5 research outputs found

    Performance Comparison Of Students Of Physical Education And Sport And Students Of Physiotherapy In Motor Tests

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    Cílem studie je přispět k rozšíření poznatků o úrovni výkonnosti a zdravotně orientované zdatnosti studentek oboru Fyzioterapie, reprezentované studentkami tohoto oboru na Fakultě zdravotnických studií UJEP v Ústí n. L. Výsledné hodnoty porovnáváme s hodnotami dosaženými obecnou populací a studentkami oboru Tělesná výchova a sport. Studentky absolvovaly tyto testy: progresivní člunkový běh na 20 metrů, hod plným míčem obouruč 2 kg těžkým, skok daleký z místa odrazem snožmo, výdrž ve shybu na hrazdě − držení podhmatem, leh-sed opakovaně po dobu jedné minuty, hluboký předklon v sedu, Iowa Brace test. Dále jsme vypočítali BMI. Ve své studii jsme si položili dvě otázky. První, jaká je úroveň motorických schopností studentek Fyzioterapie tedy studentek VŠ ve srovnání s obecnou populací, a druhou, jaký je rozdíl v úrovni motorických schopností mezi studentkami studijního oboru Fyzioterapie a oboru Tělesná výchova a sport. Z výsledků vyplynulo, že studentky oboru Fyzioterapie měly shodnou úroveň motorických schopností jako obecná populace. Se studentkami oboru Tělesná výchova a sport měly shodnou úroveň pouze ve dvou testech, a to v hlubokém předklonu v sedu – flexibilitě a ve výdrži ve shybu na hrazdě.The aim of this study was to contribute the development of knowledge about the level of performance and health-oriented fitness of represented students of Physiotherapy in the Faculty of Health Studies Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem. We compare result values with the values that were obtained by the general population of students of Physical education and sport. Students that participated in these tests underwent: progressive run for 20 meters, 2 kg heavy ball throw with both hands, standing long jump with both legs together, flexed – arm hang forward grip for woman, sit-up test for 1-minute, deep bend in sitting position, Iowa Brace and calculated Body mass index (BMI). We asked two questions for our study. First, what is the level of motor skills in students of Physiotherapy academic students, what is the difference in the level of motor skills between students of Physiotherapy compared with general population and second, what is the difference between the level of motor skills in students of Physiotherapy and students of Physical education and sport. The results showed that students of Physiotherapy had the same level of motor skills as the general population. Students of Physiotherapy had the same level in only two tests – deep bend in sitting position – flexibility and flexed-arm hang forward grip

    Influence Of Physical Factors On Performance Of The Students Of Physiotherapy At J. E. Purkyně University In Ústí Nad Labem, The Faculty Of Health Studies

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    Cílem studie je přispět k rozšíření poznatků o úrovni základní výkonnosti studentek oboru Fyzioterapie FZS UJEP v Ústí nad Labem a jejím ovlivnění somatickými faktory. Pro účely sdělení jsme formulovali dvě hypotézy, první, základní výkonnost studentek oboru Fyzioterapie vykazuje v prvním roce studia stabilní úroveň, a druhou, úroveň výkonnosti studentek tohoto oboru bude v motorických testech významně ovlivněna somatickými faktory. Studentky absolvovaly tyto testy: progresivní člunkový běh na 20 metrů, Katch-McArdle Step Test, hod plným míčem obouruč 2 kg těžkým, skok daleký z místa odrazem snožmo, výdrž ve shybu na hrazdě – držení podhmatem, leh – sed opakovaně po dobu jedné minuty, hluboký předklon v sedu a Iowa Brace test. Dále jsme změřili somatické faktory tj. tělesnou výšku, tělesnou hmotnost, aktivní tělesnou hmotu a tělesný tuk. Aktivní tělesná hmota a tělesný tuk byly zjišťovány pomocí přístroje Body jett (rok výroby 2010) a to pouze u souboru studentek měřených v roce 2014. Z výsledků vyplynulo, že průměrný index BMI patří u obou souborů do skupiny „normální hodnota“. U souboru z roku 2014 vykazovalo 31 % studentek vyšší hodnoty procent tělesného tuku než je normální hodnota. Základní výkonnost studentek oboru Fyzioterapie vykazuje v prvním roce studia shodnou úroveň. Výsledky nepotvrdily, že úroveň základní výkonnosti je u studentek ovlivněna somatickými faktory.The study contributes to further expand the knowledge regarding the basic level performance of the students studying Physiotherapy at Usti nad Labem, the Faculty of Health Studies. The study shows influential somatic factors on the performance. For the study purposes two hypotheses are set: the first one is that the basic level performance of the students studying Physiotherapy is indicated as rather stable during the first year of study, and the second one is that the basic level performance of the students studying the same programme is greatly influenced by somatic factors in motoric tests. The students performed the following tests: the 20m progressive shuttle run test, Katch-McArdle step test, two handed 2kg ball throwing test, standing broad jump test, body strength test with a horizontal bar, lie down-stand up 1 min exercise test, seated forward bend test and Iowa Brace test. Additionally, the somatic factors such as body height, body weight, lean body mass and body fat were measured. Active body mass and body fat of the students’ tested in the year 2014 were calculated using Body Jett device. The results show that the average BMI can be considered as normal in both groups. The student group of the year 2014 showed 31% higher level of body fat than normal. The basic level of performance of the first-year students studying Physiotherapy is stated as stable. The results confirmed that the students’ basic level performance is influenced by somatic factors

    Influence of the breast operation on the musculoskeletal system

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    Title: Influence of a breast operation on the musculoskeletal system The aim: The aim of this work is to describe and analyse changes of an extent of movement of the shoulder joint in a direction of an abduction, outer rotation and movement stereotype of the abduction. The target group are women who underwent a partial intervention. The method: For the research we have chosen an examination through the planimetric method with the use of a mechanical goniometer which provides a quantitative output, because this method offers a gentle way of an evaluation of the shoulder's movment extent (regarding to the oncological diagnosis and the type of the operation). To evaluate the quality of the shoulder's movement we used an examination of the movement stereotype of the abduction of thee shoulder by Janda (1993). The results: The results show, that the limitation of the shoulder movement extent and the outer rotation that the operation caused, is, more considerable by the group of women who underwent the mastectomy, then by the group of women who underwent the partial intervention. There were 30% of patients (6 women from 20) who underwent a mastectomy and who suffered from the negative change of the movement stereotype. There were only 5% (1women from 20) of women who suffered from this change in the group..

    The evaluation of the employment relationship - legal aspects and tax aspects in terms of CR

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    The theoretical part of my bachelor thesis deals with the basic definition of characteristic terms: human resources management, recruiting, overlapping of functions, agency employment and kinds of employment relationship according to the Czech Labour Code. The practical part is focused on the characteristics of the selected business entity, study of literature and current legislation and the application of theoretical resources in the given company. In the selected limited company the overlapping of functions were founded and in the thesis is described how eliminate this legal problem. The proposal of improvements under the Commercial Code are suggested, based on the findings

    Anti-cancer effects of blue-green alga Spirulina platensis, a natural source of bilirubin-like tetrapyrrolic compounds

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    Spirulina platensis is a blue-green alga used as a dietary supplement because of its hypocholesterolemic properties. Among other bioactive substances, it is also rich in tetrapyrrolic compounds closely related to bilirubin molecule, a potent antioxidant and anti-proliferative agent. The aim of our study was to evaluate possible anticancer effects of S. platensis and S. platensis-derived tetrapyrroles using an experimental model of pancreatic cancer. The anti-proliferative effects of S. platensis and its tetrapyrrolic components [phycocyanobilin (PCB) and chlorophyllin, a surrogate molecule for chlorophyll A] were tested on several human pancreatic cancer cell lines and xenotransplanted nude mice. The effects of experimental therapeutics on mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) production and glutathione redox status were also evaluated. Compared to untreated cells, experimental therapeutics significantly decreased proliferation of human pancreatic cancer cell lines in vitro in a dose-dependent manner (from 0.16 g-L-1 [S. platensis], 60 μΜ [PCB], and 125 μΜ [chlorophyllin], p<0.05). The anti-proliferative effects of S. platensis were also shown in vivo, where inhibition of pancreatic cancer growth was evidenced since the third day of treatment (p < 0.05). All tested compounds decreased generation of mitochondrial ROS and glutathione redox status (p = 0.0006; 0.016; and 0.006 for S. platensis, PCB, and chlorophyllin, respectively). In conclusion, S. platensis and its tetrapyrrolic components substantially decreased the proliferation of experimental pancreatic cancer. These data support a chemopreventive role of this edible alga. Furthermore, it seems that dietary supplementation with this alga might enhance systemic pool of tetrapyrroles, known to be higher in subjects with Gilbert syndrome