319 research outputs found

    Food supply chain network robustness : a literature review and research agenda

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    Today’s business environment is characterized by challenges of strong global competition where companies tend to achieve leanness and maximum responsiveness. However, lean supply chain networks (SCNs) become more vulnerable to all kind of disruptions. Food SCNs have to become robust, i.e. they should be able to continue to function in the event of disruption as well as in normal business environment. Current literature provides no explicit clarification related to robustness issue in food SCN context. This paper explores the meaning of SCN robustness and highlights further research direction

    Resource-efficient supply chains:a research framework, literature review and research agenda

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    Purpose – The study aims to define a research agenda for creating resource-efficient supply chains (RESCs) by identifying and analysing their key characteristics as well as future research opportunities. Design/methodology/approach – We follow a systematic review method to analyse the literature and to understand RESC, taking a substantive theory approach. Our approach is grounded in a specific domain, the agri-food sector, because it is an intensive user of an extensive range of resources. Findings – The review shows that works of literature has looked at the use of resources primarily from the environmental impact perspective. There is a need to explore whether or not and how logistics/supply chain decisions will affect the overall configuration of future food supply chains in an era of resource scarcity and depletion and what the trade-offs will be. Research limitations/implications – The paper proposes an agenda for future research in the area of RESC. The framework proposed along with the key characteristics identified for RESC can be applied to other sectors. Practical implications – Our research should facilitate further understanding of the implications and trade-offs of supply chain decisions taken on the use of resources by supply chain managers. Originality/value – The paper explores the interaction between supply chains and natural resources and defines the key characteristics of RESC

    DaVinc³i: sierteeltlogistiek in een dynamische eeuw : van onderbuik naar onderbouwing

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    In het DaVinc³i (Dutch Agricultural Virtualized International Network with Consolidation, Coordination, Collaboration and Information availability) onderzoek deden drie Nederlandse universiteiten en een groot aantal bedrijven strategisch onderzoek naar deelgebieden van de sierteeltlogistiek. Die deelgebieden zijn: samenwerking/ businessmodellen, logistieke netwerken, retourlogistiek/plannen en ICT in de sector. Bij veel bedrijven is concreet en strategisch onderzoek gedaan op basis van onderzoeksvragen op bedrijfsniveau. Dit boekje verhaalt, in een aantal interviews, eerst over de algemene strategische onderzoeken en de daaruit voortvloeiende scenario’s. Daarna komt de bedrijfspraktijk aan de orde. De volgende vragen kwamen hierbij aan de orde: Met welke logistieke ketens en afzetketens krijgt de sierteeltsector in de toekomst te maken? Welke functies en processen zijn aan die ketens verbonden? Waar kun je die functies geografisch gezien het best uitoefenen? Hoe ondersteun je dat optimaal met ICT-toepassingen en businessmodellen? Wat betekent dit alles voor de sierteeltlogistiek

    A Review on Quantitative Models for Sustainable Food Logistics Management

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    The last two decades food logistics systems have seen the transition from a focus on traditional supply chain management to food supply chain management, and successively, to sustainable food supply chain management. The main aim of this study is to identify key logistical aims in these three phases and analyse currently available quantitative models to point out modelling challenges in sustainable food logistics management (SFLM). A literature review on quantitative studies is conducted and also qualitative studies are consulted to understand the key logistical aims more clearly and to identify relevant system scope issues. Results show that research on SFLM has been progressively developing according to the needs of the food industry. However, the intrinsic characteristics of food products and processes have not yet been handled properly in the identified studies. The majority of the works reviewed have not contemplated on sustainability problems, apart from a few recent studies. Therefore, the study concludes that new and advanced quantitative models are needed that take specific SFLM requirements from practice into consideration to support business decisions and capture food supply chain dynamics

    Thought for Food: the impact of ICT on agribusiness

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    This report outlines the impact of ICT on the food economy. On the basis of a literature review from four disciplines - knowledge management, management information systems, operations research and logistics, and economics - the demand for new ICT applications, the supply of new applications and the match between demand and supply are identified. Subsequently the impact of new ICT applications on the food economy is discussed. The report relates the development of new technologies to innovation and adoption processes and economic growth, and to concepts of open innovations and living lab