12,288 research outputs found

    A NICMOS search for obscured Supernovae in starburst galaxies

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    The detection of obscured supernovae (SNe) in near-infrared monitoring campaigns of starburst galaxies has shown that a significant fraction of SNe is missed by optical surveys. However, the number of SNe detected in ground-based near-IR observations is still significantly lower than the number of SNe extrapolated from the FIR luminosity of the hosts. A possibility is that most SNe occur within the nuclear regions, where the limited angular resolution of ground-based observations prevents their detection. This issue prompted us to exploit the superior angular resolution of NICMOS-HST to search for obscured SNe within the first kpc from the nucleus of strong starbursting galaxies. A total of 17 galaxies were observed in SNAPSHOT mode. Based on their FIR luminosity, we expected to detect not less than ~12 SNe. However, no confirmed SN event was found. From our data we derive an observed nuclear SN rate 11; ii) most SNe occur within the first 0.5" (which corresponds in our sample to about 500pc) where even NICMOS is unable to detect SN events

    D-term inflation and neutrino mass

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    We study a DD-term inflation scenario in a model extended from the minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) by two additional abelian factor groups focussing on its particle physics aspects. Condensates of the fields related to the inflation can naturally give a possible solution to both the μ\mu-problem in the MSSM and the neutrino mass through their nonrenormalizable couplings to the MSSM fields. Mixings between neutrinos and neutralinos are also induced by some of these condensates. Small neutrino masses are generated by a weak scale seesaw mechanism as a result of these mixings. Moreover, the decay of the condensates may be able to cause the leptogenesis. Usually known discrepancy between both values of a Fayet-Iliopoulos DD-term which are predicted by the COBE normalization and also by an anomalous U(1) in the weakly-coupled superstring might be reconciled.Comment: 21 pages, LaTeX, small modifications, one reference adde

    Quasi Harmonic Lattice Dynamics and Molecular Dynamics calculations for the Lennard-Jones solids

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    We present Molecular Dynamics (MD), Quasi Harmonic Lattice Dynamics (QHLD) and Energy Minimization (EM) calculations for the crystal structure of Ne, Ar, Kr and Xe as a function of pressure and temperature. New Lennard-Jones (LJ) parameters are obtained for Ne, Kr and Xe to reproduce the experimental pressure dependence of the density. We employ a simple method which combines results of QHLD and MD calculations to achieve densities in good agreement with experiment from 0 K to melting. Melting is discussed in connection with intrinsic instability of the solid as given by the QHLD approximation. (See http://www.fci.unibo.it/~valle for related papers)Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, REVte

    SN 2002lt and GRB 021211: a SN/GRB Connection at z = 1

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    We present spectroscopic and photometric observations of the afterglow of GRB 021211 and the discovery of its associated supernova, SN 2002lt. The spectrum shows a broad feature (FWHM = 150 A), around 3770 A (in the rest-frame of the GRB), which we interpret as Ca H+K blueshifted by 14400 km/s. Potential sources of contamination due to the host galaxy and/or residuals of telluric absorption have been analyzed and ruled out. Overall, the spectrum shows a suggestive resemblance with the one of the prototypical type-Ic SN 1994I. This might indicate that GRBs are produced also by standard type-Ic supernovae.Comment: 6 pages, 5 color figures. Proceedings of the 2003 GRB Conference (Santa Fe, NM, 2003 Sep 8-12). Needs aipprocs LaTeX clas

    Five supernova survey galaxies in the southern hemisphere. II. The supernova rates

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    Based on the database compiled in the first article of this series, with 56 SN events discovered in 3838 galaxies of the southern hemisphere, we compute the rate of supernovae (SNe) of different types along the Hubble sequence normalized to the optical and near-infrared luminosities as well as to the stellar mass of the galaxies. We find that the rates of all SN types show a dependence on both morphology and colors of the galaxies, and therefore, on the star-formation activity. The rate of core-collapse (CC) SNe is confirmed to be closely related to the Star Formation Rate (SFR) and only indirectly to the total mass of the galaxies. The rate of SNe Ia can be explained by assuming that at least 15% of Ia events in spiral galaxies originates in relatively young stellar populations. We find that the rates show no modulation with nuclear activity or environment. The ratio of SN rates between types Ib/c and II shows no trend with spiral type.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 5 tables, published in Astrophysics (English translation of Astrofizika

    Molar volume of solid isotopic helium mixtures

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    Solid isotopic helium mixtures have been studied by path-integral Monte Carlo simulations in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble. This method allowed us to study the molar volume as a function of temperature, pressure, and isotopic composition. At 25 K and 0.2 GPa, the relative difference between molar volumes of isotopically-pure crystals of 3He and 4He is found to be about 3%. This difference decreases under pressure, and for 12 GPa it is smaller than 1%. For isotopically-mixed crystals, a linear relation between lattice parameters and concentrations of helium isotopes is found, in agreement with Vegard's law. The virtual crystal approximation, valid for isotopic mixtures of heavier atoms, does not give reliable results for solid solutions of helium isotopes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Left-Right Symmetry and Supersymmetric Unification

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    The existence of an SU(3) X SU(2)_L X SU(2)_R X U(1) gauge symmetry with g_L = g_R at the TeV energy scale is shown to be consistent with supersymmetric SO(10) grand unification at around 1O^{16} GeV if certain new particles are assumed. The additional imposition of a discrete Z_2 symmetry leads to a generalized definition of R parity as well as highly suppressed Majorana neutrino masses. Another model based on SO(10) X SO(10) is also discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures not included, UCRHEP-T124, Apr 199

    μ\mu-term as the origin of baryon and lepton number asymmetry

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    We study a possibility of combining an origin of the μ\mu-term and the baryon and lepton number asymmetry. If we assume that the μ\mu-term is generated through a flat direction of a singlet scalar field, the coherent oscillation of this condensate around its potential minimum can store the global U(1) charge asymmetry. The decay of this condensate can distribute this asymmetry into the lepton and baryon number asymmetry as far as its decay occurs at an appropriate temperature. We examine the compatibility between this scenario and the small neutrino mass generation based on both the ordinary seesaw mechanism and the bilinear R-parity violating terms.Comment: 22 pages, published versio

    Color conductivity and ladder summation in hot QCD

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    The color conductivity is computed at leading logarithmic order using a Kubo formula. We show how to sum an infinite series of planar ladder diagrams, assuming some approximations based on the dominance of soft scattering processes between hard particles in the plasma. The result agrees with the one obtained previously from a kinetical approach.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Explanations enlarged, two figures and some refs added, typos corrected. Final version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    Application of different DNA extraction procedures, library preparation protocols and sequencing platforms: impact on sequencing results

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    In this study three DNA extraction procedures, two library preparation protocols and two sequencing platforms were applied to analyse six bacterial cultures and their corresponding DNA obtained as part of a proficiency test. The impact of each variable on sequencing results was assessed using the following parameters: reads quality, assembly and alignment statistics; number of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), detected applying assembly- and alignment-based strategies; antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs), identified on de novo assemblies of all sequenced genomes. The investigated nucleic acid extraction procedures, library preparation kits and sequencing platforms do not significantly affect de novo assembly statistics and number of SNPs and ARGs. The only exception was observed for two duplicates, which were associated to one PCR-based library preparation kit. Results from this comparative study can support researchers in the choice toward the available pre-sequencing and sequencing options, and might suggest further comparisons to be performed