational choice</i> &ndash; und eines neo-weberianischen Ansatzes zeigt sich im Umgang mit empirischem Material aus der Wohnungsmarktforschung, dass die Frage nach dem Zweck der Forschung forschungslogisch derjenigen nach der Wahl des Ansatzes voranzustellen ist &ndash; ansonsten ist eine Bewertung deren Leistung nicht möglich. Für eine auf die Lösung von Problemen ausgerichtete Wirtschaftsgeographie mit handlungstheoretischem Fundament ist es grundlegend, dass Prozesse in ihrem Ablauf verstanden werden. Deshalb ist einer verstehenden Perspektive Vorrang zu geben. Durch eine forschungslogisch konzise Einbettung traditioneller Ansätze, welche die Ziele der Beschreibung, Erklärung und Prognose verfolgen, lässt sich eine Kontinuität der Entwicklung des Faches erreichen