2,559 research outputs found

    Model for the Scaling of Stresses and Fluctuations in Flows near Jamming

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    We probe flows of soft, viscous spheres near the jamming point, which acts as a critical point for static soft spheres. Starting from energy considerations, we find nontrivial scaling of velocity fluctuations with strain rate. Combining this scaling with insights from jamming, we arrive at an analytical model that predicts four distinct regimes of flow, each characterized by rational-valued scaling exponents. Both the number of regimes and values of the exponents depart from prior results. We validate predictions of the model with simulations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures (revised text and one new figure). To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Emergent nonlocal combinatorial design rules for multimodal metamaterials

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    Combinatorial mechanical metamaterials feature spatially textured soft modes that yield exotic and useful mechanical properties. While a single soft mode often can be rationally designed by following a set of tiling rules for the building blocks of the metamaterial, it is an open question what design rules are required to realize multiple soft modes. Multimodal metamaterials would allow for advanced mechanical functionalities that can be selected on the fly. Here we introduce a transfer matrix-like framework to design multiple soft modes in combinatorial metamaterials composed of aperiodic tilings of building blocks. We use this framework to derive rules for multimodal designs for a specific family of building blocks. We show that such designs require a large number of degeneracies between constraints, and find precise rules on the real space configuration that allow such degeneracies. These rules are significantly more complex than the simple tiling rules that emerge for single-mode metamaterials. For the specific example studied here, they can be expressed as local rules for tiles composed of pairs of building blocks in combination with a nonlocal rule in the form of a global constraint on the type of tiles that are allowed to appear together anywhere in the configuration. This nonlocal rule is exclusive to multimodal metamaterials and exemplifies the complexity of rational design of multimode metamaterials. Our framework is a first step towards a systematic design strategy of multimodal metamaterials with spatially textured soft modes

    Soft Sphere Packings at Finite Pressure but Unstable to Shear

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    When are athermal soft sphere packings jammed ? Any experimentally relevant definition must at the very least require a jammed packing to resist shear. We demonstrate that widely used (numerical) protocols in which particles are compressed together, can and do produce packings which are unstable to shear - and that the probability of generating such packings reaches one near jamming. We introduce a new protocol that, by allowing the system to explore different box shapes as it equilibrates, generates truly jammed packings with strictly positive shear moduli G. For these packings, the scaling of the average of G is consistent with earlier results, while the probability distribution P(G) exhibits novel and rich scalingComment: 5 pages, 6 figures. Resubmitted to Physical Review Letters after a few change

    Continuum approach to wide shear zones in quasi-static granular matter

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    Slow and dense granular flows often exhibit narrow shear bands, making them ill-suited for a continuum description. However, smooth granular flows have been shown to occur in specific geometries such as linear shear in the absence of gravity, slow inclined plane flows and, recently, flows in split-bottom Couette geometries. The wide shear regions in these systems should be amenable to a continuum description, and the theoretical challenge lies in finding constitutive relations between the internal stresses and the flow field. We propose a set of testable constitutive assumptions, including rate-independence, and investigate the additional restrictions on the constitutive relations imposed by the flow geometries. The wide shear layers in the highly symmetric linear shear and inclined plane flows are consistent with the simple constitutive assumption that, in analogy with solid friction, the effective-friction coefficient (ratio between shear and normal stresses) is a constant. However, this standard picture of granular flows is shown to be inconsistent with flows in the less symmetric split-bottom geometry - here the effective friction coefficient must vary throughout the shear zone, or else the shear zone localizes. We suggest that a subtle dependence of the effective-friction coefficient on the orientation of the sliding layers with respect to the bulk force is crucial for the understanding of slow granular flows.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Sources and sinks separating domains of left- and right-traveling waves: Experiment versus amplitude equations

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    In many pattern forming systems that exhibit traveling waves, sources and sinks occur which separate patches of oppositely traveling waves. We show that simple qualitative features of their dynamics can be compared to predictions from coupled amplitude equations. In heated wire convection experiments, we find a discrepancy between the observed multiplicity of sources and theoretical predictions. The expression for the observed motion of sinks is incompatible with any amplitude equation description.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 figur

    Jaming and Geometry of Two-Dimensional Foams

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    We experimentally probe the vicinity of the jamming point J, located at a density Ï•\phi corresponding to random close packing (Ï•rcp=0.842\phi_{rcp} = 0.842), in two dimensional, bidisperse packings of foam bubbles. We vary the density of the foam layer and extract geometrical measures by image analysis. We confirm the predicted scaling of the average contact number Z with Ï•\phi and compare the distribution of local contact numbers to a simple model. We further establish that the distribution of areas p(A)p(A) strongly depends on Ï•\phi. Finally, we find that the distribution of contact forces p(f)p(f) systematically varies with density.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, submitte

    Anticipatory Smiling: Linking Early Affective Communication and Social Outcome

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    In anticipatory smiles, infants appear to communicate pre-existing positive affect by smiling at an object and then turning the smile toward an adult. We report two studies in which the precursors, development, and consequences of anticipatory smiling were investigated. Study 1 revealed a positive correlation between infant smiling at 6 months and the level of anticipatory smiling at 8 and 10 months during joint attention episodes, as well as a positive correlation between anticipatory smiling and parent-rated social expressivity scores at 30 months. Study 2 confirmed a developmental increase in the number of infants using anticipatory smiles between 9 and 12 months that had been initially documented in the Study 1 sample [Venezia, M., Messinger, D. S., Thorp, D., & Mundy, P. (2004). The development of anticipatory smiling. Infancy, 6(3), 397–406]. Additionally, anticipatory smiling at 9 months positively predicted parent-rated social competence scores at 30 months. Findings are discussed with regard to the importance of anticipatory smiling in early socioemotional development

    Flow in linearly sheared two dimensional foams: from bubble to bulk scale

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    We probe the flow of two dimensional foams, consisting of a monolayer of bubbles sandwiched between a liquid bath and glass plate, as a function of driving rate, packing fraction and degree of disorder. First, we find that bidisperse, disordered foams exhibit strongly rate dependent and inhomogeneous (shear banded) velocity profiles, while monodisperse, ordered foams are also shear banded, but essentially rate independent. Second, we introduce a simple model based on balancing the averaged drag forces between the bubbles and the top plate and the averaged bubble-bubble drag forces. This model captures the observed rate dependent flows, and the rate independent flows. Third, we perform independent rheological measurements, both for ordered and disordered systems, and find these to be fully consistent with the scaling forms of the drag forces assumed in the simple model, and we see that disorder modifies the scaling. Fourth, we vary the packing fraction ϕ\phi of the foam over a substantial range, and find that the flow profiles become increasingly shear banded when the foam is made wetter. Surprisingly, our model describes flow profiles and rate dependence over the whole range of packing fractions with the same power law exponents -- only a dimensionless number kk which measures the ratio of the pre-factors of the viscous drag laws is seen to vary with packing fraction. We find that k∼(ϕ−ϕc)−1k \sim (\phi-\phi_c)^{-1}, where ϕc≈0.84\phi_c \approx 0.84, corresponding to the 2d jamming density, and suggest that this scaling follows from the geometry of the deformed facets between bubbles in contact. Overall, our work suggests a route to rationalize aspects of the ubiquitous Herschel-Bulkley (power law) rheology observed in a wide range of disordered materials.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. E. High quality version available at: http://www.physics.leidenuniv.nl/sections/cm/gr

    From Frictional to Viscous Behavior: Three Dimensional Imaging and Rheology of Gravitational Suspensions

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    We probe the three dimensional flow structure and rheology of gravitational (non-density matched) suspensions for a range of driving rates in a split-bottom geometry. We establish that for sufficiently slow flows, the suspension flows as if it were a dry granular medium, and confirm recent theoretical modeling on the rheology of split-bottom flows. For faster driving, the flow behavior is shown to be consistent with the rheological behavior predicted by the recently developed "inertial number approaches for suspension flows.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for Phys. Rev. E. (R
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