360 research outputs found

    Modelling the Distribution of 3D Brain MRI using a 2D Slice VAE

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    Probabilistic modelling has been an essential tool in medical image analysis, especially for analyzing brain Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI). Recent deep learning techniques for estimating high-dimensional distributions, in particular Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), opened up new avenues for probabilistic modeling. Modelling of volumetric data has remained a challenge, however, because constraints on available computation and training data make it difficult effectively leverage VAEs, which are well-developed for 2D images. We propose a method to model 3D MR brain volumes distribution by combining a 2D slice VAE with a Gaussian model that captures the relationships between slices. We do so by estimating the sample mean and covariance in the latent space of the 2D model over the slice direction. This combined model lets us sample new coherent stacks of latent variables to decode into slices of a volume. We also introduce a novel evaluation method for generated volumes that quantifies how well their segmentations match those of true brain anatomy. We demonstrate that our proposed model is competitive in generating high quality volumes at high resolutions according to both traditional metrics and our proposed evaluation.Comment: accepted for publication at MICCAI 2020. Code available https://github.com/voanna/slices-to-3d-brain-vae

    How models can support ecosystem-based management of coral reefs

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    Despite the importance of coral reef ecosystems to the social and economic welfare of coastal communities, the condition of these marine ecosystems have generally degraded over the past decades. With an increased knowledge of coral reef ecosystem processes and a rise in computer power, dynamic models are useful tools in assessing the synergistic effects of local and global stressors on ecosystem functions. We review representative approaches for dynamically modeling coral reef ecosystems and categorize them as minimal, intermediate and complex models. The categorization was based on the leading principle for model development and their level of realism and process detail. This review aims to improve the knowledge of concurrent approaches in coral reef ecosystem modeling and highlights the importance of choosing an appropriate approach based on the type of question(s) to be answered. We contend that minimal and intermediate models are generally valuable tools to assess the response of key states to main stressors and, hence, contribute to understanding ecological surprises. As has been shown in freshwater resources management, insight into these conceptual relations profoundly influences how natural resource managers perceive their systems and how they manage ecosystem recovery. We argue that adaptive resource management requires integrated thinking and decision support, which demands a diversity of modeling approaches. Integration can be achieved through complimentary use of models or through integrated models that systemically combine all relevant aspects in one model. Such whole-of-system models can be useful tools for quantitatively evaluating scenarios. These models allow an assessment of the interactive effects of multiple stressors on various, potentially conflicting, management objectives. All models simplify reality and, as such, have their weaknesses. While minimal models lack multidimensionality, system models are likely difficult to interpret as they require many efforts to decipher the numerous interactions and feedback loops. Given the breadth of questions to be tackled when dealing with coral reefs, the best practice approach uses multiple model types and thus benefits from the strength of different models types

    A Longitudinal Method for Simultaneous Whole-Brain and Lesion Segmentation in Multiple Sclerosis

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    In this paper we propose a novel method for the segmentation of longitudinal brain MRI scans of patients suffering from Multiple Sclerosis. The method builds upon an existing cross-sectional method for simultaneous whole-brain and lesion segmentation, introducing subject-specific latent variables to encourage temporal consistency between longitudinal scans. It is very generally applicable, as it does not make any prior assumptions on the scanner, the MRI protocol, or the number and timing of longitudinal follow-up scans. Preliminary experiments on three longitudinal datasets indicate that the proposed method produces more reliable segmentations and detects disease effects better than the cross-sectional method it is based upon

    A Modality-Adaptive Method for Segmenting Brain Tumors and Organs-at-Risk in Radiation Therapy Planning

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    In this paper we present a method for simultaneously segmenting brain tumors and an extensive set of organs-at-risk for radiation therapy planning of glioblastomas. The method combines a contrast-adaptive generative model for whole-brain segmentation with a new spatial regularization model of tumor shape using convolutional restricted Boltzmann machines. We demonstrate experimentally that the method is able to adapt to image acquisitions that differ substantially from any available training data, ensuring its applicability across treatment sites; that its tumor segmentation accuracy is comparable to that of the current state of the art; and that it captures most organs-at-risk sufficiently well for radiation therapy planning purposes. The proposed method may be a valuable step towards automating the delineation of brain tumors and organs-at-risk in glioblastoma patients undergoing radiation therapy.Comment: corrected one referenc

    Partial Volume Segmentation of Brain MRI Scans of any Resolution and Contrast

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    Partial voluming (PV) is arguably the last crucial unsolved problem in Bayesian segmentation of brain MRI with probabilistic atlases. PV occurs when voxels contain multiple tissue classes, giving rise to image intensities that may not be representative of any one of the underlying classes. PV is particularly problematic for segmentation when there is a large resolution gap between the atlas and the test scan, e.g., when segmenting clinical scans with thick slices, or when using a high-resolution atlas. In this work, we present PV-SynthSeg, a convolutional neural network (CNN) that tackles this problem by directly learning a mapping between (possibly multi-modal) low resolution (LR) scans and underlying high resolution (HR) segmentations. PV-SynthSeg simulates LR images from HR label maps with a generative model of PV, and can be trained to segment scans of any desired target contrast and resolution, even for previously unseen modalities where neither images nor segmentations are available at training. PV-SynthSeg does not require any preprocessing, and runs in seconds. We demonstrate the accuracy and flexibility of the method with extensive experiments on three datasets and 2,680 scans. The code is available at https://github.com/BBillot/SynthSeg.Comment: accepted for MICCAI 202

    Validating module network learning algorithms using simulated data

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    In recent years, several authors have used probabilistic graphical models to learn expression modules and their regulatory programs from gene expression data. Here, we demonstrate the use of the synthetic data generator SynTReN for the purpose of testing and comparing module network learning algorithms. We introduce a software package for learning module networks, called LeMoNe, which incorporates a novel strategy for learning regulatory programs. Novelties include the use of a bottom-up Bayesian hierarchical clustering to construct the regulatory programs, and the use of a conditional entropy measure to assign regulators to the regulation program nodes. Using SynTReN data, we test the performance of LeMoNe in a completely controlled situation and assess the effect of the methodological changes we made with respect to an existing software package, namely Genomica. Additionally, we assess the effect of various parameters, such as the size of the data set and the amount of noise, on the inference performance. Overall, application of Genomica and LeMoNe to simulated data sets gave comparable results. However, LeMoNe offers some advantages, one of them being that the learning process is considerably faster for larger data sets. Additionally, we show that the location of the regulators in the LeMoNe regulation programs and their conditional entropy may be used to prioritize regulators for functional validation, and that the combination of the bottom-up clustering strategy with the conditional entropy-based assignment of regulators improves the handling of missing or hidden regulators.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures + 2 pages, 2 figures supplementary informatio

    Nonlinear Markov Random Fields Learned via Backpropagation

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    Although convolutional neural networks (CNNs) currently dominate competitions on image segmentation, for neuroimaging analysis tasks, more classical generative approaches based on mixture models are still used in practice to parcellate brains. To bridge the gap between the two, in this paper we propose a marriage between a probabilistic generative model, which has been shown to be robust to variability among magnetic resonance (MR) images acquired via different imaging protocols, and a CNN. The link is in the prior distribution over the unknown tissue classes, which are classically modelled using a Markov random field. In this work we model the interactions among neighbouring pixels by a type of recurrent CNN, which can encode more complex spatial interactions. We validate our proposed model on publicly available MR data, from different centres, and show that it generalises across imaging protocols. This result demonstrates a successful and principled inclusion of a CNN in a generative model, which in turn could be adapted by any probabilistic generative approach for image segmentation.Comment: Accepted for the international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI) 2019, camera ready versio
