414 research outputs found


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    La Distribució dels carbonats en els sòls de la Depressió Central Catalana

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    Soils from different calcareous substrates are studied in order to search the evolution of the carbonate fraction. There is a close relationship between soil-type and lithologic material. From hard limestones, red-brown (fersiallitic) soils are formed. In general they have lost the carbonates almost completely but, in some cases, they have secondary lime in different forms. These accumulations of calcium carbonate are associated with an increase in the carbonate content of the finer fractions, clay and fine silt. On calcareous sandstones, completely carbonate-leached red-brown soils coexist with carbonatic ones, in the same ecological conditions. In the latter, as in soils formed from calcarenite substrate, carbonates concentrate in the sand fractions. The total amount of carbonates in the profile depends on its content in the parent material but, in any case, the carbonate leaching rate is high: 40-50 %. On calcareous clays and calcilutites, the soils are highly calcareous, mainly in the silt fraction, and they have the lower carbonate leaching rate, about 10 %. Soils from gypsic materials have lost most of the gypsum and thus the carbonate is relatively concentrated. Two general types of soils with respect to carbonate evolution are distinguished: a) Carbonate-leached soils, mostly occurring in fissures in the rock layers, which are postulated to be relicts. b) Calcareous soils, in which carbonates are mainly removed from the top horizons and from the finer granulometric fractions. The dynamics of these soils is supposedly in agreement with the current climatic conditions. The overall evolution of the soils in the studied area is characterized by the presence of calcium carbonate, which comes either from an incomplete carbonate leaching of the calcareous substrates, from carbonate deposition of previously leached red soils or from the relative accumulation of carbonates in soils from gypsipherous materials

    Características de suelos del sur de Mallorca. II.

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    In Spain leeches have been used both in popular and scientific medicine throughout its history. In this study we analyze the historical fluctuations of leech therapy. At the start of the 20th century it was still being used in in scientific medicine, as can be seen in the treatment administered to Germán Gamazo, a minister during the reign of Alfonso XII and the regency of Archduchess Maria Christina of Austria, during a serious illness in 1901. Leech therapy was to fall dramatically into disuse and was to survive only in folk medicine, with leeches losing their reputation as a therapeutic agent. The data obtained is the result of a systematic review of the literature and of the major databases in the fields of folklore, ethnography, social anthropology and medical anthropology. Leeches have been used in Spanish folk medicine to treat ailments and disorders in up to 11 categories of the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), particularly in the treatment of diseases of the circulatory, respiratory and musculoskeletal systems. According to the available literature, they were part of the folk therapeutic arsenal, at least until the seventies of the last century. Our study also provides information about the medicinal use, commerce and consumption of these animals in recent years.U Španjolskoj su pijavice dugo tijekom povijesti korištene kako u narodnoj tako i u znanstvenoj medicini. Ovaj rad analizira trendove u primjeni terapije pijavicama kroz povijest. Na početku 20. stoljeća pijavice su se još uvijek koristile u znanstvenoj medicini, što dokazuje slučaj liječenja Germana Gamaza, ministra za vrijeme vladavine Alfonsa XII i kraljevanja nadvojvotkinja Marije Kristine Austrijske, u vrijeme kada je ozbiljno bolovao 1901. godine. Nakon toga, pijavice gube ugeld kao terapijsko sredstvo, njihovo korištenje u terapijske svrhe značajno opada u znanstvenoj medicini, te se održava tek kroz narodnu medicinu. Podaci predstavljeni u ovom radu dobiveni su sustavnim pretraživanjem literature i glavnih baza podataka iz područja folklora, etnografije, socijalne antropologije i medicinske antropologije. Pijavice su se u koristile u španjolskoj narodnoj medicini za liječenje bolesti i poremećaja iz 11 kategorija Medunarodne klasifikacije bolesti i srodnih zdravstvenih problema (MKB-10), osobito u liječenju bolesti cirkulatornog, dišnog i koštano-mišićnog sustava. Prema dostupnoj literaturi, pijavice su predstavljale jednu od terapijskih mogućnosti narodne medicine, barem do sedamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća. Naše istraživanje također pruža informacije o medicinskoj primjeni, trgovini i konzumiranju pijavica u posljednjih nekoliko godina

    Algunas soluciones aproximadas para diseños split-plot con matrices de covarianza arbitrarias

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    El presente trabajo revisa con cierto detalle diversos tipos de análisis para diseños split-plot que carecen del mismo número de unidades experimentales dentro de cada grupo y en los que se incumple el supuesto de esfericidad multimuestral. Específicamente, adoptando el enfoque multivariado de aproximar los grados de libertad desarrollado por Johansen (1980) y el procedimiento de aproximación general mejorada corregida basado en Huynh (1980) se muestra cómo obtener análisis robustos y poderosos a la hora de probar los efectos principales y la interacción, así como hipótesis de comparaciones múltiples relacionadas con estos efectos, tanto si se cuenta con una simple variable dependiente asociada con cada una de las medidas repetidas como si se cuenta con más de una

    Relics and Historical Uses of Human Zootherapeutic Products in Contemporary Spanish Ethnoveterinary Medicine

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    Background: this review documents the wide repertoire of practices and remedies based on the use of human-derived products in Spanish ethnoveterinary medicine (EVM) from the early 20th century to the present. These practices are compared with historical data and those of other countries; (2) Methods: a search using advanced functions in the most important databases in the fields of ethnobiology, EVM, folklore, and ethnography was performed. Information was obtained from 29 documentary sources; (3) Results: from the search of the literature, 46 use-reports related to the veterinary use of human urine, menstrual fluid, saliva, breast milk, and faeces were recorded. These zootherapeutic resources are/were used to treat 20 animal diseases, in particular dermatological ailments. In addition, many practices of the magical-religious type are documented; (4) Conclusions: the veterinary uses described and analysed here are fundamental to the development of therapeutic tools and creating teaching and learning processes in new popular veterinary practices adapted to the users and those who demand them. The information collected could form a scientific foundation for future inventories of local veterinary knowledge (LVK) and research addressing the discovery of new drugs for livestock. This work contributes to the inventory of some uses, traditional practices, and rituals seriously threatened by the progressive loss of LVK in Europ