15 research outputs found

    Livestock activity biomarkers: Estimating domestication and diet of livestock in ancient samples

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    [EN]Faecal matter is commonly recovered from archaeological sites related to human/animal activity. The identification of its source is essential to understand the domestication process and the relationship between humans and domestic animals in ancient times. Additionally, faecal matter is useful for determining the diet of animals. Therefore, the use of an appropriate biomarker is essential. The ratios of 5 beta-Stanols and bile acid biomarkers are most commonly used to identify the biogenic origin of faecal matter. However, other biomarkers such as archaeol can be a good proxy for ruminants. Conversely, plant-based diet of the animals can be discerned by analysis of faecal matter. n-Alkanes are the most common proxies of the animal diet, followed by long-chain fatty acids and long-chain alcohols, and the interest in the analysis of carbon isotopes has recently increased owing to the possibility of distinguishing animal diets. In this review, we describe the identification of faecal and diet biomarkers in animals. Ratios and proxies used in archaeological fields are also described and discussed to determine the best approach for accurate identification.This work was funded by the Basque Government, Research Groups of the Basque University System (Project No. IT1186-19)

    Konposatu kannabinoideen analisia matrize biologikoetan: odola, plasma, gernua, listua eta ilea

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    Cannabis Sativa edo marihuana, Europar Batasunean gehien kontsumitzen den legez kanpoko droga da. ..9-THC-a, Cannabis Sativaren osagai nagusiaren efektu psikoaktiboak istripu edota ondorio latzen eragile izan daitekeenez, beharrezkoa gertatzen da Cannabis Sativa noiz eta zenbat kontsumitu den jakitea edozein istripu ikerketa batean argibideak izateko. Egun, uneko analisi azkarrak jasotzen ahalbideratzen duten detektagailuak erabili daitezkeen arren, beharrezkoak gertatzen dira matrize biologikoetan ..9-THC-aren analisi zehatz eta sentikorrak ahalbidetzen dituzten analisi metodoen garapen eta erabilera. Lan honetan beraz, Cannabis Sativaren osagai psikoaktiboen eta beraien metabolitoen analisia egiteko hainbat analisi metodo laburbiltzen dira lau lagin biologikotan: odolean, gernuan, listuan eta ilean hain zuzen ere

    Dimentsio biko gas-kromatografia dimentsio bakarreko gas-kromatografiaren beharrak asetzen

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    Gas-kromatografia teknika oso hedatua dago analisi kimikoan, osagai kimikoak bereiztu, identifikatu, detektatu eta kuantifikatu nahi direnean. Analisi teknika honen ibilbidea ezaguna eta garatua bada ere, konplexutasun handiko laginen analisia egiteko, funtsezkoa bilakatzen ari da bereizmen handiko teknikak garatzea. Egungo berrikuntzetako bat dimentsio biko kromatografiaren garapena da, modu horretan, dimentsio bakarreko kromatografiarekin bereizi ezinak diren konposatuak azter daitezkeelarik. Lan honetan, beraz, aztergai hartuko dira dimentsio biko gas-kromatografiaren ezaugarriak, abantailak eta geologia, ingurumena edo elikadura bezalako zientzia arlo batzuetako erabilerak

    Konposatu kannabinoideen analisia matrize biologikoetan: odola, plasma, gernua, listua eta ilea

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    Cannabis Sativa edo marihuana, Europar Batasunean gehien kontsumitzen den legez kanpoko droga da. ..9-THC-a, Cannabis Sativaren osagai nagusiaren efektu psikoaktiboak istripu edota ondorio latzen eragile izan daitekeenez, beharrezkoa gertatzen da Cannabis Sativa noiz eta zenbat kontsumitu den jakitea edozein istripu ikerketa batean argibideak izateko. Egun, uneko analisi azkarrak jasotzen ahalbideratzen duten detektagailuak erabili daitezkeen arren, beharrezkoak gertatzen dira matrize biologikoetan ..9-THC-aren analisi zehatz eta sentikorrak ahalbidetzen dituzten analisi metodoen garapen eta erabilera. Lan honetan beraz, Cannabis Sativaren osagai psikoaktiboen eta beraien metabolitoen analisia egiteko hainbat analisi metodo laburbiltzen dira lau lagin biologikotan: odolean, gernuan, listuan eta ilean hain zuzen ere

    Biostimulants as an Alternative to Improve the Wine Quality from Vitis vinifera (cv. Tempranillo) in La Rioja

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    The application of biostimulants appears to be an environmentally friendly, innovative, and sustainable agronomical tool to mitigate the negative effects induced by adverse climatology in traditional grape-growing regions such as La Rioja (Spain). However, their mechanism of action in grapevines is still unclear. We evaluated how commercial substances (two from Ascophyllum nodosum extraction and one amino acids-based biostimulant) and the non-proteinogenic amino acid β-aminobutyric acid (BABA) affect the quality and quantity of musts and grapes in Vitis vinifera L. cv. Tempranillo from a semi-arid region of La Rioja during two seasons. We hypothesized an enhancement in organic metabolites in berries and leaves in response to these treatments, changing the organoleptic characteristics of the final products. The treatments altered the primary metabolites such as carbohydrates, organic acids (AcOrg), and free amino acids, first in the leaves as the effect of the foliar application and second in grapes and musts. As the main result, the biostimulant efficiency depended on the climatology and vineyard location to improve the final yield. Whereas biostimulant application enhanced the yield in 2018 (less dry year), it did not help production in 2019 (dry year). BABA was the most efficient biostimulant, enhancing plant production. Regarding yield quality, the biostimulant application improved the musts mainly by enhancing the fumaric acid content and by reducing carbohydrates, except in BABA-treated plants, where they were accumulated. These results corroborate biostimulants as an exciting approach in wine production, especially for improving wine quality.This work was funded by the ERDF project “Plants as a tool for sustainable global development” (no. CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000827) within the program Research, Development and Education (OP RDE), and by the Basque Government, Research Groups of the Basque University System (project no. IT925-16)

    Hormones and bile acids as biomarkers for the characterization of animal management in prehistoric sheepfold caves: El Mirador case (Sierra de Atapuerca, Burgos, Spain

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    Early husbandry practices that include herd management and the use of livestock areas such as sheepfold caves can be analysed in the context of different disciplines (e.g. zooarchaeology, micromorphology, and archaeobotany). In this study, a new and standard method for the determination of bile acids and steroidal hormones that incorporates microwave extraction-liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry was used. This method has been applied successfully to analyse Neolithic fumier deposit facies from the El Mirador cave, a location that was used as a prehistoric sheepfold and is located in the Atapuerca range (Burgos, Spain). The results obtained demonstrated that the analysis of bile acids can be useful for the identification of remains of ruminant residues in the facies studied. In addition, the progesterone/deoxycholic acid ratio has been used as a possible biomarker to improve our understanding of flock management, including the separation of pregnant and nursing ewes from the rest of the herd to avoid the rejection of the lamb and keep them safe and healthy.The authors thank the technical and human support provided by the Alava Central Service of Analysis of SGIker (UPV/EHU, MINECO, GV/ EJ, ERDF, and ESF) and Paula Rivero for the elaboration of the graphical abstract. Patricia Martín is grateful for her postdoctoral fellowship to Juan de la Cierva Subprogramme (FJCI-2016-29045) with financial sponsorship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness and for her recent "Maria de Maeztu" excellenceaccreditation from the Spanish Minstry of Science and Innovation (CEX2019-000945-M), and to Ane Gorostizu-Orkaiztegi for her pre- doctoral fellowships to the University of the Basque Country. This work was funded by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Commerce, and Tourism of the Basque Government (SAI12/25 Project), the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and University (PGC 2018-093925-B- C32 project) and by the Basque Government, Research Groups of the Basque University System (Project No. IT925-16)

    ¿Será Bilbao capaz de albergar los JJ.OO de 2032?

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    Duración (en horas): Más de 50 horas Destinatario: EstudianteEl Ayuntamiento de Bilbao pretende presentar su candidatura a los Juegos Olímpicos de 2032. Su deseo es que el estuario del Nerbioi-Ibaizabal sea uno de los ejes para la celebración de pruebas olímpicas, como la modalidad de 10 km en aguas abiertas, triatlón o saltos desde plataforma de 10 m y 25 m. Sin embargo, una de las condiciones para poder acoger dichas disciplinas en el estuario, según el Comité Olímpico Internacional (COI), es que la calidad de las aguas sea la adecuada para la celebración de cualquier evento deportivo y que no sea un peligro ni para los participantes ni para el medio ambiente. Por todo ello el Ayuntamiento de Bilbao ha contratado los servicios del Euskal Herriko Ingurumeneko Institutua / Environmental Basque Institute (EHII/EBI, environmentalbasqueinstitute.wordpress.com) para determinar el estado medioambiental de las aguas del estuario del Nerbioi-Ibaizabal

    Dimentsio biko gas-kromatografia dimentsio bakarreko gas-kromatografiaren beharrak asetzen

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    Gas-kromatografia teknika oso hedatua dago analisi kimikoan, osagai kimikoak bereiztu, identifikatu, detektatu eta kuantifikatu nahi direnean. Analisi teknika honen ibilbidea ezaguna eta garatua bada ere, konplexutasun handiko laginen analisia egiteko, funtsezkoa bilakatzen ari da bereizmen handiko teknikak garatzea. Egungo berrikuntzetako bat dimentsio biko kromatografiaren garapena da, modu horretan, dimentsio bakarreko kromatografiarekin bereizi ezinak diren konposatuak azter daitezkeelarik. Lan honetan, beraz, aztergai hartuko dira dimentsio biko gas-kromatografiaren ezaugarriak, abantailak eta geologia, ingurumena edo elikadura bezalako zientzia arlo batzuetako erabilerak

    Konposatu disruptore endokrinoen azterketa kimika analitikoaren ikuspuntutik

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    There are several organic contaminants present in the aquatic environment, even they are find at very low concentrations (ng/L level). The effluents of the waste-water treatment plants (WWTP) can be one of the main sources into the environment, since the mechanism used by the WWTP are not fully efective for the complete re-moval of the contaminants. Among them, some of them are classified as endocrine dis-rupting compounds (EDCs) and they can provoke endocrine alterations in the species habiting in the water even they are found at low concentrations. Malformations, a de-crease on the polulation or intersexuality are the most significant damages. Thus, the development of highly sensitive analytical methods for the extraction and clean-up of the water and biota samples is vital from an analytical point of view together with the accumulation capacity of the compounds in the different biota compartments.; Ingurumeneko uretan kutsatzaile organiko desberdinak aurkitzen dira, nahiz eta kontzentrazio baxuetan izan (ng/L mailan). Araztegien irteera korronteak izan ohi dira konposatu horien iturririk nagusietako bat, araztegiek erabiltzen dituzten me-kanismoak ez baitira gai kutsatzaileen arazketa osoa burutzeko. Horien artean, konpo-satu disruptore endokrino (EDC) izenez ezagutzen diren konposatuak aurki daitezke, eta horiek ingurumenean bizi diren espezieetan aldaketa endokrinoak sor ditzakete, nahiz eta EDCak kontzentrazio baxuetan egon. Kalte horien artean, malformazioak, populazioen aldaketak edo intersexualitatea dira nabarmenenak. Hau guztia ikusirik, kimika analitikoaren ikuspuntutik oso garrantzitsua da metodo analitiko sentikorrak garatzea konposatuak ur- eta biota-laginetatik erauzi eta garbitzeko, bai eta konposa-tuek biotaren atal desberdinetan metatzeko duten joera aztertzeko ere