3,390 research outputs found

    Aspects of learning style and labour market entry an explorative study

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    Since ‘soft factors’ gain more interest for their relevance for the labour market, this study explores the effect of learning style on labour market entry. Learning style is considered to be a relative stable educational concept representing an individual’s learning preferences. This study links the educational concept of learning style with labour market research. The sample has been composed of graduates in Economics of the Maastricht University who graduated in between 1991 and 1995. They all started their studies in 1986 or 1987, in which years their learning style data were collected. Learning style aspects were tested for their effect on job chances, quality of work and type of job (job match) at the time of the survey one and a half year after graduation. Analyses were applied within a two step model. In the first step only learning style data and control variables were included. In the second step, relevant covariates like study results were included in the analyses in addition to the learning style data. Logistic and normal lineair regression analyses point out that the motivational aspects of learning style tend to have an effect on most of the labour market indicators, whereas the cognitive information processing aspects merely affect the chance of getting an academic job. Results of multinomial logistic regression analyses reveal some effects on entering an accounting job in comparison with a managing job (job match). The learning style aspect ‘holism’ shows a limited, although unexpected positive effect in this respect. For globalism a negative effect on entering an accounting job appeared. Extendedness appeared to have a limited negative effect on entering an accounting job as well. For research jobs in comparison with managing jobs, no effects are found. Altogether, the effects of learning style aspects appear to be more profound than the effects of study results with respect to labour market entry. Implications and limitations of the study are discussed.labour market entry;

    Personality Characteristics and Labour Market Entry an exploration

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    In an explorative study, the value of four personality constructs in predicting success in the labour market entry has been analysed with a sample of graduates in economics from Maastricht University. The research question is: do personality characteristics predict labour market entry success and how much weight do these ‘soft’ factors have compared to the traditional ‘hard’ human capital factors like study results? Two out of the four constructs, i.e. (internal) Locus of control and Type A behaviour appear to have a positive effect on labour market success. The effects are independent of the effects of study results and other traditional human capital variables. Locus of control affects getting a job soon after graduation and having tenure, whereas Type A behaviour affects having tenure and wages. Study results merely affect job quality indicators. For obtaining an academic job, the human capital factors have a positive effect while personality has no effect at all. The findings underline the relevance of further labour market research with respect to the importance and role of the so called ‘soft’ factors like personality characteristics. At the same time, the role of ‘hard’ human capital factors is not to be neglected. Both types of factors seem to have their own and independent effects. Future research directions are given and implications of the study are discussed.labour market entry;

    Почесний попечитель Гімназії вищих наук у Ніжині граф Олександр Григорович Кушельов-Безбородько

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    Короткий біографічний начерк представника династії Безбородьків, котрий закінчував будівництво і опікувався відкриттям у Ніжині Гімназії вищих наук. Незважаючи на звання почесного попечителя цього вищого навчального закладу, до часу своєї смерті О.Г. Кушельов-Безбородько був справжнім його керівником-розпорядником і меценатом.Короткий биографический очерк о представителе династии Безбородько, который заканчивал строительство и заботился об открытии в Нежине Гимназии высших наук. Невзирая на звание почетного попечителя этого высшего учебного заведения, до времени своей смерти А.Г. Кушелев-Безбородько был настоящим его руководителем-распорядителем и меценатом.This is short biographic essay about representative Bezborod’kos’ dynasty, which concluded building and cared of opening of Gimnasium of Higher Sciences in Nizhyn. Without regard to the rank of the honoured trustee of this higher educational establishment, to time of his death A.G. Kushel’yov-Bezborod’ko was the real its patron and manager

    Conceptual Final Paper on the Preliminary Design of an Oblique Flying Wing SST

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    A conceptual Oblique Flying Wing Supersonic Transport Aircraft (OFW, or surfplane because of its shape) was first proposed in 1957. It was reintroduced in 1987 in view of the emerging technology of artificial stabilization. This paper is based on the performance and economics study of an M2 B747-100B replacement aircraft. In order to make a fair comparison of this configuration with the B747, an end-sixties structural technology level is assumed. It is shown that a modern stability and control system can balance the aircraft and smooth out gusts, and that the OFW configuration equals or outperforms the B747 in speed, economy and comfort

    Relapsing fever, a disappearing cause of fever and maternal death in Sengerema, Tanzania, east Africa

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    Objective: To study the incidence of tick borne relapsing fever (TBRF) during the last 50 years, once like malaria an endemic disease in Sengerema, Tanzania.Design: By analyzing the annual reports, focusing on the number of admissions, maternal deaths, blood smears of patients with fever for Borrelia.Setting: Sengerema district, Tanzania.Subject: Admissions in Sengerema Hospital due to TBRF.Main Outcome Measures: From 1960 to 2010, we analyzed the incidence of TBRF.Result: Forty annual admissions in the sixties/seventies, 200 in the eighties (range from 37 in 1964 to 455 in 1988), dropping to 30 in the nineties. For the last nine years no Borrelia spirochetes were found in blood smears at the laboratory anymore and no admissions for TBRF were  registered. The number of maternal deaths due to relapsing fever  decreased simultaneously; the last one recorded was in 2002.Conclusion: During the last century, we have witnessed the disappearing of tick borne relapsing fever in Sengerema. Increase of gold mining,  improved local economy, housing and standards of living after the nineties resulted in an almost complete eradication of the incidence of TBRF

    Is there an opportunity-performance trade-off in secondary education?

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    Schools in secondary education face a dilemma. On the one hand, they would like to offer all students opportunities to develop their talent, and on the other hand they want to safeguard a minimum performance level. In tracked systems, this dilemma becomes more consequential as misallocation of students could lead to either denying access to a more optimal track or to lower performance of students that are placed too high. Based on data from the Netherlands Cohort Study on Education (NCO) from 2010 to 2017, we find that only for 55% of schools there is a trade-off between opportunity and performance. These schools show a relative preference for either opportunity or performance. However, in the other schools, opportunity and performance are optimised at the same time; this dimension is related to the quality of the school. While controlling for the school’s potential student population, we show which school characteristics are associated with the relative preference and quality dimensions