69 research outputs found

    ID for Competency−based Learning: New Directions for Design, Delivery and Diagnosis

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    Currently, there is a clear trend towards competency−based learning. But Instructional Design models provide yet little guidance for the development of such competency−based instructional systems. It is argued that rich, realistic learning tasks are always at the heart of competency−based learning. From this starting point, nine directions for a new paradigm of Instructional Design are presented: Three directions pertain to the design of learning tasks; three directions pertain to the delivery of those tasks and learning resources in multimedia learning environments, and three directions pertain to the diagnosis of learners' progress.Currently, there is a clear trend towards competency−based learning. But Instructional Design models provide yet little guidance for the development of such competency−based instructional systems. It is argued that rich, realistic learning tasks are always at the heart of competency−based learning. From this starting point, nine directions for a new paradigm of Instructional Design are presented: Three directions pertain to the design of learning tasks; three directions pertain to the delivery of those tasks and learning resources in multimedia learning environments, and three directions pertain to the diagnosis of learners' progress

    ID for Competency−based Learning: New Directions for Design, Delivery and Diagnosis

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    Currently, there is a clear trend towards competency−based learning. But Instructional Design models provide yet little guidance for the development of such competency−based instructional systems. It is argued that rich, realistic learning tasks are always at the heart of competency−based learning. From this starting point, nine directions for a new paradigm of Instructional Design are presented: Three directions pertain to the design of learning tasks; three directions pertain to the delivery of those tasks and learning resources in multimedia learning environments, and three directions pertain to the diagnosis of learners' progress.Currently, there is a clear trend towards competency−based learning. But Instructional Design models provide yet little guidance for the development of such competency−based instructional systems. It is argued that rich, realistic learning tasks are always at the heart of competency−based learning. From this starting point, nine directions for a new paradigm of Instructional Design are presented: Three directions pertain to the design of learning tasks; three directions pertain to the delivery of those tasks and learning resources in multimedia learning environments, and three directions pertain to the diagnosis of learners' progress

    Ten Steps to Complex Learning:A New Approach to Instruction and Instructional Design

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    Kirschner, P. A., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2008). Ten steps to complex learning: A new approach to instruction and instructional design. In T. L. Good (Ed.), 21st century education: A reference handbook (pp. 244-253). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.The subject of this chapter, ten steps to complex learning (van Merriënboer & Kirschner, 2007), was recently published as a practical and modified version of the four-component instructional design (4C-ID) model originally posited by van Merriënboer in 1997. These ten steps are mainly prescriptive and aim to provide a practicable version of the 4C-ID model for teachers, domain experts involved in educational and/or training design, and less experienced instructional designers. The model described will typically be used to develop educational or training programs aimed at the acquisition of complex cognitive skills (in this chapter referred to as complex learning) which can have a duration ranging from several weeks to several years

    Use of external representations in science:Prompting and reinforcing prior knowledge activation

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    Wetzels, S. A. J., Kester, L., & Van Merriënboer, J. J. G. (2010). Use of external representations in science: Prompting and reinforcing prior knowledge activation. In L. Verschaffel, E. de Corte, T. de Jong, & J. Elen (Eds.), Use of representations in reasoning and problem solving: Analysis and improvement (pp. 225-241). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.This chapter outlines a theoretical framework providing insights into the use of low-sophisticated external representations during prior knowledge activation in the science domain. This framework distinguishes representations that prompt (i.e., initiate) prior knowledge activation from representations that reinforce (i.e., facilitate) the activation process. Prompts that consist of pictorial representations (e.g., pictures, animations) will be more suitable than verbal representations to activate structural and causal models important for science learning. Furthermore, external representations may reinforce the activation process. There are limits to the amount of information that can be activated simultaneously because of human’s limited working memory capacity. Self-constructing representations (i.e., note taking) might offload working memory while activating prior knowledge. It is argued that the strength of the prompting and reinforcing effects of external representations during prior knowledge activation is mediated by learners' level of prior knowledge. An empirical study that provides support for the framework is reported

    The Effects of Reflective Pauses on Performance in Simulation Training

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    Introduction: The reflective pause, taking a pause during performance to reflect, is an important practice in simulation-based learning. However, for novice learners, it is a highly complex self-regulatory skill that cannot stand alone without guidance. Using educational theories, we propose how to design cognitive and metacognitive aids to guide learners with the reflective pause and investigate its effects on performance in a simulation training environment. Methods: These effects are examined in four aspects of performance: cognitive load, primary performance, secondary performance, and encapsulation. Medical students (N = 72) performed tasks in simulation training for emergency medicine, under 2 conditions: reflection condition (n = 36) where reflection was prompted and guided, and control condition (n = 36) without such reflection. Results: The effects of reflective pauses emerged for 2 aspects of performance: cognitive load decreased and secondary performance improved. However, primary performance and encapsulation did not show significant difference. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that reflective pauses with cognitive and metacognitive aids implemented can enhance some aspects of performance. We suggest that to secure these effects, feedback during reflection and an adaptation period should be provided.</p

    The Effects of Reflective Pauses on Performance in Simulation Training

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    Introduction: The reflective pause, taking a pause during performance to reflect, is an important practice in simulation-based learning. However, for novice learners, it is a highly complex self-regulatory skill that cannot stand alone without guidance. Using educational theories, we propose how to design cognitive and metacognitive aids to guide learners with the reflective pause and investigate its effects on performance in a simulation training environment. Methods: These effects are examined in four aspects of performance: cognitive load, primary performance, secondary performance, and encapsulation. Medical students (N = 72) performed tasks in simulation training for emergency medicine, under 2 conditions: reflection condition (n = 36) where reflection was prompted and guided, and control condition (n = 36) without such reflection. Results: The effects of reflective pauses emerged for 2 aspects of performance: cognitive load decreased and secondary performance improved. However, primary performance and encapsulation did not show significant difference. Conclusions: The results demonstrate that reflective pauses with cognitive and metacognitive aids implemented can enhance some aspects of performance. We suggest that to secure these effects, feedback during reflection and an adaptation period should be provided.</p