19 research outputs found

    Duurzame mobiliteit voor een duurzame arbeidsmarkt

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    Er gaat haast geen dag voorbij zonder dat de toenemende verkeersdrukte op één of andere manier in verband wordt gebracht met eventuele economische gevolgen van deze evolutie. We merken ook dat daar in toenemende mate verwijzingen naar de arbeidsmarkt bij horen. Nochtans is het verband tussen mobiliteit en arbeidsmarkt weinig beschreven en nog minder empirisch onderzocht. Essentieel voor dit onderzoek is het begrip duurzaamheid. Hierbij onderscheiden we vijf aspecten in de combinatie arbeids- en mobiliteitsmarkt: bereikbaarheid, sociale rechtvaardigheid, veiligheid, milieu en leefbaarheid. Wij concentreren ons hier voornamelijk op de aspecten bereikbaarheid en sociale rechtvaardigheid. In dit verkennende onderzoek wordt enerzijds literatuur geanalyseerd en anderzijds een aanzet gegeven voor het ontwikkelen van een empirisch instrument. Bij het empirische gedeelte wordt een overzicht gegeven van bestaande databanken en hun relevantie en mogelijkheden voor dit onderzoeksthema. Daarnaast wordt een nieuwe databank gecreëerd met mobiliteits- en arbeidsmarktgegevens op gemeentelijk niveau. Op basis van deze nieuwe databank worden typologieën qua ontsluiting en arbeidsmarkt ontwikkeld voor de Vlaamse gemeenten en het Brussels hoofdstedelijk gewest. Aan de hand van deze typologieën wordt de relatie tussen arbeidsmarkt en mobiliteitsmarkt verder onderzocht. Daarna volgt de rapportering van uitgebreide bevragingen bij relevante actoren in Vlaanderen en Nederland. Ten slotte worden de belangrijkste bevindingen voor verder onderzoek en voor het beleid op een rijtje gezet.nrpages: 257status: publishe


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    Residual thermomechanical stresses in thinned-chip assemblies

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    A new technology for the three-dimensional (3-D) stacking of very thin chips on a substrate is currently under development within the ultrathin chip stacking (UTCS) Esprit Project 24910. In this work, we present the first-level UTCS structure and the analysis of the thermomechanical stresses produced by the manufacturing process. Chips are thinned up to 10 or 15 m. We discuss potentially critical points at the edges of the chips, the suppression of delamination problems of the peripheral dielectric matrix and produce a comparative study of several technological choices for the design of metallic interconnect structures. The purpose of these calculations is to give inputs for the definition of design rules for this technology. We have therefore undertaken a programme that analyzes the influence of sundry design parameters and alternative development options. Numerical analyses are based on the finite element method

    Thermal modeling and management in ultrathin chip stack technology

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    This paper presents a thermal modeling for power management of a new three-dimensional (3-D) thinned dies stacking process. Besides the high concentration of power dissipating sources, which is the direct consequence of the very interesting integration efficiency increase, this new ultra-compact packaging technology can suffer of the poor thermal conductivity (about 700 times smaller than silicon one) of the benzocyclobutene (BCB) used as both adhesive and planarization layers in each level of the stack. Thermal simulation was conducted using three-dimensional (3-D) FEM tool to analyze the specific behaviors in such stacked structure and to optimize the design rules. This study first describes the heat transfer limitation through the vertical path by examining particularly the case of the high dissipating sources under small area. First results of characterization in transient regime by means of dedicated test device mounted in single level structure are presented. For the design optimization, the thermal draining capabilities of a copper grid or full copper plate embedded in the intermediate layer of stacked structure are evaluated as a function of the technological parameters and the physical properties. It is shown an interest for the transverse heat extraction under the buffer devices dissipating most the power and generally localized in the peripheral zone, and for the temperature uniformization, by heat spreading mechanism, in the localized regions where the attachment of the thin die is altered. Finally, all conclusions of this analysis are used for the quantitative projections of the thermal performance of a first demonstrator based on a three-levels stacking structure for space application

    Purification of porcine brain protein phosphatase 2A leucine carboxyl methyltransferase and cloning of the human homologue

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    The carboxyl methyltransferase, which is claimed to exclusively methylate the carboxyl group of the C-terminal leucine residue of the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (Leu(309)), was purified from porcine brain. On the basis of tryptic peptides, the cDNA encoding the human homologue was cloned. The cDNA of this gene encodes for a protein of 334 amino acids with a calculated M(r) of 38 305 and a predicted pI of 5.72. Database screening reveals the presence of this protein in diverse phyla. Sequence analysis shows that the novel methyltransferase is distinct from other known protein methyltransferases, sharing only sequence motifs supposedly involved in the binding of adenosylmethionine. The recombinant protein expressed in bacteria is soluble and the biophysical, catalytic, and immunological properties are indistinguishable from the native enzyme. The methylation of PP2A by the recombinant protein is restricted to Leu(309) of PP2A(C). No direct effects on phosphatase activity changes were observed upon methylation of the dimeric or trimeric forms of PP2A.status: publishe

    Multiplexed site-specific electrode functionalization for multitarget biosensors

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    Multitarget biosensors hold great promise to improve point-of-care diagnostics as they enable simultaneous detection of different biomolecular markers. Multiplexed detection of different markers, like genes, proteins, or a combination of both, propels advancement in numerous fields such as genomics, medical diagnosis and therapy monitoring. The functionalization of these biosensors, however, necessitates patterned immobilization of different bioreceptors, which remains challenging and time-consuming. We demonstrate a simple method for the patterned multiplexing of bioreceptors on a multi-electrode chip. By using the lithographically defined electrodes for surface functionalization, additional patterning steps become obsolete. Using the electrodes for self-aligned immobilization provides a spatial resolution that is limited by the electrode patterning process and that cannot be easily obtained by alternative dispensing or coating techniques. Via electrochemical reduction of diazonium salts combined with click chemistry, we achieved site-specific immobilization of two different ssDNA probes side by side on a single chip. This method was experimentally verified by cyclic voltammetry (CV), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR-FTIR) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and specific target recognition was visualized by fluorescence microscopy. The combination of the electroaddressability of electrografting with the chemoselectivity of click chemistry, offers a versatile platform for highly efficient site-specific functionalization of multitarget biosensors.publisher: Elsevier articletitle: Multiplexed site-specific electrode functionalization for multitarget biosensors journaltitle: Bioelectrochemistry articlelink: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioelechem.2016.07.004 content_type: article copyright: © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.status: publishe

    Platelet characteristics in patients with X-linked macrothrombocytopenia because of a novel GATA1 mutation

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    A new mutation is described in the X-linked gene GATA1, resulting in macrothrombocytopenia and mild dyserythropoietic features but no marked anemia in a 4-generation family. The molecular basis for the observed phenotype is a substitution of glycine for aspartate in the strictly conserved codon 218 (D218G) of the amino-terminal zinc finger loop of the transcription factor GATA1. Zinc finger interaction studies demonstrated that this mutation results in a weak loss of affinity of GATA1 for its essential cofactor FOG1, whereas direct D218G-GATA1 binding to DNA was normal. The phenotypic effects of this mutation in the patients' platelets have been studied. Semiquantitative RNA analysis, normalized for beta-actin messenger RNA, showed extremely low transcription of the GATA1 target genes GPIbbeta and GPIX but also a significantly lower expression of the nondirectly GATA1-regulated Gsalpha gene, suggestive of incomplete megakaryocyte maturation. In contrast, GPIIIa expression was close to normal in agreement with its early appearance during megakaryocyte differentiation. Flow cytometric analysis of patient platelets confirmed the existence of a platelet population with abnormal size distribution and reduced GPIb complex levels but with normal GPIIIa expression. It also showed the presence of very immature platelets lacking almost all membrane glycoproteins studied (GPIbalpha, GPIbbeta, GPIIIa, GPIX, and GPV). Patients' platelets showed weak ristocetin-induced agglutination, compatible with the disturbed GPIb complex. Accordingly, electron microscopy of the patients' platelets revealed giant platelets with cytoplasmic clusters consisting of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and abnormal membrane complexes. In conclusion, GATA1 mutations can lead to isolated X-linked macrothrombocytopenia without anemia.status: publishe