461 research outputs found

    Clarifying and defining the concept of liquid democracy

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    Liquid Democracy (LD) is a recent phenomenon that could radically affect our understanding of democracy. Yet, there remains significant semantic confusion surrounding this concept, and researchers in the social sciences, as well as in political theory, currently lack a general definition that is broadly accepted as a standard reference. Therefore, this article addresses the following question: What is LD and how can we best define it? Following a classical, semantic approach to concept formation in the tradition of Giovanni Sartori and John Gerring, the article advances a new, minimal definition: LD is a decision-making scheme characterized by liquidity—that is the systemic and flexible mix of direct and representative democracy—and essentially based on the principles of voluntary delegation and proxy voting. This definition can serve as a starting point from which further theoretical and normative studies of LD could be conducted in the future. Liquid Democracy (LD) ist ein neues Phänomen, welches unser Verständnis von Demokratie grundlegend verändern könnte. Dennoch herrscht nach wie vor erhebliche semantische Unklarheit in Bezug auf dieses Konzept, und den Forschern in den Sozialwissenschaften wie auch in der politischen Theorie fehlt derzeit eine allgemeine Definition, die als Standardreferenz weithin akzeptiert wird. Dieser Artikel befasst sich daher mit der folgenden Forschungsfrage: Was ist LD und wie können wir sie am besten definieren? In Anlehnung an einen klassischen, semantischen Ansatz zur Begriffsbildung in der Tradition von Giovanni Sartori und John Gerring wird eine neue, minimale Definition vorgeschlagen: LD ist ein Entscheidungsfindungssystem, welches sich durch Liquidität auszeichnet, d. h. durch eine systemische und flexible Mischung aus direkter und repräsentativer Demokratie, und welches im Wesentlichen auf den Prinzipien der freiwilligen Delegation und der Stimmrechtsvertretung beruht. Diese Definition kann als Ausgangspunkt für weitere Studien über LD in der Zukunft dienen

    Imaging the right heart: the use of integrated multimodality imaging

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    During recent years, right ventricular (RV) structure and function have been found to be an important determinant of outcome in different cardiovascular and also pulmonary diseases. Currently, echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) imaging are the two imaging modalities most commonly used to visualize the RV. Most structural abnormalities of the RV can be reliably described by echocardiography but due its complex geometrical shape, echocardiographic assessment of RV function is more challenging. Newer promising echocardiographic techniques are emerging but lack of validation and limited normal reference data influence their routine clinical application. Cardiac magnetic resonance is generally considered the clinical reference technique due to its unlimited imaging planes, superior image resolution, and three-dimensional volumetric rendering. The accuracy and reliability of CMR measurements make it the ideal tool for serial examinations of RV function. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) plays an important role in the diagnosis of pulmonary emboli but can also be used for assessing RV ischaemic disease or as an alternative for CMR if contra-indicated. Radionuclide techniques have become more obsolete in the current era. The different imaging modalities should be considered complimentary and each plays a role for different indication

    Pericarditis Constrictiva in a 10-Year-Old Boy After Influenza A Virus Infection

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    Pericarditis constrictiva is caused by fibrotic degeneration of the pericardium and leads to impaired diastolic ventricular filling. The diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis in children remains challenging and often requires a multimodal approach. We present a case of a pericarditis constrictiva in a 10-year old boy after influenza A virus infection. Clinicians should be aware of this complication, especially in patients with symptoms of exertional dyspnea and congestive heart failur

    Integrating simulation data from a crop model in the development of an agri-environmental indicator for soil cover in Switzerland

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    Agriculture generates important impacts on the environment, which can be evaluated with agri-environmental indicators. A key element of environment protection in agriculture is the maintenance of a dense soil cover for the longest possible period. Notably, soil cover is known to diminish erosion risks and nitrate leaching. In this study, an agri-environmental indicator for soil cover is presented, which integrates data from the crop model STICS to quantify vegetation growth dynamics. Simulations were conducted with STICS for the major crops cultivated in Switzerland across several contrasting pedoclimatic situations. They were then integrated with data for crop residue cover to evaluate soil cover at the field and farm levels in the framework of a farm network survey. At the field level, for the period from the harvest of the previous crop through the harvest of the main crop, the highest soil cover was achieved by silage maize and winter barley. A high variability between fields was observed, due to the diversity of cultural practices during the period preceding the seeding of the main crops. Some crops, winter wheat in particular, showed a high number of days with insufficient soil cover (under 30%), leading to potential environmental risks. This shows the crucial need of promoting conservation agriculture principles (permanent soil cover, minimum soil disturbance, diversification of crop rotation) in arable systems to better protect the soils and the environment. The soil cover indicator presented here provided a continuous quantification of soil cover, whereas most of the currently used indicators provide qualitative or roughly quantitative results

    «Tant qu'il y aura l'immigré, il y aura aussi votre émission ». Le dialogue entre les immigrés et l'émission radiophonique Per i lavoratori italiani in Svizzera au tournant des années 1970

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    In the 1960s, a few public service broadcasting corporations started creating special programmes for immigrants. This development was often related to immigrant integration policies in European nations. Between 1962 and 1992, a group of journalists from Radio della Svizzera Italiana - the Swiss Italian-speaking radio - organised a special programme for Italians in Switzerland: Per i lavoratori italiani in Svizzera. Utilising a wide-ranging network of correspondents and profiting from an intensive exchange with Italian immigrants, this radio broadcast was supposed to help the immigrants in their daily life. In this paper, I shall firstly explain the position of radio and television broadcasting on immigration. Secondly, I will take a closer look at the correspondence between listeners and radio journalists between 1960 and 1970, which was a controversial period for the Swiss debate on foreign workers. What are the topics in this correspondence? What are the journalists responses? My thesis is that Per i lavoratori italiani in Svizzera developed a «broadcasting pact» with Italian immigrants and aimed at overcoming structural and functional marginalisation of this social group

    L’intervista letteraria alla radio. Spunti dagli archivi della RSI

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    Il rapporto tra scrittrici e scrittori e la radio risale agli albori di questo media: dizioni, conferenze, corsi, organizzazione culturale, la loro presenza accompagna l’evoluzione della radio, in sintonia con i mutamenti che la cultura e i suoi rappresentanti vivono nello spazio pubblico. Con l’avvento della televisione, un altro possibile luogo di parola si apre. La presenza degli scrittori e, parzialmente, delle scrittrici, è trasversale alle trasmissioni culturali radiotelevisive; questo saggio si interessa però in particolar modo ai diversi aspetti delle interviste letterarie alla radio, partendo da alcuni esempi tratti dagli archivi della Radiotelevisione svizzera di lingua italiana (RSI). Keywords: intervista letteraria, oralità, genere, posture letterarie, Radio svizzera di lingua italiana (rsi)