608 research outputs found

    Correction of beam hardening artefacts in microtomography for samples imaged in containers

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    We explore the use of referenceless multi-material beam hardening correction methods, with an emphasis on maintaining data quality for real-world imaging of geologic materials with a view towards automation. In particular, we consider cases where the sample of interest is surrounded by a container of uniform material and propose a novel container-only pre-correction technique to allow automation of the segmentation process required for such correction methods. The effectiveness of the new technique is demonstrated using both simulated and experimental data

    Low NO bioavailability in CCl(4 )cirrhotic rat livers might result from low NO synthesis combined with decreased superoxide dismutase activity allowing superoxide-mediated NO breakdown: A comparison of two portal hypertensive rat models with healthy controls

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    BACKGROUND: In cirrhotic livers, the balance of vasoactive substances is in favour of vasoconstrictors with relatively insufficient nitric oxide. Endothelial dysfunction has been documented in cirrhotic rat livers leading to a lower activity of endothelial nitric oxide synthase but this might not be sufficient to explain the low nitric oxide presence. We compared the amount of all nitric oxide synthase isoforms and other factors that influence nitric oxide bioavailability in livers of two portal hypertensive rat models: prehepatic portal hypertension and carbon tetrachloride induced cirrhosis, in comparison with healthy controls. RESULTS: Endothelial nitric oxide synthase was the solely detected isoform by Western blotting in all livers. In cirrhotic livers, the amount of endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein was lower than in healthy controls, although an overlap existed. Levels of caveolin-1 messenger RNA were within the normal range but endothelin-1 messenger RNA levels were significantly higher in cirrhotic livers (p < 0.05). A markedly lower superoxide dismutase activity was observed in cirrhotic livers as compared to healthy controls (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: In contrast to prehepatic portal hypertension, cirrhotic livers had decreased endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein and enhanced endothelin-1 messenger RNA amount. We hypothesise that a vasodilator/vasoconstrictor imbalance may be further aggravated by the reduced activity of superoxide dismutase. Decreased activity allows enhanced superoxide action, which may lead to breakdown of nitric oxide in liver sinusoids

    Super-Resolution for Computed Tomography Based on Discrete Tomography

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    In computed tomography (CT), partial volume effects impede accurate segmentation of structures that are small with respect to the pixel size. In this paper, it is shown that for objects consisting of a small number of homogen

    ENOBIO - First tests of a dry electrophysiology electrode using carbon nanotubes

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    We describe the development and first tests of Enobio, a dry electrode sensor concept for biopotential applications. In the proposed electrodes, the tip of the electrode is covered with a forest of multi-walled CNTs that can be coated with Ag/AgCl to provide ionic-electronic transduction. The CNT brush-like structure is to penetrate the outer layers of the skin improving electrical contact as well as increae the contact surface area. In this paper, we report the results of the first tests of this concept -- immersion on saline solution and pig skin signal detection. These indicate performance on a par with state of the art research-oriented wet electrodes.Comment: Submitted and accepted at the 28th IEEE EMBS International Conference, New York City, August 31st-September 3rd, 2006. Figures updated with proper filtering and averagin

    The zinc finger transcription factor PW1/PEG3 restrains murine beta cell cycling

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    Aims/hypothesis: Pw1 or paternally-expressed gene 3 (Peg3) encodes a zinc finger transcription factor that is widely expressed during mouse embryonic development and later restricted to multiple somatic stem cell lineages in the adult. The aim of the present study was to define Pw1 expression in the embryonic and adult pancreas and investigate its role in the beta cell cycle in Pw1 wild-type and mutant mice. Methods: We analysed PW1 expression by immunohistochemistry in pancreas of nonpregant and pregnant mice and following injury by partial duct ligation. Its role in the beta cell cycle was studied in vivo using a novel conditional knockout mouse and in vitro by lentivirus-mediated gene knockdown. Results: We showed that PW1 is expressed in early pancreatic progenitors at E9.5 but becomes progressively restricted to fully differentiated beta cells as they become established after birth and withdraw from the cell cycle. Notably, PW1 expression declines when beta cells are induced to proliferate and loss of PW1 function activates the beta cell cycle. Conclusions/interpretation: These results indicate that PW1 is a co-regulator of the beta cell cycle and can thus be considered a novel therapeutic target in diabetes

    Comparison of commonly used methods in random effects meta-analysis:Application to preclinical data in drug discovery research

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    Background Meta-analysis of preclinical data is used to evaluate the consistency of findings and to inform the design and conduct of future studies. Unlike clinical meta-analysis, preclinical data often involve many heterogeneous studies reporting outcomes from a small number of animals. Here, we review the methodological challenges in preclinical meta-analysis in estimating and explaining heterogeneity in treatment effects.Methods Assuming aggregate-level data, we focus on two topics: (1) estimation of heterogeneity using commonly used methods in preclinical meta-analysis: method of moments (DerSimonian and Laird; DL), maximum likelihood (restricted maximum likelihood; REML) and Bayesian approach; (2) comparison of univariate versus multivariable meta-regression for adjusting estimated treatment effects for heterogeneity. Using data from a systematic review on the efficacy of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist in animals with stroke, we compare these methods, and explore the impact of multiple covariates on the treatment effects.Results We observed that the three methods for estimating heterogeneity yielded similar estimates for the overall effect, but different estimates for between-study variability. The proportion of heterogeneity explained by a covariate is estimated larger using REML and the Bayesian method as compared with DL. Multivariable meta-regression explains more heterogeneity than univariate meta-regression.Conclusions Our findings highlight the importance of careful selection of the estimation method and the use of multivariable meta-regression to explain heterogeneity. There was no difference between REML and the Bayesian method and both methods are recommended over DL. Multiple meta-regression is worthwhile to explain heterogeneity by more than one variable, reducing more variability than any univariate models and increasing the explained proportion of heterogeneity