425 research outputs found

    De bijdrage van toevoeging van cacao aan tabak aan rookverslaving

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    In this report the effect of these compounds on the addiction to cigarette smoking was assessed, using currently available information in the literature on psychoactive compounds of cocoa. The investigated psychoactive cocoa compounds were theobromine, caffeine, serotonin, histamine, tryptophan, tryptamine, tyramine, phenylethylamine, octopamine and anandamide. The general conclusion is that the level of these compounds in added cocoa in cigarettes is not sufficient to increase the addiction to cigarette smoking.In dit rapport wordt de mogelijke bijdrage van cacao aan rookverslaving beschreven. Cacao wordt aan tabak toegevoegd om de smaak te verbeteren. Daarnaast bevat cacao tal van psychoactieve stoffen die mogelijk bijdragen aan rookverslaving Dit literatuuronderzoek beschrijft de blootstelling, farmacologie, farmacokinetiek, toxicologie, interacties en verslavende eigenschappen van de tien meest bekende stoffen in cacao. De onderzochte stoffen zijn theobromine, caffeine, serotonine, histamine, tryptofaan, tryptamine, tyramine, fenylethylamine, octopamine en anandamide. Deze stoffen komen ook via dranken en voedsel het lichaam binnen of worden door het lichaam zelf aangemaakt. Dit rapport laat zien dat de aan roken gerelateerde blootstelling aan de psychoactieve stoffen uit cacao gering is ten opzichte van de inname via voeding en dranken en/of de lichaamseigen productie van deze stoffen. Een systemisch effect lijkt derhalve onwaarschijnlijk ook al omdat lichaamseigen stoffen snel worden afgebroken. Daarnaast kunnen deze stoffen, omdat ze geinhaleerd worden, een direct effect op de luchtwegen hebben. Daarmee zou de opname van nicotine beinvloed kunnen worden. De nicotine opname zou bijvoorbeeld kunnen toenemen via luchtwegverwijding door theobromine en cafe6ne of kunnen afnemen door luchtwegvernauwing door histamine. Dit rapport laat zien dat de aan roken gerelateerde blootstelling aan deze stoffen waarschijnlijk te gering is voor een direct effect op de luchtwegen. Verder dient te worden opgemerkt dat de hoeveelheid tryptamine, tyramine en fenylethylamine die via cacao wordt toegevoegd verwaarloosbaar is ten opzichte van de hoeveelheid die in tabak zelf aanwezig is. Tot slot is aandacht besteed aan de verbrandingsproducten van cacao. Amine verbindingen als serotonin, tryptofaan, tyramine, tryptamine en fenylethylamine vormen tijdens het roken stoffen die het enzym mono amine oxidase (MAO) remmen. MAO-remmers hebben een anti-depressieve werking en kunnen op die manier bijdragen aan rookverslaving. De conclusie van dit literatuur onderzoek is dat de afzonderlijke psychoactieve stoffen in tabak als gevolg van toevoeging van cacao niet direct bijdragen aan rookverslaving. De verbrandingsproducten van cacao doen dit, via remming van het enzym mono amine oxidase, mogelijk wel. Ook de smaak van cacao wordt geassocieerd met verslaving. De literatuur biedt geen inzicht in het effect op gezondheid en verslaving van het inhaleren van de combinatie van de 10 onderzochte stoffen uit cacao


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    Savanna ecosystems are characterized by the co-occurrence of trees and grass-es. In this paper, we argue that the balance between trees and grasses is, to a large extent, determined by the indirect interactive effects of herbivory and fire. These effects are based on the positive feedback between fuel load (grass biomass) and fire intensity. An increase in the level of grazing leads to reduced fuel load, which makes fire less intense and, thus, less damaging to trees and, consequently, results in an increase in woody vegetation. The system then switches from a state with trees and grasses to a state with solely trees. Similarly, browsers may enhance the effect of fire on trees because they reduce woody biomass, thus indirectly stimulating grass growth. This consequent increase in fuel load results in more intense fire and increased decline of biomass. The system then switches from a state with solely trees to a state with trees and grasses. We maintain that the interaction between fire and herbivory provides a mechanistic explanation for observed discontinuous changes in woody and grass biomass. This is an alternative for the soil degradation mechanism, in which there is a positive feedback between the amount of grass biomass and the amount of water that infiltrates into the soil. The soil degradation mechanism predicts no discontinuous chang-es, such as bush encroachment, on sandy soils. Such changes, however, are frequently ob-served. Therefore, the interactive effects of fire and herbivory provide a more plausible explanation for the occurrence of discontinuous changes in savanna ecosystems

    Joint angle variability and co-variation in a reaching with a rod task

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    The problem at the heart of motor control is how the myriad units of the neuromotor system are coordinated to perform goal-directed movements. Although for long these numerous degrees of freedom (DOFs) were considered redundant, recent views emphasize more that the DOFs should be considered abundant, allowing flexible performance. We studied how variability in arm joints was employed to stabilize the displaced end-effector in tool use to examine how the neuromotor system flexibly exploits DOFs in the upper extremity. Participants made pointing movements with the index finger and with the index finger extended by rods of 10, 20, and 30 cm. Using the uncontrolled manifold (UCM) method, the total joint angle variance was decomposed into two parts, the joint angle variance that did not affect the position of the end-effector (VUCM) and the variance that results in a deviation of the position of the end-effector from its mean (VORT). Analyses showed that some angles depended on length of the rod in use. For all rod lengths, VUCM was larger than VORT, and this did not differ over rod lengths, demonstrating that the arm was organized into a synergy. Finally, the variation in the joint angles in the arm as well as the degree of co-variation between these angles did not differ for the rod’s tip and the hand. We concluded that synergies are formed in the arm during reaching with an extended end-effector and those synergies stabilize different parts of the arm+rod system equally

    Species trait shifts in vegetation and soil seed bank during fen degradation

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    Fens in Central Europe are characterised by waterlogged organic substrate and low productivity. Human-induced changes due to drainage and mowing lead to changes in plant species composition from natural fen communities to fen meadows and later to over-drained, degraded meadows. Moderate drainage leads to increased vegetation productivity, and severe drainage results in frequent soil disturbances and less plant growth. In the present article, we analyse changes in plant trait combinations in the vegetation and the soil seed bank as well as changes in the seed bank types along gradient of drainage intensity. We hypothesize that an increase in productivity enhances traits related to persistence and that frequent disturbance selects for regeneration traits. We use multivariate statistics to analyse data from three disturbance levels: undisturbed fen, slightly drained fen meadow and severely drained degraded meadow. We found that the abundance of plants regenerating from seeds and accumulating persistent seed banks was increasing with degradation level, while plants reproducing vegetatively were gradually eliminated along the same trajectory. Plants with strong resprouting abilities increased during degradation. We also found that shifts in trait combinations were similar in the aboveground vegetation and in soil seed banks. We found that the density of short-term persistent seeds in the soil is highest in fen meadows and the density of long-term persistent seeds is highest in degraded meadows. The increase in abundance of species with strong regeneration traits at the cost of species with persistence-related traits has negative consequences for the restoration prospects of severely degraded sites
