1,522 research outputs found

    Prosody and sentence type in Dutch

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    This article summarizes earlier research done on the prosodic marking of interrogativity and imperatives in Dutch on the basis of recorded speech from male and female speakers. The first part of this article compares statements (ST) and three types of question. The form of questions may differ in various respects from statements: Wh-questions (WH) have a question word in initial position and exhibit subject-verb inversion, yes/no-questions (YN) have inversion only, while declarative questions (DE) have the same structure as ST. Our functional hypothesis that the intensity of interrogativity marking through prosody counterbalances the degree of syntactic marking in the order S

    Prosody and sentence type in Dutch

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    This article summarizes earlier research done on the prosodic marking of interrogativity and imperatives in Dutch on the basis of recorded speech from male and female speakers. The first part of this article compares statements (ST) and three types of question. The form of questions may differ in various respects from statements: Wh-questions (WH) have a question word in initial position and exhibit subject-verb inversion, yes/no-questions (YN) have inversion only, while declarative questions (DE) have the same structure as ST. Our functional hypothesis that the intensity of interrogativity marking through prosody counterbalances the degree of syntactic marking in the order S

    Prosody and sentence type in Dutch

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    This article summarizes earlier research done on the prosodic marking of interrogativity and imperatives in Dutch on the basis of recorded speech from male and female speakers. The first part of this article compares statements (ST) and three types of question. The form of questions may differ in various respects from statements: Wh-questions (WH) have a question word in initial position and exhibit subject-verb inversion, yes/no-questions (YN) have inversion only, while declarative questions (DE) have the same structure as ST. Our functional hypothesis that the intensity of interrogativity marking through prosody counterbalances the degree of syntactic marking in the order S

    Prosody and sentence type in Dutch

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    This article summarizes earlier research done on the prosodic marking of interrogativity and imperatives in Dutch on the basis of recorded speech from male and female speakers. The first part of this article compares statements (ST) and three types of question. The form of questions may differ in various respects from statements: Wh-questions (WH) have a question word in initial position and exhibit subject-verb inversion, yes/no-questions (YN) have inversion only, while declarative questions (DE) have the same structure as ST. Our functional hypothesis that the intensity of interrogativity marking through prosody counterbalances the degree of syntactic marking in the order S

    Tree decomposition methods for the periodic event scheduling problem

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    This paper proposes an algorithm that decomposes the Periodic Event Scheduling Problem (PESP) into trees that can efficiently be solved. By identifying at an early stage which partial solutions can lead to a feasible solution, the decomposed components can be integrated back while maintaining feasibility if possible. If not, the modifications required to regain feasibility can be found efficiently. These techniques integrate dynamic programming into standard search methods. The performance of these heuristics are very satisfying, as the problem using publicly available benchmarks can be solved within a reasonable amount of time, in an alternative way than the currently accepted leading-edge techniques. Furthermore, these heuristics do not necessarily rely on linearity of the objective function, which facilitates the research of timetabling under nonlinear circumstances

    How well can intelligibility of closely related languages in Europe be predicted by linguistic and non-linguistic variables?

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    We measured mutual intelligibility of 16 closely related spoken languages in Europe. Intelligibility was determined for all 70 language combinations using the same uniform methodology (a cloze test). We analysed the results of 1833 listeners representing the mutual intelligibility between young, educated Europeans from the same 16 countries. Lexical, phonological, orthographic, morphological and syntactic distances were computed as linguistic variables. We also quantified non-linguistic variables (e.g. exposure, attitudes towards the test languages). Using stepwise regression analysis the importance of linguistic and non-linguistic predictors for the mutual intelligibility in the 70 language pairs was assessed. Exposure to the test language was the most important variable, overriding all other variables. Then, limiting the analysis to the prediction of inherent intelligibility, we analysed the results for a subset of listeners with no or little previous exposure to the test language. Linguistic distances, especially lexical distance, now explain a substantial part of the variance

    Civil Emergency Planning in NATO

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    The Ground-Set-Cost Budgeted Maximum Coverage Problem

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    We study the following natural variant of the budgeted maximum coverage problem: We are given a budget B and a hypergraph G = (V, E), where each vertex has a non-negative cost and a non-negative profit. The goal is to select a set of hyperedges T subseteq E such that the total cost of the vertices covered by T is at most B and the total profit of all covered vertices is maximized. Besides being a natural generalization of the well-studied maximum coverage problem, our motivation for investigating this problem originates from its application in the context of bid optimization in sponsored search auctions, such as Google AdWords. It is easily seen that this problem is strictly harder than budgeted max coverage, which means that the problem is (1-1/e)-inapproximable. The difference of our problem to the budgeted maximum coverage problem is that the costs are associated with the covered vertices instead of the selected hyperedges. As it turns out, this difference refutes the applicability of standard greedy approaches which are used to obtain constant factor approximation algorithms for several other variants of the maximum coverage problem. Our main results are as follows: - We obtain a (1 - 1/sqrt(e))/2-approximation algorithm for graphs. - We derive a fully polynomial-time approximation scheme (FPTAS) if the incidence graph of the hypergraph is a forest (i.e., the hypergraph is Berge-acyclic). We also extend this result to incidence graphs with a fixed-size feedback hyperedge node set. - We give a (1-epsilon)/(2d^2)-approximation algorithm for every epsilon > 0, where d is the maximum degree of a vertex in the hypergraph