22 research outputs found

    The role of alpha activity in spatial and feature-based attention

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    Modulations in alpha oscillations (∼10 Hz) are typically studied in the context of anticipating upcoming stimuli. Alpha power decreases in sensory regions processing upcoming targets compared to regions processing distracting input, thereby likely facilitating processing of relevant information while suppressing irrelevant. In this electroencephalography study using healthy human volunteers, we examined whether modulations in alpha power also occur after the onset of a bilaterally presented target and distractor. Spatial attention was manipulated through spatial cues and feature-based attention through adjusting the color-similarity of distractors to the target. Consistent with previous studies, we found that informative spatial cues induced a relative decrease of pretarget alpha power at occipital electrodes contralateral to the expected target location. Interestingly, this pattern reemerged relatively late (300-750 ms) after stimulus onset, suggesting that lateralized alpha reflects not only preparatory attention, but also ongoing attentive stimulus processing. Uninformative cues (i.e., conveying no information about the spatial location of the target) resulted in an interaction between spatial attention and feature-based attention in post-target alpha lateralization. When the target was paired with a low-similarity distractor, post-target alpha was lateralized (500-900 ms). Crucially, the lateralization was absent when target selection was ambiguous because the distractor was highly similar to the target. Instead, during this condition, midfrontal theta was increased, indicative of reactive conflict resolution. Behaviorally, the degree of alpha lateralization was negatively correlated with the reaction time distraction cost induced by target-distractor similarity. These results suggest a pivotal role for poststimulus alpha lateralization in protecting sensory processing of target informatio

    A Functional and Structural Investigation of the Human Fronto-Basal Volitional Saccade Network

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    Almost all cortical areas are connected to the subcortical basal ganglia (BG) through parallel recurrent inhibitory and excitatory loops, exerting volitional control over automatic behavior. As this model is largely based on non-human primate research, we used high resolution functional MRI and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to investigate the functional and structural organization of the human (pre)frontal cortico-basal network controlling eye movements. Participants performed saccades in darkness, pro- and antisaccades and observed stimuli during fixation. We observed several bilateral functional subdivisions along the precentral sulcus around the human frontal eye fields (FEF): a medial and lateral zone activating for saccades in darkness, a more fronto-medial zone preferentially active for ipsilateral antisaccades, and a large anterior strip along the precentral sulcus activating for visual stimulus presentation during fixation. The supplementary eye fields (SEF) were identified along the medial wall containing all aforementioned functions. In the striatum, the BG area receiving almost all cortical input, all saccade related activation was observed in the putamen, previously considered a skeletomotor striatal subdivision. Activation elicited by the cue instructing pro or antisaccade trials was clearest in the medial FEF and right putamen. DTI fiber tracking revealed that the subdivisions of the human FEF complex are mainly connected to the putamen, in agreement with the fMRI findings. The present findings demonstrate that the human FEF has functional subdivisions somewhat comparable to non-human primates. However, the connections to and activation in the human striatum preferentially involve the putamen, not the caudate nucleus as is reported for monkeys. This could imply that fronto-striatal projections for the oculomotor system are fundamentally different between humans and monkeys. Alternatively, there could be a bias in published reports of monkey studies favoring the caudate nucleus over the putamen in the search for oculomotor functions

    Gamma Oscillations in a Bind?

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    Cross-sensory modulation of alpha oscillatory activity: suppression, idling, and default resource allocation

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    Alpha oscillations (similar to 10Hz) have been suggested to have an inhibitory influence on stimulus processing within the context of attention being coordinated across space, with an increase in the power of alpha activity occurring in spatially irrelevant regions. However, with respect to cross-sensory attention (distribution of attention to different sensory modalities) an increase in alpha activity from baseline has not yet been definitively linked to active inhibition of distraction. In the current study, we examined the role of top-down alpha modulation in facilitating and suppressing stimulus processing between the visual and auditory domain. We utilized two cross-sensory paradigms, one containing distractors while the other paradigm only contained targets, in order to separate distractor related activity. We found a cue induced increase from baseline for the power of occipital alpha activity in posterior cortex when participants anticipated the occurrence of auditory targets combined with visual distractors. Interestingly, there was no increase in alpha power observed in the condition where auditory targets occurred without distractors. These findings suggest that the increase in alpha activity from baseline reflects top-down drive processes serving to inhibit distracting input. However, we found that there was no significant difference in the absolute occipital alpha power between when participants were expecting a visual distractor, and the session where no visual distractors were present. We account for these findings by suggesting that an increase in alpha power in the anticipation of visual distractors, rather than being exclusively inhibitory, could also signal the re-allocation of resources in the sensory system

    The Caveats of observing Inter-Trial Phase-Coherence in Cognitive Neuroscience

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    Many studies have now consistently reported that the phase angle of ongoing oscillatory activity (measured using EEG/MEG), at time of stimulus presentation influences detection when stimuli are near-threshold. However, studies examining whether the adjustment of the phase angle of oscillations is under top-down attentional control have thus far yielded conflicting results. A possible source for the discrepancy could be that the estimation of the phase of ongoing oscillations as well as its uniformity across trials could be affected by task induced changes in the power of oscillations or concurrent evoked responses. One measure, Inter-Trial Phase-Locking (ITPC), or the uniformity of phase angles across trials, is particularly vulnerable to these factors. Here, using various simulations modelling the common task induced changes in the EEG reported in the literature, we demonstrate that apparent changes in Inter-Trial Phase-Locking of oscillatory activity can occur independent of any actual change in the phase of the ongoing activit

    The functional role of alpha-band activity in attentional processing: the current zeitgeist and future outlook

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    Electrophysiological activity measured at the scalp surface using electroencephalography or magnetoencephalography (EEG or MEG)contains prominent ongoing rhythmic activity across a mixture of different frequency bands. This rhythmic oscillatory activity is present during both rest and task performance. The most visible rhythm in the adult human brain is in the band between approximately 8–12 Hz, and is referred to as alpha activity. While sometimes dismissed by neurophysiologists as a nuisance biological artefact, since it often interferes with the recording of event-related potentials (ERPs), there has been an explosion of research linking it to specific functional roles in cognition and behavior over the past two decades. Here, we review some of the research into the functional significance of alpha oscillations with respect to attention and expectation. We focus our discussion on how the amplitude and phase of alpha activity might be involved in the prioritization of relevant sensory input. In addition to summarizing the literature, we also endeavor to provide a critical appraisal as well as highlight limitations and conceptual gaps in the field