388 research outputs found

    The reception of relativity in the Netherlands

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    This article reviews the early academic and public reception of Albert Einstein's theory of relativity in the Netherlands, particularly after Arthur Eddington's eclipse experiments of 1919. Initially, not much attention was given to relativity, as it did not seem an improvement over Hendrik A. Lorentz' work. This changed after the arrival in Leiden of Paul Ehrenfest. Soon relativity was much studied and lead to controversy among a number of conservative intellectuals, as elsewhere in Europe. The tone of Dutch critics was much more mild, however. This can be understood when one considers Dutch neutrality during World War I. Einstein's political positions were generally positively perceived in Holland, which Dutch academics put to use in their efforts at international reconciliation abroad, and the presentation of theoretical physics at home

    Мовне різноманіття і цінність мови у вузькоспеціалізованому міжкультурному спілкуванні

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    Стаття містить деякі міркування про мовну різноманітність сьогодні і в майбутньому. Деякі аспекти медичного і судового усний перекладу обговорюються як найскладніші види усного перекладу.Статья содержит некоторые размышления о языковом разнообразии сегодня и его перспективах в будущем. Обсуждаются некоторые вопросы медицинского и судебного устного перевода как двух самых сложных видов перевода.The article contains some contemplative ideas on linguistic multiculturalism of today, and its prospects for the future. Medical and court interpretation are discussed in brief as the most challenging interpretation areas

    Smart Project Management Information Systems (SPMIS) for Engineering Projects – Project Performance Monitoring & Reporting

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    Engineering projects are becoming increasingly complex as projects get larger and as technology improves. Greater competition worldwide has meant that projects are delivered quicker and cheaper. This necessitates sophisticated Project Management Information System (PMIS) technologies to be adopted to improve efficiency and quality on projects. PMIS data and reports can be used to better understand the risk exposure, resource utilisation, profitability, and scheduling of a project. It also informs strategic project decisions and performance monitoring and reporting. Unfortunately, project data is often fragmented and embedded in different systems. This paper investigates several commercially available PMIS, to understand and compare the functionality of these systems. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted with purposively selected project systems experts at twelve project-based organisations. Thematic analysis revealed what functions PMIS fulfils, how these systems are integrated and how they facilitate project monitoring and reporting. Moreover, a novel model for the basic architecture of a ‘Smart’ Project Management Information System (SPMIS) is proposed, which would facilitate software integration and intelligence based on identified industry needs and requirements. The model addresses the shortcomings of existing models by combining models and incorporating system intelligence i.e. the automation of certain project management activities

    Smart Project Management Information Systems (SPMIS) for Engineering Projects – Project Performance Monitoring & Reporting

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    Engineering projects are becoming increasingly complex as projects get larger and as technology improves. Greater competition worldwide has meant that projects are delivered quicker and cheaper. This necessitates sophisticated Project Management Information System (PMIS) technologies to be adopted to improve efficiency and quality on projects. PMIS data and reports can be used to better understand the risk exposure, resource utilisation, profitability, and scheduling of a project. It also informs strategic project decisions and performance monitoring and reporting. Unfortunately, project data is often fragmented and embedded in different systems. This paper investigates several commercially available PMIS, to understand and compare the functionality of these systems. A qualitative study using semi-structured interviews was conducted with purposively selected project systems experts at twelve project-based organisations. Thematic analysis revealed what functions PMIS fulfils, how these systems are integrated and how they facilitate project monitoring and reporting. Moreover, a novel model for the basic architecture of a ‘Smart’ Project Management Information System (SPMIS) is proposed, which would facilitate software integration and intelligence based on identified industry needs and requirements. The model addresses the shortcomings of existing models by combining models and incorporating system intelligence i.e. the automation of certain project management activities

    Item Generation for a Music-related Quality of Life Questionnaire for Adult Cochlear Implant Users

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    Introduction: Existing music questionnaires designed for adult cochlear implant (CI) users are limited in their ability to measure real-world benefits of auditory music training and new technologies. Aims: To investigate aspects of CI users’ relationship with music that are relevant to quality of life (QoL) domains, with a view to generating items for a new questionnaire. Methods: Thirty adult CI users participated in 1 of 6 focus groups about music in everyday life. The group discussion data were analyzed based on the theory of template analysis. The QoL domains of the Nijmegen Cochlear Implant Questionnaire were used as broad a priori categories to help with organizing associated themes. Participants also evaluated items of existing questionnaires. Results: The themes identified in the discussion were organized into three main domains (music listening ability, attitude towards music, musical activity), which constitute the music-related quality of life (MuRQoL) of CI users. Fifty-three items were developed for a prototype questionnaire using a combination of these themes and items from existing questionnaires highly rated by participants. Conclusion: The study highlights musical abilities, attitudes and activities of adult CI users poorly addressed or not addressed at all by previous questionnaires. By covering novel aspects of music experience, the MuRQoL questionnaire has the potential to be a more suitable measure of music-specific CI outcomes than previous questionnaires, which may open up new avenues for the assessment and provision of music rehabilitation in clinical settings. The MuRQoL questionnaire was optimized and validated in another study before becoming available for use

    Produktieverbeteringen voor de revisie van drukgroepen en koppelingsplaten

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    ’s Gravesande on the Application of Mathematics in Physics and Philosophy

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    Willem Jacob ’s Gravesande is widely remembered as a leading advocate of Isaac Newton’s work. In the first half of the eighteenth century, ’s Gravesande was arguably Europe’s most important proponent of what would become known as Newtonian physics. ’s Gravesande himself minimally described this discipline, which he called «physica», as studying empirical regularities mathematically while avoiding hypotheses. Commentators have as yet not progressed much beyond this view of ’s Gravesande’s physics. Therefore, much of its precise nature, its methodology, and its relation to Newton’s actual work remains unclear. This article discusses one particular methodological element that ’s Gravesande himself often stressed in detail, namely the use of mathematics in philosophy and physics. In doing so, it takes exception to the claim that mathematics played only a minor role in ’s Gravesande’s work, a view put forward in recent historiography. Besides that, this article casts new light on the interpretation of ’s Gravesande’s philosophical notion of «mathematical reasoning», a notion that has remained somewhat obscure thus far