99 research outputs found

    Chemical Proteomic Analysis of Serine Hydrolase Activity in Niemann-Pick Type C Mouse Brain

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    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is considered to be an endogenous protective system in various neurodegenerative diseases. Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) is a neurodegenerative disease in which the role of the ECS has not been studied yet. Most of the endocannabinoid enzymes are serine hydrolases, which can be studied using activity-based protein profiling (ABPP). Here, we report the serine hydrolase activity in brain proteomes of a NPC mouse model as measured by ABPP. Two ABPP methods are used: a gel-based method and a chemical proteomics method. The activities of the following endocannabinoid enzymes were quantified: diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL) α, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 4, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 6, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 12, fatty acid amide hydrolase, and monoacylglycerol lipase. Using the gel-based method, two bands were observed for DAGL α. Only the upper band corresponding to this enzyme was significantly decreased in the NPC mouse model. Chemical proteomics showed that three lysosomal serine hydrolase activities (retinoid-inducible serine carboxypeptidase, cathepsin A, and palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1) were increased in Niemann-Pick C1 protein knockout mouse brain compared to wild-type brain, whereas no difference in endocannabinoid hydrolase activity was observed. We conclude that these targets might be interesting therapeutic targets for future validation studies

    Two-step activity-based protein profiling of diacylglycerol lipase

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    Diacylglycerol lipases (DAGL) produce the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglycerol, a key modulator of neurotransmitter release. Chemical tools that visualize endogenous DAGL activity are desired. Here, we report the design, synthesis and application of a triazole urea probe for DAGL equipped with a norbornene as a biorthogonal handle. The activity and selectivity of the probe was assessed with activity-based protein profiling. This probe was potent against endogenous DAGLα (IC50 = 5 nM) and it was successfully applied as a two-step activity-based probe for labeling of DAGLα using an inverse electron-demand Diels–Alder ligation in living cells.Bio-organic SynthesisMolecular Physiolog

    Chemical Proteomic Analysis of Serine Hydrolase Activity in Niemann-Pick Type C Mouse Brain

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    The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is considered to be an endogenous protective system in various neurodegenerative diseases. Niemann-Pick type C (NPC) is a neurodegenerative disease in which the role of the ECS has not been studied yet. Most of the endocannabinoid enzymes are serine hydrolases, which can be studied using activity-based protein profiling (ABPP). Here, we report the serine hydrolase activity in brain proteomes of a NPC mouse model as measured by ABPP. Two ABPP methods are used: a gel-based method and a chemical proteomics method. The activities of the following endocannabinoid enzymes were quantified: diacylglycerol lipase (DAGL) α, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 4, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 6, α/β-hydrolase domain-containing protein 12, fatty acid amide hydrolase, and monoacylglycerol lipase. Using the gel-based method, two bands were observed for DAGL α. Only the upper band corresponding to this enzyme was significantly decreased in the NPC mouse model. Chemical proteomics showed that three lysosomal serine hydrolase activities (retinoid-inducible serine carboxypeptidase, cathepsin A, and palmitoyl-protein thioesterase 1) were increased in Niemann-Pick C1 protein knockout mouse brain compared to wild-type brain, whereas no difference in endocannabinoid hydrolase activity was observed. We conclude that these targets might be interesting therapeutic targets for future validation studies.Medical BiochemistryBio-organic SynthesisMolecular Physiolog

    First international external quality assessment scheme of nucleic acid amplification tests for the detection of Schistosoma and soil-transmitted helminths, including Strongyloides : a pilot study

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    Background Nucleic acid amplification tests (NAATs) are increasingly being used as diagnostic tools for soil-transmitted helminths (STHs;Ascaris lumbricoides,Trichuris trichiura,Necator americanus,Ancylostoma duodenaleandA.ceylanicum),Strongyloides stercoralisandSchistosomain human stool. Currently, there is a large diversity of NAATs being applied, but an external quality assessment scheme (EQAS) for these diagnostics is lacking. An EQAS involves a blinded process where test results reported by a laboratory are compared to those reported by reference or expert laboratories, allowing for an objective assessment of the diagnostic performance of a laboratory. In the current study, we piloted an international EQAS for these helminths (i) to investigate the feasibility of designing and delivering an EQAS; (ii) to assess the diagnostic performance of laboratories; and (iii) to gain insights into the different NAAT protocols used. Methods and principal findings A panel of twelve stool samples and eight DNA samples was validated by six expert laboratories for the presence of six helminths (Ascaris,Trichuris,N.americanus,Ancylostoma,StrongyloidesandSchistosoma). Subsequently this panel was sent to 15 globally dispersed laboratories. We found a high degree of diversity among the different DNA extraction and NAAT protocols. Although most laboratories performed well, we could clearly identify the laboratories that were poorly performing. Conclusions/Significance We showed the technical feasibility of an international EQAS for the NAAT of STHs,StrongyloidesandSchistosoma. In addition, we documented that there are clear benefits for participating laboratories, as they can confirm and/or improve the diagnostic performance of their NAATs. Further research should aim to identify factors that explain poor performance of NAATs. Author summary Tests that detect parasite DNA in human stool are increasingly being used for the diagnosis of infections with intestinal worms, including schistosomiasis. To ensure the quality in diagnostic testing of these parasitic worms, it is important that laboratories evaluate the diagnostic performance of their DNA-based tests. This can best be achieved by participating in an external quality assessment scheme (EQAS). An EQAS involves a blinded process where test results reported by a laboratory are compared to those reported by reference or expert laboratories, allowing for an objective assessment of the diagnostic performance of a laboratory. Currently, such an EQAS for parasitic worms is lacking. We therefore piloted an international EQAS for the diagnosis of parasitic worms involving 15 laboratories in Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North America. Although most laboratories performed well, we could clearly identify those laboratories that may need to improve their test protocol. We found that laboratories were using many different test protocols, and further research should aim to verify whether this has an impact on the performance of the diagnostic outcomes

    Molecular diagnostics of intestinal parasites in returning travellers

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    A new diagnostic strategy was assessed for the routine diagnosis of intestinal parasites in returning travellers and immigrants. Over a period of 13 months, unpreserved stool samples, patient characteristics and clinical data were collected from those attending a travel clinic. Stool samples were analysed on a daily basis by microscopic examination and antigen detection (i.e. care as usual), and compared with a weekly performed multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis on Entamoeba histolytica, Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium and Strongyloides stercoralis. Microscopy and antigen assays of 2,591 stool samples showed E. histolytica, G. lamblia, Cryptosporidium and S. stercoralis in 0.3, 4.7, 0.5 and 0.1% of the cases, respectively. These detection rates were increased using real-time PCR to 0.5, 6.0, 1.3 and 0.8%, respectively. The prevalence of ten additional pathogenic parasite species identified with microscopy was, at most, 0.5%. A pre-selective decision tree based on travel history or gastro-intestinal complaints could not be made. With increased detection rates at a lower workload and the potential to extend with additional parasite targets combined with fully automated DNA isolation, molecular high-throughput screening could eventually replace microscopy to a large extent

    School Choice and Vocational Guidance for Schoolchildren with Chronic Diseases and Other Health Problems

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    Osim praćenja rasta, razvoja i zdravstvenog stanja učenika tijekom školovanja, liječnik školske medicine razmišlja i o njihovu profesionalnom razvoju. Posebnu pozornost zahtijevaju učenici s kroničnim bolestima, kojih je prema istraživanjima 10 % do 15 %. Prije izbora zanimanja potrebno je upoznati roditelje i učenike s ograničenjima koja proizlaze iz prirode bolesti ili stanja. To omogućuje učenicima da razviju interes za zanimanja za koja nemaju kontraindikaciju. Sistematski pregled u osmom razredu osnovne škole procjena je učenikovih psihofi zičkih sposobnosti za nastavak srednjoškolskog obrazovanja. Tijekom pregleda provodi se profesionalno informiranje za sve učenike. Učenici s kroničnim bolestima, teškoćama u razvoju i drugim poremećajima zdravlja upućuju se na profesionalno usmjeravanje. Cilj ovog rada bio je prikaz razloga upućivanja na školsko i profesionalno usmjeravanje učenika osmih razreda, deset osnovnih škola iz Varaždinske županije, u razdoblju od školske godine 1998./99. do 2007./08. Od ukupno 4939 pregledanih učenika, na profesionalno usmjeravanje bilo je upućeno njih 458 (9,3 %). Najčešći razlozi upućivanja bili su bolesti i stanja iz skupine duševnih poremećaja i poremećaja ponašanja, sa zastupljenošću od 41,3 %. Preporuke stručnog tima za profesionalno usmjeravanje za daljnje školovanje nije slijedilo 10,5 % učenika. Za učenike s kroničnim bolestima i drugim poremećajima zdravlja bilo bi potrebno osigurati dovoljan broj upisnih mjesta u srednjim školama te kontinuirano pratiti njihov profesionalni razvoj radi intervencije u slučaju potrebe promjene škole i uvida u ishod obrazovanja. To bi se postiglo koordiniranim radom školskih liječnika, timova za profesionalno usmjeravanje, srednjih škola i županijskih upravnih odjela za prosvjetu, kulturu i šport.By following a child’s growth, development, and health, school medicine specialist can see opportunities for career choice. Special attention is needed for schoolchildren with chronic diseases and developmental difficulties, because of limited occupation choices. Studies report 10 % to 15 % prevalence of chronic diseases among schoolchildren. Parents and children should be informed about child’s limitations before career choice. It would be helpful for the students to develop interests for occupations that are not contraindicated for their condition. Physical examination gives an insight into the psycho-physical abilities of an eighth-grade primary school student for further education. During examination, counselling and vocational guidance is provided for all students with chronic diseases and other health problems. All procedures are oriented to personal abilities and preferences. The aim of this study was to analyse the reasons for vocational guidance in the Varaždin County of Croatia. It included eighth-grade students from ten primary schools from 1998/99 to 2007/08. Of 4939 students, 458 (9.3 %) with chronic diseases and health difficulties were referred to vocational guidance. Of these, 41.3 % were referred due to mental and behavioural disorders. These students were assessed and received a recommendation for at least two occupations. Forty-eight students (10.5 %) did not follow the recommendation. In a coordinated effort, school physicians, vocational guidance experts, and school and local authorities should secure enrollment of students with chronic diseases and health difficulties in secondary schools and follow their development and education to provide them the best available career opportunities

    European survey on laboratory preparedness, response and diagnostic capacity for crimean-congo haemorrhagic fever, 2012

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    Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is an infectious viral disease that has (re-)emerged in the last decade in south-eastern Europe, and there is a risk for further geographical expansion to western Europe. Here we report the results of a survey covering 28 countries, conducted in 2012 among the member laboratories of the European Network for Diagnostics of 'Imported' Viral Diseases (ENIVD) to assess laboratory preparedness and response capacities for CCHF. The answers of 31 laboratories of the European region regarding CCHF case definition, training necessity, biosafety, quality assurance and diagnostic tests are presented. In addition, we identifi

    Discovery of a NAPE-PLD inhibitor that modulates emotional behavior in mice

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    N-acylethanolamines (NAEs), which include the endocannabinoid anandamide, represent an important family of signaling lipids in the brain. The lack of chemical probes that modulate NAE biosynthesis in living systems hamper the understanding of the biological role of these lipids. Using a high-throughput screen, chemical proteomics and targeted lipidomics, we report here the discovery and characterization of LEI-401 as a CNS-active N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD) inhibitor. LEI-401 reduced NAE levels in neuroblastoma cells and in the brain of freely moving mice, but not in NAPE-PLD KO cells and mice, respectively. LEI-401 activated the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal axis and impaired fear extinction, thereby emulating the effect of a cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonist, which could be reversed by a fatty acid amide hydrolase inhibitor. Our findings highlight the distinctive role of NAPE-PLD in NAE biosynthesis in the brain and suggest the presence of an endogenous NAE tone controlling emotional behavior.NWOMicrobial Biotechnolog

    Specialist laboratory networks as preparedness and response tool - The emerging viral diseases-expert laboratory network and the chikungunya outbreak, Thailand, 2019

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    We illustrate the potential for specialist laboratory networks to be used as preparedness and response tool through rapid collection and sharing of data. Here, the Emerging Viral Diseases-Expert Laboratory Network (EVD-LabNet) and a laboratory assessment of chikungunya virus (CHIKV) in returning European travellers related to an ongoing outbreak in Thailand was used for this purpose. EVD-LabNet rapidly collected data on laboratory requests, diagnosed CHIKV imported cases and sequences generated, and shared among its members and with the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Data across the network showed an increase in CHIKV imported cases during 1 October 2018-30 April 2019 vs the same period in 2018 (172 vs 50), particularly an increase in cases known to be related to travel to Thailand (72 vs 1). Moreover, EVD-LabNet showed that strains were imported from Thailand that cluster with strains of the ECSA-IOL E1 A226 variant emerging in Pakistan in 2016 and involved in the 2017 outbreaks in Italy. CHIKV diagnostic requests increased by 23.6% between the two periods. The impact of using EVD-LabNet or similar networks as preparedness and response tool could be improved by standardisation of the collection, quality and mining of data in routine laboratory management systems

    Imported viral haemorrhagic fever with a potential for person-to-person transmission: review and recommendations for initial management of a suspected case in Belgium.

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    Viral haemorrhagic fevers are caused by a wide range of viruses. There are 4 types of viruses well known to spread from person to person and able to cause nosocomial outbreaks with a high case fatality rate: an arenavirus (Lassa fever and more exceptionally the Junin and Machupo virus), a bunyavirus (Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever) and the Filoviridae (Ebola and Marburg viruses). So far there have been only a limited number of imported cases of viral haemorrhagic fever in industrialized countries. In recent years an increasing number of outbreaks of filovirus infections have occurred in Africa and in 2000 5 cases of Lassa fever were brought from Sierra Leone to Europe. Therefore European physicians should consider the possibility of a viral haemorrhagic fever in an acutely ill patient just returning from Africa or South-America with fever for which there is no obvious cause. Such patients should be questioned for risk factors for viral haemorrhagic fever. Using universal precautions for handling blood and body fluids and barrier nursing techniques there is little risk that if a patient with viral haemorrhagic fever arrives in Belgium there will be secondary cases