3,592 research outputs found


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    広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(農学)Doctor of Agriculturedoctora

    Electronic Word-Of-Mouth Behavior Of Passengers In The Airport: The Combination Of Sor And Commitment-Trust Theory

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    Because airports serve as symbolic representations of a nation, careful oversight of airport service quality is essential to preserving a positive international reputation. Getting a competitive edge by satisfying travelers and vacationers with first-rate service is critical to spur real economic growth. This paper investigates the impact of airport service quality on passengers’ pleasure and its subsequent impact on trust and electronic word-of-mouth behavior. The survey data reveal that six dimensions of airport service quality, including check-in, security, convenience, ambiance, basic facilities and mobility, were analyzed for their impact on passengers’ pleasure. The results show that the quality of these services in the airport has a significant impact on passengers’ pleasure. Positive airport experiences lead to increased trust and positive electronic word-of-mouth behavior. The findings highlight the importance of providing high-quality airport services to enhance customer pleasure and maintain positive customer perceptions and behaviors toward the airport


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    Shape control of a structure with distributed piezoelectric actuators can be achieved through optimally selecting the loci, shapes and sizes of the piezoelectric actuators and choosing the electric fields applied to the actuators. Shape control can be categorised as either static or dynamic shape control. Whether it is a transient or gradual change, static or dynamic shape control, both aim to determine the loci, sizes, and shapes of piezoelectric actuators, and the applied voltages such that a desired structural shape is achieved effectively. This thesis is primarily concerned with establishing a finite element formulation for the general smart laminated composite plate structure, which is capable to analyse static and dynamic deformation using non-rectangular elements. The mechanical deformation of the smart composite plate is modelled using a third order plate theory, while the electric field is simulated based on a layer-wise theory. The finite element formulation for static and dynamics analysis is verified by comparing with available numerical results. Selected experiments have also been conducted to measure structural deformation and the experimental results are used to correlate with those of the finite element formulation for static analysis. In addition, the Linear Least Square (LLS) method is employed to study the effect of different piezoelectric actuator patch pattern on the results of error function, which is the least square error between the calculated and desired structural shapes in static structural shape control. The second issue of this thesis deals with piezoelectric actuator design optimisation (PADO) for quasi-static shape control by finding the applied voltage and the configuration of piezoelectric actuator patch to minimise error function, whereas the piezoelectric actuator configuration is defined based on the optimisation technique of altering nodal coordinates (size/shape optimisation) or eliminating inefficient elements in a structural mesh (topology optimisation). Several shape control algorithms are developed to improve the structural shape control by reducing the error function. Further development of the GA-based voltage and piezoelectric actuator design optimisation method includes the constraint handling, where the error function can be optimised subjected to energy consumption or other way around. The numerical examples are presented in order to verify that the proposed algorithms are applicable to quasi-static shape control based on voltage and piezoelectric actuator design optimisation (PADO) in terms of minimising the error function. The third issue is to use the present finite element formulation for a modal shape control and for controlling resonant vibration of smart composite plate structures. The controlled resonant vibration formulation is developed. Modal analysis and LLS methods are also employed to optimise the applied voltage to piezoelectric actuators for achieving the modal shapes. The Newmark direct time integration method is used to study harmonic excitation of smart structures. Numerical results are presented to induce harmonic vibration of structure with controlled magnitude via adjusting the damping and to verify the controlled resonant vibration formulation

    Analysis of the Impact of Urbanization and Enhanced Incomes on Demand for Food Quality in Hanoi

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    This study relates the demand for quality foods in Hanoi in terms of its nutritional composition, diversity, price, processing stage, source, and extent eaten outside home with urbanization and enhanced incomes. The vast differences in these foods quality parameters across different socioeconomic groups and regions in and around Hanoi city suggest the changing nature of the food quality with increased income and urbanization. One lesson learned from this analysis is that urbanization and increased income may not necessarily bring all positive changes in food quality. While the diet becomes more balanced in terms of micronutrient, the increased demand for fat-based calories, processed and restaurant foods, and drift away from fresh sources of farm and home-garden foods raised alarm for food quality and safety. These trends provide a space for government policies to intervene for the purpose of maintaining hygiene standards of food and public health.Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Improving Machine Translation Quality with Denoising Autoencoder and Pre-Ordering

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    The problems in machine translation are related to the characteristics of a family of languages, especially syntactic divergences between languages. In the translation task, having both source and target languages in the same language family is a luxury that cannot be relied upon. The trained models for the task must overcome such differences either through manual augmentations or automatically inferred capacity built into the model design. In this work, we investigated the impact of multiple methods of differing word orders during translation and further experimented in assimilating the source languages syntax to the target word order using pre-ordering. We focused on the field of extremely low-resource scenarios. We also conducted experiments on practical data augmentation techniques that support the reordering capacity of the models through varying the target objectives, adding the secondary goal of removing noises or reordering broken input sequences. In particular, we propose methods to improve translat on quality with the denoising autoencoder in Neural Machine Translation (NMT) and pre-ordering method in Phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (PBSMT). The experiments with a number of English-Vietnamese pairs show the improvement in BLEU scores as compared to both the NMT and SMT systems

    LAPFormer: A Light and Accurate Polyp Segmentation Transformer

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    Polyp segmentation is still known as a difficult problem due to the large variety of polyp shapes, scanning and labeling modalities. This prevents deep learning model to generalize well on unseen data. However, Transformer-based approach recently has achieved some remarkable results on performance with the ability of extracting global context better than CNN-based architecture and yet lead to better generalization. To leverage this strength of Transformer, we propose a new model with encoder-decoder architecture named LAPFormer, which uses a hierarchical Transformer encoder to better extract global feature and combine with our novel CNN (Convolutional Neural Network) decoder for capturing local appearance of the polyps. Our proposed decoder contains a progressive feature fusion module designed for fusing feature from upper scales and lower scales and enable multi-scale features to be more correlative. Besides, we also use feature refinement module and feature selection module for processing feature. We test our model on five popular benchmark datasets for polyp segmentation, including Kvasir, CVC-Clinic DB, CVC-ColonDB, CVC-T, and ETIS-LaribComment: 7 pages, 7 figures, ACL 2023 underrevie

    Soft Robotic Link with Controllable Transparency for Vision-based Tactile and Proximity Sensing

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    Robots have been brought to work close to humans in many scenarios. For coexistence and collaboration, robots should be safe and pleasant for humans to interact with. To this end, the robots could be both physically soft with multimodal sensing/perception, so that the robots could have better awareness of the surrounding environment, as well as to respond properly to humans' action/intention. This paper introduces a novel soft robotic link, named ProTac, that possesses multiple sensing modes: tactile and proximity sensing, based on computer vision and a functional material. These modalities come from a layered structure of a soft transparent silicon skin, a polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) film, and reflective markers. Here, the PDLC film can switch actively between the opaque and the transparent state, from which the tactile sensing and proximity sensing can be obtained by using cameras solely built inside the ProTac link. In this paper, inference algorithms for tactile proximity perception are introduced. Evaluation results of two sensing modalities demonstrated that, with a simple activation strategy, ProTac link could effectively perceive useful information from both approaching and in-contact obstacles. The proposed sensing device is expected to bring in ultimate solutions for design of robots with softness, whole-body and multimodal sensing, and safety control strategies.Comment: Submitted to RoboSoft 2023 for review. Final content subjected to chang