11 research outputs found

    Topological Reconstruction of Complex 3D Buildings and Automatic Extraction of Levels of Detail

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    International audienceThis paper describes a new method allowing to retrieve the indoor and outdoor topology of a detailed 3D building model from its geometry and to extract different levels of detail (LoD) from the resulting topological description. No prior information about the initial model, except its geometric information is needed as input, and using the combinatorial maps data structure, the method recovers the topological information of the identified parts of the building. The topology is needed for most of the applications using 3D building models after the architects design it. While classical models available are mainly furnished in a Boundary Representation (B-Rep) format, we discuss how to recover the components that allow to distinguish the several parts of the building (defined as volumes) then the spatial relationships linking them

    Advances in the development of common noise assessment methods in Europe: The CNOSSOS-EU framework for strategic environmental noise mapping

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    The Environmental Noise Directive (2002/49/EC) requires EU Member States to determine the exposure to environmental noise through strategic noise mapping and to elaborate action plans in order to reduce noise pollution, where necessary. A common framework for noise assessment methods (CNOSSOS-EU) has been developed by the European Commission in co-operation with the EU Member States to be applied for strategic noise mapping as required by the Environment Noise Directive (2002/49/EC). CNOSSOS-EU represents a harmonised and coherent approach to assess noise levels from the main sources of noise (road traffic, railway traffic, aircraft and industrial) across Europe. This paper describes the process behind the development of CNOSSOS-EU, and outlines the parts of the CNOSSOS-EU core methodological framework which were developed during phase A of the CNOSSOS-EU process (2010-2012), while focusing on the main scientific and technical issues that were addressed, and the implementation challenges that are being faced before it can become fully operational in the EU MS.JRC.I.1-Chemical Assessment and Testin

    Common Noise Assessment Methods in EU: CNOSSOS-EU (Part III: Guidance for the competent use for strategic noise mapping purposes)

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    In the context of the European Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC (END) the European Commission decided to prepare Common NOise aSSessment methOdS (CNOSSOS-EU) for road, railway, aircraft and industrial noise. An integral part of CNOSSOS-EU is the provision of guidelines on the correct interpretation of the calculation methodology, the implementation of the algorithms and the appropriate use of the methods on the basis of data availability. In this paper, the focus will be on the use of the guidelines in the application of CNOSSOS-EU for the purpose of strategic noise mapping, as required by the END, and will include considerations about the expected accuracy of the calculations performed. This paper completes the full description of the method given by Part I (roadmap) and Part II (methodology) in the same Conference.JRC.I.1-Chemical Assessment and Testin

    Common Noise Assessment Methods in EU: CNOSSOS-EU (Part III: Guidance for the competent use for strategic noise mapping purposes)

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    In the context of the European Environmental Noise Directive 2002/49/EC (END) the European Commission decided to prepare Common NOise aSSessment methOdS (CNOSSOS-EU) for road, railway, aircraft and industrial noise. An integral part of CNOSSOS-EU is the provision of guidelines on the correct interpretation of the calculation methodology, the implementation of the algorithms and the appropriate use of the methods on the basis of data availability. In this paper, the focus will be on the use of the guidelines in the application of CNOSSOS-EU for the purpose of strategic noise mapping, as required by the END, and will include considerations about the expected accuracy of the calculations performed. This paper completes the full description of the method given by Part I (roadmap) and Part II (methodology) in the same Conference.JRC.I.1-Chemical Assessment and Testin

    ÅtgĂ€rder i utomhusmiljön för att minska buller frĂ„n vĂ€g- och tĂ„gtrafik: resultat frĂ„n EU-projektet HOSANNA

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    Denna artikel ger en kort översikt av bullerĂ„tgĂ€rder, resulterande frĂ„n EU-projektet HOSANNA, för minskning av buller frĂ„n vĂ€g- och spĂ„rtrafik under ljudets utbredning. Dessa verktyg inkluderar anvĂ€ndning av ny skĂ€rmdesign, plantering av trĂ€d, förbĂ€ttringar av mark- och vĂ€gytor samt vegetation pĂ„ byggnadsfasader och tak, med hjĂ€lp av naturmaterial, sĂ„som vegetation, jord och andra substrat i kombination med Ă„tervunnet material och artificiella element. De akustiska insĂ€ttningsdĂ€mpningarna bedöms genom numeriska berĂ€kningar, perceptuella effekter och kostnadsnyttoanalys. En betydande minskning av buller frĂ„n vĂ€g- och spĂ„rtrafik förutsĂ€gs för ett 1-m-högt urbant bullerskydd. Detta kan förbĂ€ttras, upp till ca 10 dB insĂ€ttningsdĂ€mpning, genom att placera ytterligare skydd mellan körfĂ€lten. Ett 3 m brett och 0,3 m högt rutnĂ€t, ett omsorgsfullt planterat 15 m brett trĂ€dbĂ€lte samt att ersĂ€tta 50 meter asfalterad mark med grĂ€smark förutspĂ„s ge bullerminskningar om 5–8 dB, medan anvĂ€ndning av fasadvegetation och gröna tak kan minska nivĂ„n pĂ„ innergĂ„rdar med upp till ca 4 respektive 7 dB. TrĂ€dbĂ€lten visar sig vara mycket kostnadseffektiva och kombinationer av höga skĂ€rmar med en rad av trĂ€d minskar de negativa effekterna av vind pĂ„ bullerskĂ€rmars insĂ€ttningsdĂ€mpning. Gröna tak kan minska bullret pĂ„ den tysta sidan av byggnader

    \uc5tg\ue4rder i utomhusmilj\uf6n f\uf6r att minska buller fr\ue5n v\ue4g- och t\ue5gtrafik – resultat fr\ue5n EU-projektet HOSANNA

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    Denna artikel ger en kort \uf6versikt av buller\ue5tg\ue4rder, resulterande fr\ue5n EU-projektet HOSANNA, f\uf6r minskning av buller fr\ue5n v\ue4g- och sp\ue5rtrafik under ljudets utbredning. Dessa verktyg inkluderar anv\ue4ndning av ny sk\ue4rmdesign, plantering av tr\ue4d, f\uf6rb\ue4ttringar av mark- och v\ue4gytor samt vegetation p\ue5 byggnadsfasader och tak, med hj\ue4lp av naturmaterial, s\ue5som vegetation, jord och andra substrat i kombination med \ue5tervunnet material och artificiella element. De akustiska ins\ue4ttningsd\ue4mpningarna bed\uf6ms genom numeriska ber\ue4kningar, perceptuella effekter och kostnadsnyttoanalys. En betydande minskning av buller fr\ue5n v\ue4g- och sp\ue5rtrafik f\uf6ruts\ue4gs f\uf6r ett 1-m-h\uf6gt urbant bullerskydd. Detta kan f\uf6rb\ue4ttras, upp till ca 10 dB ins\ue4ttningsd\ue4mpning, genom att placera ytterligare skydd mellan k\uf6rf\ue4lten. Ett 3 m brett och 0,3 m h\uf6gt rutn\ue4t, ett omsorgsfullt planterat 15 m brett tr\ue4db\ue4lte samt att ers\ue4tta 50 meter asfalterad mark med gr\ue4smark f\uf6rutsp\ue5s ge bullerminskningar om 5–8 dB, medan anv\ue4ndning av fasadvegetation och gr\uf6na tak kan minska niv\ue5n p\ue5 innerg\ue5rdar med upp till ca 4 respektive 7 dB. Tr\ue4db\ue4lten visar sig vara mycket kostnadseffektiva och kombinationer av h\uf6ga sk\ue4rmar med en rad av tr\ue4d minskar de negativa effekterna av vind p\ue5 bullersk\ue4rmars ins\ue4ttningsd\ue4mpning. Gr\uf6na tak kan minska bullret p\ue5 den tysta sidan av byggnader


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    This brochure summarizes the main findings of the research project “HOlistic and Sustainable Abatement of Noise by optimized combinations of Natural and Artificial means” (HOSANNA). The project aimed to develop a toolbox for reducing road and rail traffic noise in outdoor environments by the optimal use of vegetation, soil, other natural materials and recycled materials in combination with artificial elements