6 research outputs found

    Access to healthcare for children with Congenital Zika Syndrome in Brazil: perspectives of mothers and health professionals.

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    The Congenital Zika Syndrome (CZS) epidemic took place in Brazil between 2015 and 2017 and led to the emergence of at least 3194 children born with CZS. We explored access to healthcare services and activities in the Unified Health Service (Sistema Único de Saúde: SUS) from the perspective of mothers of children with CZS and professionals in the Public Healthcare Network. We carried out a qualitative, exploratory study, using semi-structured interviews, in two Brazilian states-Pernambuco, which was the epicentre of the epidemic in Brazil, and Rio de Janeiro, where the epidemic was less intense. The mothers and health professionals reported that healthcare provision was insufficient and fragmented and there were problems with follow-up care. There was a lack of co-ordination and an absence of communication between the various specialized services and between different levels of the health system. We also noted a public-private mixture in access to healthcare services, resulting from a segmented system and related to inequality of access. High reported household expenditure is an expression of the phenomenon of underfunding of the public system. The challenges that mothers and health professionals reported exposes contradictions in the health system which, although universal, does not guarantee equitable and comprehensive care. Other gaps were revealed through the outbreak. The epidemic provided visibility regarding difficulties of access for other children with disabilities determined by other causes. It also made explicit the gender inequalities that had an impact on the lives of mothers and other female caregivers, as well as an absence of the provision of care for these groups. In the face of an epidemic, the Brazilian State reproduced old fashioned forms of action-activities related to the transmitting mosquito and to prevention with an emphasis on the individual and no action related to social determinants

    Enfrentamento da violência infligida pelo parceiro íntimo por mulheres em área urbana da região Nordeste do Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever as formas de enfrentamento à violência física adotadas por mulheres agredidas por parceiro íntimo. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal realizado na linha de base de estudo de coorte, com gestantes cadastradas no Programa Saúde da Família, entre julho de 2005 e março de 2006, em Recife, PE. Foram selecionadas 283 gestantes de 18 a 49 anos com histórico de violência física pelo parceiro de então ou mais recente antes e/ou durante a gestação. As entrevistas foram realizadas face a face, com questionário estruturado e pré-codificado, e realizou-se análise descritiva. Foi coletada informação sobre características sociodemográficas das mulheres, tipos e gravidade da violência física cometida pelo parceiro, formas de enfrentamento da violência, pessoas e serviços de apoio procurados pelas mulheres, motivos para a mulher ter alguma vez abandonado e retornado a casa em razão da violência. RESULTADOS: Das mulheres que sofreram violência física pelo parceiro íntimo, 57,6% conversaram com alguém, 3,5% procuraram ajuda institucionalizada, 17,3% conversaram e procuraram ajuda institucionalizada e 21,6% não procuraram nenhuma forma de ajuda. As pessoas mais procuradas foram os pais (42,0%), amigo/amiga (31,6%) e irmão/irmã (21,2%). Os serviços mais procurados pelas mulheres foram: polícia/delegacia (57,6%), serviços de saúde (27,1%) e instituições religiosas (25,4%). Relataram não ter obtido qualquer tipo de ajuda 44,8% das mulheres; 32,1% disseram ter saído de casa alguma vez na vida, pelo menos por uma noite, das quais 5,9% não retornaram a casa. Foram motivos para deixar a casa: a exacerbação da violência e o medo de ser morta; para o retorno: a esperança de mudança do parceiro e o desejo de preservar a família. CONCLUSÕES: Grande parte das mulheres que sofriam violência por parceiro íntimo buscou alguma forma de ajuda. A rede social primária (familiares e amigos) foi a mais procurada pelas mulheres para romper o ciclo violento. Os resultados apontam a necessidade de maior divulgação dos serviços de apoio e a importância da ampliação e qualificação da rede de serviços (polícia, justiça, saúde, assistência psicossocial) para que estes possam acolher e apoiar as mulheres, dando-lhes suporte efetivo para romper com a situação de VPI.OBJECTIVE: To describe the methods of coping adopted by women who have been subject to physical domestic violence. METHODS: A cross-sectional study designed to investigate domestic violence was carried out on the baseline data of a cohort study of 1,120 pregnant women in Recife, Northeastern Brazil. A total of 283 women aged 18 to 49, who reported physical violence by their current or most recent partner before and/or during pregnancy and who were enrolled in the Family Health Program, were eligible for this study. Data were collected through face-to-face interviews, involving a structured questionnaire, conducted between July 2005 and March 2006, and descriptive analysis was carried out. Data were gathered on the women\u27s socio-demographic characteristics, the type and scale of the partners\u27 physical violence, the method in which they dealt with the violence, whether help was sought and from whom, whether they had abandoned home due to violence and, if so, whether they had returned. RESULTS: Of the women who had suffered domestic violence, 57.6% had talked to someone about it, 3.5% had sought help from an official service or a person in position of authority, 17.3% had talked to someone and sought help from an official service, and 21.6% had not sought any help. Those people whose support was most frequently sought were parents (42%), a friend (31.6%) and brother / sister (21.2%). The services most frequently sought by the women were: police (57.6%), healthcare (27.1%) and religious institutions (25.4%). Of the women, 44.8% reported not having received any type of assistance; 32.1% reported having left home, for at least one night, at some point in their lives. Of these, only 5.9% reported that they did not return home. The reasons for leaving the home included the exacerbation of violence and the fear of being killed. Reasons for returning home: the hope that the partner would change and the desire to preserve the family. CONCLUSIONS: Most women who reported domestic violence seek some form of help. The primary social network (family and friends) was that most sought after by women to break the cycle of violence. The results highlight the need for raising awareness of assistance and support services and the importance of increasing and improving public service systems (police, legal, health, psycho-social care) to effectively support women in escaping situations of domestic violence.OBJETIVO: Describir las formas de enfrentamiento a la violencia física adoptadas por mujeres agredidas por pareja íntima. MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal realizado en la línea de base de estudio de cohorte, con gestantes catastradas en el Programa de Salud de la Familia en Brasil, entre julio de 2005 y marzo de 2006, en Recife, PE. Se seleccionaron 283 gestantes de 18 a 49 años con historia de violencia física por la pareja del momento o más reciente antes y/o durante la gestación. Las entrevistas se realizaron cara a cara, con cuestionario estructurado y precodificado y se realizó análisis descriptivo. Se colectó información sobre características sociodemográficas de las mujeres, tipos y gravedad de la violencia física cometida por la pareja, formas de enfrentamiento de la violencia, personas y servicios de apoyo buscados por las mujeres, motivos para que una mujer haya alguna vez abandonado y retornado a casa luego de la violencia. RESULTADOS: De las mujeres que sufrieron violencia física por la pareja intima, 57,6% conversaron con alguien, 3,5% buscaron ayuda institucionalizada, 17,3% conversaron y buscaron ayuda institucionalizada y 21,6% no procuraron ningún tipo de ayuda. Las personas más procuradas fueron los padres (42,0%), amigo/amiga (31,6%) y hermano/hermana (21,2%). Los servicios más buscados por las mujeres fueron: policía/comisaria (57,6%), servicios de salud (27,1%) e instituciones religiosas (25,4%). Relataron no haber obtenido algún tipo de ayuda 44,8% de las mujeres; 32,1% dijeron haber salido de casa alguna vez en la vida, al menos por una noche, de las cuales 5,9% no retornaron. Los motivos para dejar la casa fueron: la exacerbación de la violencia y el miedo de ser asesinada; para el retorno la esperanza de cambio en la pareja y el deseo de preservar la familia. CONCLUSIONES: Gran parte de las mujeres que sufrieron violencia por pareja íntima buscó alguna forma de ayuda. La red social primaria (familiares y amigos) fue la más procurada por las mujeres para romper el ciclo violento. Los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de mayor divulgación de servicios de apoyo y la importancia de la ampliación y calificación de la red de servicios (policía, justicia, salud, asistencia psicosocial) para que estos puedan acoger y apoyar a las mujeres, dándoles soporte efectivo para romper con la situación de VPI

    Tubal ligation regret and related risk factors: findings from a case-control study in Pernambuco State, Brazil Fatores de risco para o arrependimento da laqueadura tubária: resultados de um estudo de caso-controle em Pernambuco, Brasil

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    A case-control study was carried out at a public teaching hospital in Recife, Pernambuco State, Brazil in 1997 to investigate risk factors among women who feel regret after undergoing sterilization through tubal ligation. The study compared sterilized women who had requested or undergone a tubal reversal with women who were also sterilized but had not undergone this surgery, nor had requested to do so. Women showing a significantly greater probability of regret were those sterilized at a young age, those who had not themselves made the decision to undergo surgery , those for whom the sterilization was carried out up to the 45th day after childbirth and those who had acquired knowledge about contraceptive methods after the tubal ligation procedure. Having had a deceased child, a partner with no children prior to the current union or a change of partner after the tubal sterilization procedure were also associated to the request for or submission to tubal sterilization reversal. It is necessary to assess women's psycho-socio-demographic profiles, their reasons for requesting tubal ligation and to advise the patient about family planning in order to reduce rates of post-sterilization regret.<br>Um estudo do tipo caso controle foi conduzido em um hospital público de ensino no Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil, em 1997, para investigar os fatores de risco para o arrependimento da realização da laqueadura tubária, comparando mulheres laqueadas que solicitaram ou realizaram a reversão da laqueadura tubária com mulheres também laqueadas que não solicitaram e não se submeteram a esta cirurgia. As mulheres que mostraram uma maior probabilidade de arrependimento foram as esterilizadas quando jovens, as que não foram responsáveis pela decisão da cirurgia, as que realizaram a esterilização até o 45º dia pós-parto e as que adquiriram informações sobre métodos contraceptivos depois da laqueadura tubária. Morte de filhos, parceiros sem filhos anteriores à união atual e a mudança de parceiro após a laqueadura tubária também estiveram associados com a solicitação ou realização de reversão da laqueadura. Deve-se avaliar o perfil psicológico e sócio-demográfico das mulheres e seus motivos para solicitar a laqueadura tubária e aconselhá-las para o planejamento familiar a fim de reduzir os riscos de arrependimento futuro