433 research outputs found

    Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1 from a dump of roasted pyrites can be exploited as bacterial catalyst for the biogenesis of selenium and tellurium nanoparticles

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    Background: Bacteria have developed different mechanisms for the transformation of metalloid oxyanions to non-toxic chemical forms. A number of bacterial isolates so far obtained in axenic culture has shown the ability to bioreduce selenite and tellurite to the elemental state in different conditions along with the formation of nanoparticles-both inside and outside the cells-characterized by a variety of morphological features. This reductive process can be considered of major importance for two reasons: firstly, toxic and soluble (i.e. bioavailable) compounds such as selenite and tellurite are converted to a less toxic chemical forms (i.e. zero valent state); secondly, chalcogen nanoparticles have attracted great interest due to their photoelectric and semiconducting properties. In addition, their exploitation as antimicrobial agents is currently becoming an area of intensive research in medical sciences. Results: In the present study, the bacterial strain Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1, isolated from a dump of roasted arsenopyrites as residues of a formerly sulfuric acid production near Scarlino (Tuscany, Italy) was analyzed for its capability of efficaciously bioreducing the chalcogen oxyanions selenite (SeO32-) and tellurite (TeO32-) to their respective elemental forms (Se0 and Te0) in aerobic conditions, with generation of Se- and Te-nanoparticles (Se- and TeNPs). The isolate could bioconvert 2 mM SeO32- and 0.5 mM TeO32- to the corresponding Se0 and Te0 in 48 and 120 h, respectively. The intracellular accumulation of nanomaterials was demonstrated through electron microscopy. Moreover, several analyses were performed to shed light on the mechanisms involved in SeO32- and TeO32- bioreduction to their elemental states. Results obtained suggested that these oxyanions are bioconverted through two different mechanisms in Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1. Glutathione (GSH) seemed to play a key role in SeO32- bioreduction, while TeO32- bioconversion could be ascribed to the catalytic activity of intracellular NADH-dependent oxidoreductases. The organic coating surrounding biogenic Se- and TeNPs was also characterized through Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. This analysis revealed interesting differences among the NPs produced by Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1 and suggested a possible different role of phospholipids and proteins in both biosynthesis and stabilization of such chalcogen-NPs. Conclusions: In conclusion, Ochrobactrum sp. MPV1 has demonstrated to be an ideal candidate for the bioconversion of toxic oxyanions such as selenite and tellurite to their respective elemental forms, producing intracellular Se- and TeNPs possibly exploitable in biomedical and industrial applications.[Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Mesocosm‐based simulations to optimize a bioremediation strategy for the effective restoration of wildfire‐impacted soils contaminated with high‐molecular‐weight hydrocarbons

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    Aims: We obtained four microbial isolates from soil exposed to forest fire and evaluated their potential bioremediation activity when combined with a biosurfactant-producing bacterial strain for the decontamination of wildfire-impacted soil polluted with high-molecular-weight (HMW) hydrocarbons. Methods and Results: We established mesocosm trials to compare three bioremediation strategies: natural attenuation, bioaugmentation and biostimulation. Chemical analysis, culture-dependent and culture-independent methods were used to evaluate the bioremediation efficiency and speciation of the microbial cenoses based on these approaches. After treatment for 90 days, bioaugmentation removed 75·2–75·9% of the HMW hydrocarbons, biostimulation removed 63·2–69·5% and natural attenuation removed ~22·5%. Hydrocarbon degradation was significantly enhanced in the mesocosm supplemented with the biosurfactant-producing bacterial strain after 20 and 50 days of treatment compared to the other bioremediation strategies. Conclusions: We found that the bioaugmentation approach was more effective than biostimulation and natural attenuation for the removal of HMW hydrocarbons from fire-impacted soil. Significance and Impact of the Study: Our study showed that micro-organisms from wildfire-impacted soil show significant potential for bioremediation, and that biosurfactant-producing bacterial strains can be combined with them as part of an effective bioremediation strategy

    Antimicrobial activity of biogenically produced spherical Se-nanomaterials embedded in organic material against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus strains on hydroxyapatite-coated surfaces

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    In an effort to prevent the formation of pathogenic biofilms on hydroxyapatite (HA)-based clinical devices and surfaces, we present a study evaluating the antimicrobial efficacy of Spherical biogenic Se-Nanostructures Embedded in Organic material (Bio Se-NEMO-S) produced by Bacillus mycoides SelTE01 in comparison with two different chemical selenium nanoparticle (SeNP) classes. These nanomaterials have been studied as potential antimicrobials for eradication of established HA-grown biofilms, for preventing biofilm formation on HA-coated surfaces and for inhibition of planktonic cell growth of Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCTC 12934 and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923. Bio Se-NEMO resulted more efficacious than those chemically produced in all tested scenarios. Bio Se-NEMO produced by B. mycoides SelTE01 after 6 or 24 h of Na 2 SeO 3 exposure show the same effective antibiofilm activity towards both P. aeruginosa and S. aureus strains at 0.078 mg ml −1 (Bio Se-NEMO 6 ) and 0.3125 mg ml −1 (Bio Se-NEMO 24 ). Meanwhile, chemically synthesized SeNPs at the highest tested concentration (2.5 mg ml −1 ) have moderate antimicrobial activity. The confocal laser scanning micrographs demonstrate that the majority of the P. aeruginosa and S. aureus cells exposed to biogenic SeNPs within the biofilm are killed or eradicated. Bio Se-NEMO therefore displayed good antimicrobial activity towards HA-grown biofilms and planktonic cells, becoming possible candidates as new antimicrobials

    Biomolecular composition of capping layer and stability of biogenic selenium nanoparticles synthesized by five bacterial species

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    Biogenic metal/metalloid nanoparticles of microbial origin retain a functional biomolecular capping layer that confers structural stability. Little is known about the composition of such capping material. In this study, selenium nanoparticles (SeNPs) synthesized by five different bacterial strains underwent comparative analysis with newly proposed protocols for quantifying the concentration of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids present in capping layers. SeNPs were therefore treated with two different detergents to remove portions of the surrounding caps in order to assess the resulting effects. Capping material quantification was carried out along with the measure of parameters such as hydrodynamic diameter, polydispersity and surface charge. SeNPs from the five strains showed differences in their distinct biomolecule ratios. On the other hand, structural changes in the nanoparticles induced by detergents did not correlate with the amounts of capping matrix removed. Thus, the present investigation suggests a hypothesis to describe capping layer composition of the bacterial SeNPs: some biomolecules are bound more strongly than others to the core metalloid matrix, so that the diverse capping layer components differentially contribute to the overall structural characteristics of the nanoparticles. Furthermore, the application of the approach here in combining quantification of cap-associated biomolecules with the measurement of structural integrity-related parameters can give the biogenic nanomaterial field useful information to construct a data bank on biogenically synthesized nanostructures

    CO excitation in the Seyfert galaxy NGC 34: stars, shock or AGN driven?

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    We present a detailed analysis of the X-ray and molecular gas emission in the nearby galaxy NGC 34, to constrain the properties of molecular gas, and assess whether, and to what extent, the radiation produced by the accretion onto the central black hole affects the CO line emission. We analyse the CO Spectral Line Energy Distribution (SLED) as resulting mainly from Herschel and ALMA data, along with X-ray data from NuSTAR and XMM-Newton. The X-ray data analysis suggests the presence of a heavily obscured AGN with an intrinsic luminosity of L1−100 keV≃4.0×1042_{\rm{1-100\,keV}} \simeq 4.0\times10^{42} erg s−1^{-1}. ALMA high resolution data (ξ≃0.2â€Čâ€Č\theta \simeq 0.2'') allows us to scan the nuclear region down to a spatial scale of ≈100\approx 100 pc for the CO(6-5) transition. We model the observed SLED using Photo-Dissociation Region (PDR), X-ray-Dominated Region (XDR), and shock models, finding that a combination of a PDR and an XDR provides the best fit to the observations. The PDR component, characterized by gas density log(n/cm−3)=2.5{\rm log}(n/{\rm cm^{-3}})=2.5 and temperature T=30T=30 K, reproduces the low-J CO line luminosities. The XDR is instead characterised by a denser and warmer gas (log(n/cm−3)=4.5{\rm log}(n/{\rm cm^{-3}})=4.5, T=65T =65 K), and is necessary to fit the high-J transitions. The addition of a third component to account for the presence of shocks has been also tested but does not improve the fit of the CO SLED. We conclude that the AGN contribution is significant in heating the molecular gas in NGC 34.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages, 6 figure

    CO luminosity function from Herschel-selected galaxies and the contribution of AGN

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    We derive the carbon monoxide (CO) luminosity function (LF) for different rotational transitions [i.e. (1-0), (3-2), (5-4)] starting from the Herschel LF by Gruppioni et al. and using appropriate LCO-LIR conversions for different galaxy classes. Our predicted LFs fit the data so far available at z ≈ 0 and 2. We compare our results with those obtained by semi-analytical models (SAMs): while we find a good agreement over the whole range of luminosities at z ≈0, at z≈1 and z≈2, the tension between our LFs and SAMs in the faint and bright ends increases. We finally discuss the contribution of luminous active galactic nucleus (LX > 1044 erg s-1) to the bright end of the CO LF concluding that they are too rare to reproduce the actual CO LF at z ≈ 2

    Reconstructing normality following the diagnosis of a childhood chronic disease: does “rare” make a difference?

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    Living with a childhood chronic disease can be challenging, especially if the diagnosis involves a rare condition. This study sought to elucidate how the diagnosis of a rare disease, as compared to a common, chronic condition, may influence maternal experiences of childhood illness. We conducted face-to-face, semi-structured interviews with 26 mothers of children treated in a pediatric hospital in the province of Lecco, Italy. Half of the participants had a child diagnosed with Bartter syndrome (BS), and the rest had a child suffering from celiac disease (CD). Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using an inductive thematic approach. We identified three main themes from the analysis of our data: (1) disrupted normality and the need to know, (2) reconstructing normality, and (3) acting “normal.” Although most participants experienced the disclosure of diagnosis as a relief, processes that facilitated normality reconstruction in celiac families, notably access to appropriate information, social support, and personal contact with comparison others, were found to be important stressors for mothers living with BS. Conclusion: This comparative qualitative study provides evidence on how well-known problems associated with the rarity of childhood diseases impact on families’ efforts to cope with the illness and regain a sense of normality

    On the Ability of Perfluorohexane Sulfonate (PFHxS) Bioaccumulation by Two Pseudomonas sp. Strains Isolated from PFAS-Contaminated Environmental Matrices

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    PFASs (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are highly fluorinated, aliphatic, synthetic compounds with high thermal and chemical stability as well as unique amphiphilic properties which make them ingredients in a range of industrial processes. PFASs have attracted consideration due to their persistence, toxicity and bioaccumulation tendency in the environment. Recently, attention has begun to be addressed to shorter-chain PFASs, such as perfluorohexane sulfonate [PFHxS], apparently less toxic to and more easily eliminated from lab animals. However, short-chain PFASs represent end-products from the transformation of fluorotelomers whose biotic breakdown reactions have not been identified to date. This means that such emergent pollutants will tend to accumulate and persist in ecosystems. Since we are just learning about the interaction between short-chain PFASs and microorganisms, this study reports on the response to PFHxS of two Pseudomonas sp. strains isolated from environmental matrices contaminated by PFASs. The PFHxS bioaccumulation potential of these strains was unveiled by exploiting different physiological conditions as either axenic or mixed cultures under alkanothrofic settings. Moreover, electron microscopy revealed nonorthodox features of the bacterial cells, as a consequence of the stress caused by both organic solvents and PFHxS in the culturing substrate

    On the ability of perfluorohexane sulfonate (PFHxS) bioaccumulation by two Pseudomonas sp. strains isolated from PFAS‐contaminated environmental matrices

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    PFASs (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are highly fluorinated, aliphatic, synthetic compounds with high thermal and chemical stability as well as unique amphiphilic properties which make them ingredients in a range of industrial processes. PFASs have attracted consideration due to their persistence, toxicity and bioaccumulation tendency in the environment. Recently, attention has begun to be addressed to shorter‐chain PFASs, such as perfluorohexane sulfonate [PFHxS], apparently less toxic to and more easily eliminated from lab animals. However, short‐chain PFASs represent end‐products from the transformation of fluorotelomers whose biotic breakdown reactions have not been identified to date. This means that such emergent pollutants will tend to accumulate and persist in ecosystems. Since we are just learning about the interaction between short‐chain PFASs and microorganisms, this study reports on the response to PFHxS of two Pseudomonas sp. strains isolated from environmental matrices contaminated by PFASs. The PFHxS bioaccumulation potential of these strains was unveiled by exploiting different physiological conditions as either axenic or mixed cultures under alkanothrofic settings. Moreover, electron microscopy revealed nonorthodox features of the bacterial cells, as a consequence of the stress caused by both organic solvents and PFHxS in the culturing substrate

    The assembly of "normal" galaxies at z=7 probed by ALMA

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    We report new deep ALMA observations aimed at investigating the [CII]158um line and continuum emission in three spectroscopically confirmed Lyman Break Galaxies at 6.8<z<7.1, i.e. well within the re-ionization epoch. With Star Formation Rates of SFR ~ 5-15 Msun/yr these systems are much more representative of the high-z galaxy population than other systems targeted in the past by millimeter observations. For the galaxy with the deepest observation we detect [CII] emission at redshift z=7.107, fully consistent with the Lyalpha redshift, but spatially offset by 0.7" (4 kpc) from the optical emission. At the location of the optical emission, tracing both the Lyalpha line and the far-UV continuum, no [CII] emission is detected in any of the three galaxies, with 3sigma upper limits significantly lower than the [CII] emission observed in lower reshift galaxies. These results suggest that molecular clouds in the central parts of primordial galaxies are rapidly disrupted by stellar feedback. As a result, [CII] emission mostly arises from more external accreting/satellite clumps of neutral gas. These findings are in agreement with recent models of galaxy formation. Thermal far-infrared continuum is not detected in any of the three galaxies. However, the upper limits on the infrared-to-UV emission ratio do not exceed those derived in metal- and dust-poor galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures, MNRAS in press, replaced with accepted versio
