1,688 research outputs found

    Harmonically Trapped Quantum Gases

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    We solve the problem of a Bose or Fermi gas in dd-dimensions trapped by δd% \delta \leq d mutually perpendicular harmonic oscillator potentials. From the grand potential we derive their thermodynamic functions (internal energy, specific heat, etc.) as well as a generalized density of states. The Bose gas exhibits Bose-Einstein condensation at a nonzero critical temperature TcT_{c} if and only if d+δ>2d+\delta >2, and a jump in the specific heat at TcT_{c} if and only if d+δ>4d+\delta >4. Specific heats for both gas types precisely coincide as functions of temperature when d+δ=2d+\delta =2. The trapped system behaves like an ideal free quantum gas in d+δd+\delta dimensions. For δ=0\delta =0 we recover all known thermodynamic properties of ideal quantum gases in dd dimensions, while in 3D for δ=\delta = 1, 2 and 3 one simulates behavior reminiscent of quantum {\it wells, wires}and{\it dots}, respectively.Comment: 14 pages including 3 figures and 3 table

    Acute stimulation of aromatization in Leydig cells by human chorionic gonadotropin in vitro.

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    Ciclo reproductivo de Loxechinus Albus en dos áreas de la región de Magallanes, Chile.

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    The reproductive cycle of the Chilean edible sea urchin, Loxechinus albus, was studied in two areas of the Magellan region, the Cockburn Channel (53°43´S, 70°42´W) and Dawson Island (53°43´S, 72°00´W). Eleven monthly samplings were carried out from April 1996 to May 1997 in each area and samples of between 88 and 100 organisms were collected. Test diameter, total wet weight, and wet gonad weight was measured for each organism. Sex, gonad index, maturity index and gametogenic condition were estimated for each organism through histological analyses. The results indicate that L. albus in the Magellan region has an annual reproductive cycle in which the temporal sequence of different gametogenic processes can not be distinguished accurately due to the rapid and continuous gonadal recovery and gamete production after the spawning period. Although mature organisms were present most of the year, simultaneous spawning of males and females occurred from August to September in Dawson Island and from July to September in the Cockburn Channel. Gametes of those organisms that became mature after the spawning period were resorbed by nutritive phagocytes. Results from this study suggest that small-scale variability of spawning period in the Magellan region may be explained by the differences in food type and availability among areas. Our results also suggest that the Magellan region is an exception to the latitudinal pattern of spawning period reported for most of the Chilean coast. This large-scale variability may be explained by the simultaneous occurrence of low temperatures and short days during late winter and early spring.El ciclo reproductivo del erizo comestible chileno, Loxechinus albus, fue estudiado en dos áreas en la región de Magallanes, Canal Cockburn (53°43`S, 70°42`W) e Isla Dawson (53°43’S, 72°00`W). Entre abril de 1996 y mayo de 1997 se realizaron 11 muestreos por área en los cuales se recogieron entre 88 y 100 individuos cada mes. De cada individuo se midió el diámetro de testa y se determinó el peso total húmedo y el peso húmedo de las gónadas, sexo, se estimó el índice gonádico, el índice de madurez y la condición gametógenica a través de análisis histológico. Los resultados indican que L. albus en la región de Magallanes tiene un ciclo reproductivo anual, en el cual no es posible distinguir claramente la secuencia temporal de los distintos procesos gametogénicos debido a la rápida y contínua recuperación y producción de gametos después del desove. Aunque se observaron individuos maduros durante todo el año, el desove simultáneo de machos y hembras ocurriría entre agosto y septiembre en Isla Dawson, y entre julio y septiembre en Canal Cockburn. Los gametos de individuos que maduraron después del período de desove fueron reabsorbidos por fagocitos nutritivos. La continuidad de la actividad gametogénica a través del año, y las variaciones en el período de desove entre las áreas estudiadas se explican considerando las diferencias en la disponibilidad y tipo de alimento presente en las áreas de estudio. Estos resultados también indican que la región de Magallanes constituye una excepción al patrón latitudinal observado para el período de desove en gran parte de la costa chilena. Tales diferencias se explicarían considerando que las temperaturas más bajas y días más cortos ocurren simultáneamente durante el final de invierno y principio de primavera

    Effects of caffeine on cognitive tasks

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    The effects of caffeine (250 mg) and placebo on healthy controls were studied in a double-blind, cross over study on 24 healthy subjects who performed a working memory n-back task. Reaction time and accuracy levels were tested using the n-back working memory measure in cognitive neuroscience. An experimental study tested on the 1, 2 and 3-back tasks under the placebo/coffee condition. Based on the empirical results obtained in this thesis it can be concluded that changes produced by caffeine ingestion support the hypothesis that caffeine acts as a stimulant. However, it cannot be proven that the stimulant translates into enhanced motor processes with an improvement in performance

    Adsorção de fósforo em solos de argila de atividade baixa.

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    Neste estudo foram avaliadas possíveis correlações entre atributos físicos e químicos do solo e a capacidade máxima de adsorção de fósforo (CMAP) em solos com argila de atividade baixa de diferentes regiões do Brasil, sendo utilizadas amostras de horizontes superficiais (A) e subsuperficiais (B) de 16 perfis de solos. As doses para a determinação da CMAP foram calculadas com base no teor de fósforo remanescente e variaram de 0 a 135 mg.L-1. A partir dos dados obtidos foram então construídas isotermas de adsorção de Langmuir. Foram feitas correlações entre CMAP e os teores de argila, de carbono orgânico, ki, kr, superfície específica, teor de alumínio determinado por ataque sulfúrico e teores das diferentes formas de ferro extraível. Foi observada grande variação nos valores de CMAP para o horizonte superficial (48 a 1429 mg.kg-1) e para o horizonte subsuperficial (455 e 1.667 mg.kg-1). Os coeficientes de correlação demonstraram haver uma associação significativa entre a CMAP e o teor de argila dos solos, ferro e alumínio, determinados pelo ataque sulfúrico e ferro aos valores da CMAP com base em atributos dos solos estudados

    Plant Functional Traits of Dominant Native and Invasive Species in Mediterranean-Climate Ecosystems

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    The idea that dominant invasive plant species outperform neighboring native species through higher rates of carbon assimilation and growth is supported by several analyses of global datasets. However, theory suggests that native and invasive species occurring in low-resource environments will be functionally similar, as environmental factors restrict the range of observed physiological and morphological trait values. We measured resource-use traits in native and invasive plant species across eight diverse vegetation communities distributed throughout the five Mediterranean-climate regions, which are drought-prone and increasingly threatened by human activities including the introduction of exotic species. Traits differed strongly across the five regions. In regions with functional differences between native and invasive species groups, invasive species displayed traits consistent with high resource acquisition; however, these patterns were largely attributable to differences in life form. We found that species invading Mediterranean-climate regions were more likely to be annual than perennial - three of the five regions were dominated by native woody species and invasive annuals. These results suggest that trait differences between native and invasive species are context dependent and will vary across vegetation communities. Native and invasive species within annual and perennial groups had similar patterns of carbon assimilation and resource-use, which contradicts the widespread idea that invasive species optimize resource acquisition rather than resource conservation

    Development of a fatigue life prediction methodology for welded steel semi-trailer components based on a new criterion

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    This paper presents a procedure developed to predict the fatigue life in components made of steel, based on the mechanical properties of the base material and Thermally Affected Zones (TAZs) owing to welding. The fatigue life cycles of the studied components are obtained based on a certain survival probability provided by a Weibull distribution. This procedure is thought to be applied on semi-trailer components, and therefore it is proposed for the steels that are typically used in its manufacturing. A criterion for the adjustment of the exponent and the stress stroke of the fatigue life curve in welded joints is proposed in which the parameters that define the alternating stress versus the number of cycles to failure (S-N) curve are obtained exclusively from the ratio between the base material yield stress of a given steel and the strength of its Thermally Affected Zone. This procedure is especially useful for steels that do not have a complete characterization of their fatigue parameters. These developments are implemented in a subroutine that can be applied in commercial codes based on Finite Element Method (FEM) to obtain a fatigue life prediction. Finally, a numerical-experimental validation of the developed procedure is carried out by means of a semi-trailer axle bracing support fatigue analysis

    Caracterização de solos brasileiros com elevados teores de material orgânico.

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    Dentre as classes de solos que ocorrem no território brasileiro, os Organossolos e solos afins, com elevados teores de material orgânico, apresentam pequenas extensão territorial mas têm elevada utilização agrícola e grande importância ambiental. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com base em dados de perfis descritos e coletados em levantamentos de solos e trabalhos científicos e técnicos, principalmente da Embrapa e de Universidade brasileiras em várias regiões do país. O objetivo do trabalho foi caracterizar melhor os Organossolos e solos afins no Brasil, com elevado teor de matéria orgânica nos horizontes superficiais, quanto aos atributos morfológicos, físicos e químicos. Foram avaliados os seguintes atributos: cor, consistência, estrutura, densidade, pH em água, pH em KCI, H*, AI3*, CTC, soma de bases, saturação por bases, nitrogênio total, carbono orgânico, relação C/N, fósforo assimilável e as relações entre alguns desses atributos. São mais comuns no Brasil solos com horizontes hísticos com espessuras de até 120 cm a partir da superfície do solo. A cor dos materiais orgânicos e a estrutura do solo podem apresentar grande variação, predominando as cores escuras e a estrutura maciça e granular. Os solos estudados apresentam baixos valores de densidade do solo, variável esta que se correlaciona negativamente ao teor de carbono orgânico. São predominantemente ácidos, em especial os com materiais sulfídricos, apresentam alta capacidade de troca catiônica, soma de bases muito variável e saturação por bases baixa. A Relação C/N apresentou grande variação e se correlacionou negativamente com ph do solo