1,010 research outputs found

    David Harvey´s Moral Geography

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    This article presents some David Harvey s ideas 1980 1998 2005 2006 2011 2013a 2014 2016 2018a 2018b with the aim of demonstrating how the author adresses the issue of justice in Geography reveals the specific problems underlying the topic and how he seeks to solve them The new here dedicates to a cut and an emphasis of the author s own ideas as well as the elaboration of a worldview framework and a view of justice and Injustice in order to think a moral and ethical Geography identifying the problem critic the values the vices and virtues the possible strategies and solution proposed by the Geographer Therefore the text suggests encouraging the reader to possess an inteligibility to recognize in the moral debate through the concept of justice valuable aspects of our research field for the construction of a moral and ethical geographical though

    Turbulent channel flow near maximum drag reduction: simulations, experiments and mechanisms

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    It is well known that the drag in a turbulent flow of a polymer solution is significantly reduced compared to Newtonian flow. Here we consider this phenomenon by means of a direct numerical simulation of a turbulent channel flow. The polymers are modelled as elastic dumbbells using the FENE-P model. In the computations the polymer model is solved simultaneously with the flow equations, i.e. the polymers are deformed by the flow and in their turn influence the flow structures by exerting a polymer stress. We have studied the results of varying the polymer parameters, such as the maximum extension, the elasticity and the concentration. For the case of highly extensible polymers the results of our simulations are very close to the maximum drag reduction or Virk (1975) asymptote. Our simulation results show that at approximately maximum drag reduction the slope of the mean velocity profile is increased compared to the standard logarithmic profile in turbulent wall flows. For the r.m.s. of the streamwise velocity fluctuations we find initially an increase in magnitude which near maximum drag reduction changes to a decrease. For the velocity fluctuations in the spanwise and wall-normal directions we find a continuous decrease as a function of drag reduction. The Reynolds shear stress is strongly reduced, especially near the wall, and this is compensated by a polymer stress, which at maximum drag reduction amounts to about 40% of the total stress. These results have been compared with LDV experiments of Ptasinski et al. (2001) and the agreement, both qualitatively and quantitatively, is in most cases very good. In addition we have performed an analysis of the turbulent kinetic energy budgets. The main result is a reduction of energy transfer from the streamwise direction, where the production of turbulent kinetic energy takes place, to the other directions. A substantial part of the energy production by the mean flow is transferred directly into elastic energy of the polymers. The turbulent velocity fluctuations also contribute energy to the polymers. The elastic energy of the polymers is subsequently dissipated by polymer relaxation. We have also computed the various contributions to the pressure fluctuations and identified how these change as a function of drag reduction. Finally, we discuss some cross-correlations and various length scales. These simulation results are explained here by two mechanisms. First, as suggested by Lumley (1969) the polymers damp the cross-stream or wall-normal velocity fluctuations and suppress the bursting in the buffer layer. Secondly, the ‘shear sheltering’ mechanism acts to amplify the streamwise fluctuations in the thickened buffer layer, while reducing and decoupling the motions within and above this layer. The expression for the substantial reduction in the wall drag derived by considering the long time scales of the nonlinear fluctuations of this damped shear layer, is shown to be consistent with the experimental data of Virk et al. (1967) and Virk (1975)

    Heterogeneity in stress resistance of Paecilomyces variotii and related food spoilage fungi

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    A quarter of all food that is produced has been estimated to be spoiled by microbes. Reducing this number will help in the challenge to keep feeding an increasing world population. Food industry aims to develop products that are safe by design to prevent spoilage and growth of pathogens before the end of the shelf life. However, spoilage and safety incidents do occur, leading to recalls, food waste and economic losses. To limit these losses, industrially processed food products are designed with preservation hurdles. This is a concept of applying a mixture of processing tools and adapting levels of key product parameters, such as pH, water activity or weak acids, in order to inactivate or inhibit growth of target microorganisms. As a result of current consumer trends, products are redesigned by using milder processing methods, less salt and without the use of preservatives. These developments put a tension on shelf-lives, because they favour microbial growth. To estimate the potential growth of microorganisms in food, industry uses microbiological risk assessments. These cover all scientific information, including processing parameters, chemical analysis of key product parameters, microbiological modelling and challenge test results. Microbiological modelling is essential to make these assessments quantitative. The degree of uncertainty and variability should be explicitly considered in these analyses to make them more realistic. In this thesis, inter- and intra-strain variability of the food spoilage fungi Paecilomyces variotii, Aspergillus niger and Penicillium roqueforti was studied with a focus on the former fungus. To this end, 108 P. variotii strains, 21 A. niger strains and 20 P. roqueforti strains were studied, which were isolated from various locations and substrates. The heat resistance of the asexual spores, the conidia, and variability at different levels was quantified. Results show that the heterogeneity in stress resistant conidia is considerable within the three different species, which is of high relevance for the food industry. Reduction in food loss and waste will contribute to global food security for the decades to come. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of inter- and intra-strain heterogeneity of P. variotii and, more general, the Eurotiales. This data can be used as input to improve predictive models in food industry that describe spoilage due to contamination by airborne conidia and more specifically, by P. variotii conidia. In the end, the most resistant spore defines if spoilage by a fungus can occur. Therefore, implementation of variability in microbiological modelling could lead to microbiological risk assessments with higher precision, which results in less recalls, less economic losses, and most importantly: less food waste

    Planejamento urbano no município de Juazeiro do Norte, Ceará: concepções de desenvolvimento urbano em questão

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    É possível perceber dois ideais em torno da cidade: a cidade-mercado e a cidade-direito (SANTOS JUNIOR 2007). Partindo dessa perspectiva, o presente trabalho, fruto de nossa tese de doutorado, objetivou identificar como a concepção de desenvolvimento urbano foi abordada no Plano Diretor do município de Juazeiro do Norte-CE (1997-2000), bem como na compreensão de pessoas vinculadas à gestão municipal daquele período, por meio de entrevistas realizadas entre os anos de 2016 a 2019. Quanto aos resultados, vimos que o PDDU (1997-2000) foi marcado por sua aproximação com a ideia de empreendedorismo urbano, especialmente quando se observam as linhas estratégicas traçadas no documento. Já para nossos entrevistados, de modo geral, a ideia do bem-estar aparece como propósito do desenvolvimento urbano, aspecto que vai desde a garantia ao acesso à infraestrutura até a ideia de gerar mais acesso à saúde, educação, moradia, segurança e saneamento


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    With the City Statute (Federal Law 10.257 of 2001), cities gained a set of instruments for the elaboration of urban development policy, to be implemented at the local level through the Participative Master Plans. That law started to oblige cities with more than twenty thousand inhabitants and/or members of metropolitan regions to prepare Master Plans and carry out their review at least every ten years. The municipality of Juazeiro do Norte-CE (case study in question) prepared for the first time its Master Plan for Urban Development in the management (1997-2000) of Partido Democrático Trabalhista (PDT), and an attempt to revise the Master Plan took place at management (2009-2012) of Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). Not starting from a naive view – on that master plans are solutions for cities - this article intends to highlight, through semi-structured interviews, the perception of those who were tasked with revising that plan, what were the main actions and the main obstacles. The main problems encountered were the population's disbelief with public policies, the slowness in the bidding process, the lack of municipal resources, the absence of technical qualifications, the proximity to the electoral period, the diminished political will, the lack of management priority for reviewing the plan and social inequalities. However, there was more progress, from the pedagogical point of view, for the people involved in the process, than in the external results. We can mention some of them: preparation of the methodological proposal for reviewing the Master Plan, composition and training of the municipal technical team; recomposition and training of the municipal council of the Master Plan.Com o Estatuto da Cidade (Lei Federal 10.257 de 2001), as cidades ganharam um conjunto de instrumentos para elaboração da política de desenvolvimento urbano, a serem implementos na esfera local através dos Planos Diretores Participativos. A referida lei passou a obrigar cidades com mais de vinte mil habitantes e/ou integrantes de regiões metropolitanas a elaborarem Planos Diretores e efetuarem sua revisão pelo menos a cada dez anos. O município de Juazeiro do Norte-CE (estudo de caso em questão) elaborou pela primeira vez seu Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento Urbano na gestão (1997-2000) do Partido Democrático Trabalhista (PDT) e uma tentativa de revisão do Plano Diretor ocorreu na gestão (2009-2012) do Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT). Sem partir de uma visão ingênua – de que os Planos Diretores são soluções para as cidades – este artigo pretende evidenciar, através de entrevistas semi-estruturadas, a percepção daqueles que ficaram incumbidos de efetuar a revisão do referido plano, quais foram as principais ações e os principais obstáculos. Os principais problemas encontrados foram a descrença da população com as políticas públicas, a morosidade no processo licitatório, a falta de recurso municipal, a ausência de qualificação técnica, a proximidade com o período eleitoral, a diminuta vontade política, a ausência de prioridade da gestão para a revisão do plano e as desigualdades sociais. No entanto, houve mais avanços, do ponto de vista pedagógico, para as pessoas envolvidas no processo, do que nos resultados externos. Podemos citar alguns deles: elaboração da proposta metodológica de revisão do Plano Diretor; composição e capacitação da equipe técnica municipal; recomposição e capacitação do conselho municipal do Plano Diretor

    Justiça espacial e novas demarcações

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    En busca de la justicia espacial é um livro publicado originalmente em inglês no ano de 2010, mas somente em 2014 recebe uma versão em língua espanhola, até o presente momento sem tradução para o português. O livro conta com apresentação, prólogo, introdução, seis capítulos, agradecimentos e notas e referências. Josep Vicent Boira escreveu, na apresentação, os objetivos do livro: apresentar o conceito de justiça espacial e desenvolver sua base teórica; mostrar exemplos para o funcionamento do conceito; e, por último, propor um método de ação social e política que melhore a equidade do acesso aos direitos urbanos dos cidadãos (SOJA, 2014)

    As diversas abordagens de justiça espacial na geografia

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    Este artigo trata-se de um estudo teórico de caráter bibliográfico, no âmbito da Geografia Humana e áreas afins, por meio do qual objetivamos identificar a produção científica sobre o conceito de justiça espacial e quais são seus respectivos usos. Orientou nossa investigação o pressuposto de que a justiça se tornou, juntamente com a categoria espaço, relevante para o pensamento geográfico contemporâneo, e central à análise do planejamento urbano e à produção do espaço citadino. No entanto, interessava-nos descobrir quando e como a justiça espacial assumiu relevância nos estudos geográficos e como ela vem sendo trabalhada atualmente. Este esforço intelectual visa oferecer uma contribuição à construção do pensamento geográfico sobre o tema em tela e, em especial, ao debate teórico-conceitual do que seja justiça espacial. Destarte, foi elaborado dois quadros sínteses da justiça/injustiça com autores/ano, valores e ideia-força. Posteriormente, finalizamos nossa identificação, classificando cinco linhas de trabalho e suas diversas ênfases.  Este artículo es un estudio teórico de carácter bibliográfico, dentro del alcance de la Geografía Humana y áreas relacionadas, a través del cual buscamos identificar la producción científica sobre el concepto de justicia espacial y cuáles son sus respectivos usos. Nuestra investigación guió la suposición de que la justicia, junto con la categoría espacial, se volvió relevante para el pensamiento geográfico contemporáneo y central para el análisis de la planificación urbana y la producción del espacio urbano. Sin embargo, estábamos interesados ​​en descubrir cuándo y cómo la justicia espacial se volvió relevante en los estudios geográficos y cómo se está trabajando en la actualidad. Este esfuerzo intelectual tiene como objetivo ofrecer una contribución a la construcción del pensamiento geográfico sobre el tema en cuestión y, en particular, al debate teórico-conceptual de lo que es la justicia espacial. Por lo tanto, se prepararon dos tablas resumen de justicia / injusticia con autores / año, valores y idea-fuerza. Posteriormente, finalizamos nuestra identificación, clasificando cinco líneas de trabajo y sus diferentes énfasis.This article is a theoretical study of bibliographic character, within the scope of Human Geography and related areas, through which we aim to identify scientific production on the concept of spatial justice and what are their respective uses. Our investigation guided the assumption that justice, together with the space category, became relevant to contemporary geographic thinking, and central to the analysis of urban planning and the production of city space. However, we were interested in discovering when and how spatial justice became relevant in geographic studies and how it is being worked on today. This intellectual effort aims to offer a contribution to the construction of geographic thinking on the topic at hand and, in particular, to the theoretical-conceptual debate of what is spatial justice. Thus, two summary tables of justice / injustice were prepared with authors / year, values ​​and central idea. Subsequently, we finalized our identification, classifying five lines of work and their different emphases

    Combination of PCR targeting the VD2 of omp1 and reverse line blot analysis for typing of urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis serovars in cervical scrape specimens.

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    50% contained both serovars D and E. The nested VD2 PCR-RLB developed is a simple, fast, and specific method for the identification of individual urogenital C. trachomatis serovars previously detected by using plasmid PCR. Moreover, it is an appropriate method for studying multiple C. trachomatis infections and for use in large epidemiological studies

    Activity of the EBNA1 promoter associated with lytic replication (Fp) in Epstein-Barr virus associated disorders

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    Background/Aims - In Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) positive cell lines that are stably infected, three different promoters are known to direct the transcription of EBV nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1). These are located in the BamHI-C, BamHI-Q, and BamHI-F regions of the viral genome (Cp, Qp, and Fp, respectively). Fp is activated upon induction of the viral lytic cycle. The aim of this study was to investigate the activity of Fp in EBV associated diseases. Methods - Using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction, a qualitative analysis of EBNA1 promoter usage in various EBV associated diseases was performed. Results - Fp driven transcription was detected in the context of primary infection and/or lytic replication; at least a portion of the Fp driven transcripts encoded EBNA1. Qp driven EBNA1 transcripts were detected in most samples across the range of disorders tested. Cp driven EBNA1 transcripts were detected in the context of immune suppression and in samples containing EBV positive (nonneoplastic) lymphoid cells. Conclusions - These results confirm the previously proposed housekeeping function of the Qp promoter.published_or_final_versio

    Incidence, duration, and determinants of cervical Human Papillomavirus infection in a cohort of Colombian women with normal Cytological results

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    Q1Q1Data on the incidence and determinants of human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in women 130 years old are scarce. To address this, a cohort of 1610 women—15–85 years old, HPV negative, and with normal cytological results at baseline—was monitored every 6 months for an average of 4.1 years. Information on risk factors and cervical samples for cytological testing and detection and typing of HPV DNA were obtained at each visit. The incidence of high-risk types was higher than that of low-risk types (5.0 vs. 2.0 cases/100 woman-years). The agespecific incidence curve for high-risk types was bimodal, whereas the incidence of low-risk types gradually decreased with age. Infections with high-risk types lasted longer than infections with low-risk types (14.8 vs. 11.1 months). In this cohort of cytologically normal women, the incidence of cervical HPV infection was high, and the epidemiological profile of high-risk HPV types was different from that of low-risk typeshttp://scienti.colciencias.gov.co:8081/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000266264https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0000017647https://scienti.minciencias.gov.co/cvlac/visualizador/generarCurriculoCv.do?cod_rh=0001240307Revista Nacional - Indexad