798 research outputs found

    The effects of socioeconomic and cultural characteristics of regions on the spatial patterns of the Second Demographic Transition in Finland

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    The article studies to what extent regional socioeconomic and cultural characteristics explain spatial patterns in the Second Demographic Transition in Finland. The country’s 75 functional regions are used as area units. A summary indicator of the transition based on divorce and cohabitation is used as the dependent variable. The results show that the spatial pattern is mainly determined according to the regional level of urbanization, but the effect is mediated by cultural characteristics (secularization and support for the socialist and green parties). The cultural characteristics have only a modest independent effect.cohabitation, cultural factors, divorce rate, regional differences, second demographic transition, socioeconomic factors

    Avohakkuuttomasta metsänhoidostako ratkaisu turvemaiden uudistamis- ja vesistöongelmiin?

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    Explaining job satisfaction and job control: a survey among finnish psychiatrists

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    Background: Job satisfaction has a major impact on mental health and job performance. Additionally, expected work satisfaction may influence choice of specialization within medicine. Methods: A postal survey was conducted in 2009 among the members (N=1398) of Finnish Psychiatric Association. Out of the members 1132 were still working-aged. All in all 64.8% (N=738) of the working-aged members returned the survey. Only psychiatrists and residents were included in the final cohort of the study (N=665). Factors associated to work satisfaction were studied and a principal component analysis was conducted on factors reported to disturb working. The correlations of factors scores with job satisfaction and job-control were analyzed. Spearman correlation coefficients were calculated between factor scores and work satisfaction. Results: Most respondents (73.8%) were satisfied with their work. Job satisfaction showed a negative correlation with increase in pace of work (rho=-0.24, p&lt;0.001). Job control correlated positively with job satisfaction (rho=0.46, p&lt;0.001). &quot;Working conditions&quot; factor explained 28.6%, &quot;leadership&quot; 8.8%, &quot;failure without support&quot; 7.8%, fear at work 6.5% and &quot;patient records&quot; factors 5.9% of the variation of perceived harmful factors at work. &quot;Working conditions&quot; and &quot;leadership&quot; factors showed the strongest and most significant negative correlations with job satisfaction (rho= -0.45, p&lt;0.001, rho=-0.32, p&lt;0.001, respectively. &quot;Working conditions&quot; associated strongly and significantly with job control (rho=-0.57, p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: Job satisfaction may be better than expected among psychiatrists considering the findings of prevalence estimates of burnout in various other studies. However, employers should put emphasis on matching employers and type of work to promote well-being of their employees.</p

    Effects of overstory tree density, site preparation, and ground vegetation on natural Scots pine seedling emergence and survival in northern boreal pine forests

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    Natural regeneration is a commonly used forest regeneration method in northern Finland. It is not known, however, what would be the optimal overstory density and ground vegetation composition for seedling emergence and survival, and if site preparation is needed to accompany overstory density manipulation. We studied the effects of overstory density (unthinned control and thinning to 50,150, and 250 trees.ha(-1)) and ground vegetation removal (mechanical site preparation with disc trenching) on the number of naturally germinated pine seedlings and survival of individual seedlings over a period of 8 to 11 years. Bare mineral soil was a superior seedbed compared to intact vegetation cover, even though the mortality rate was high on mineral soil. Greater cover of lingonberry, crowberry, and slash had a negative effect on seedling number. Seedling mortality was initially high (60% died during the first 2 years) but decreased throughout the first 5 years. The survival rate of seedlings located in the mineral soil of the upper part of the disc trencher track was twice as high as that of seedlings located in the lower part of the track. High coverage of hair mosses (Polytrichum spp.) was associated with poorer seedling survival. An overstory density of 50-150 trees.ha(-1) with site preparation seems to be an efficient treatment to promote regeneration under these circumstances

    Preservation of biomaterials and cells by freeze-drying : Change of paradigm

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    Freeze-drying is the most widespread method to preserve protein drugs and vaccines in a dry form facilitating their storage and transportation without the laborious and expensive cold chain. Extending this method for the preservation of natural biomaterials and cells in a dry form would provide similar benefits, but most results in the domain are still below expectations. In this review, rather than consider freeze-drying as a traditional black box we "break it" through a detailed process thinking approach. We discuss freeze-drying from process thinking aspects, introduce the chemical, physical, and mechanical environments important in this process, and present advanced biophotonic process analytical technology. In the end, we review the state of the art in the freezedrying of the biomaterials, extracellular vesicles, and cells. We suggest that the rational design of the experiment and implementation of advanced biophotonic tools are required to successfully preserve the natural biomaterials and cells by freeze-drying. We discuss this change of paradigm with existing literature and elaborate on our perspective based on our new unpublished results.Peer reviewe

    Effects of overstory tree density, site preparation, and ground vegetation on natural Scots pine seedling emergence and survival in northern boreal pine forests

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    Natural regeneration is a commonly used forest regeneration method in northern Finland. It is not known, however, what would be the optimal overstory density and ground vegetation composition for seedling emergence and survival, and if site preparation is needed to accompany overstory density manipulation. We studied the effects of overstory density (unthinned control and thinning to 50,150, and 250 trees.ha(-1)) and ground vegetation removal (mechanical site preparation with disc trenching) on the number of naturally germinated pine seedlings and survival of individual seedlings over a period of 8 to 11 years. Bare mineral soil was a superior seedbed compared to intact vegetation cover, even though the mortality rate was high on mineral soil. Greater cover of lingonberry, crowberry, and slash had a negative effect on seedling number. Seedling mortality was initially high (60% died during the first 2 years) but decreased throughout the first 5 years. The survival rate of seedlings located in the mineral soil of the upper part of the disc trencher track was twice as high as that of seedlings located in the lower part of the track. High coverage of hair mosses (Polytrichum spp.) was associated with poorer seedling survival. An overstory density of 50-150 trees.ha(-1) with site preparation seems to be an efficient treatment to promote regeneration under these circumstances.Peer reviewe

    Long-term trends in the longevity of scientific elites: evidence from the British and the Russian academies of science.

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    National science academies represent intellectual elites and vanguard groups in the achievement of longevity. We estimated life expectancy (LE) at age 50 of members of the British Royal Society (RS) for the years 1670-2007 and of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) for the years 1750-2006. The longevity of academicians was higher than that of their corresponding national populations, with the gap widening from the 1950s. Since the 1980s, LE in the RS has been higher than the maximum LE among all high-income countries. In each period, LE in the RS was greater than in the RAS, although since the 1950s it has risen in parallel in the two academies. This steep increase shared by academicians in Britain and Russia suggests that general populations have the potential for a substantial increase in survival to high ages

    Early maladaptive schemas in chronically depressed patients : A preliminary investigation

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    Background Schema therapy has been proposed as a potentially effective treatment for chronic depression. However, little is known about early maladaptive schemas (EMSs), a key concept in schema therapy, in relation to chronic depression or chronic depression with comorbid personality pathology. The aim of the present study was to compare EMSs between currently chronically depressed patients with comorbid cluster C personality disorder (CDCPD), currently chronically depressed patients (CD), and patients remitted from chronic depression (CDR). Methods Based on data from a naturalistic follow-up study on psychiatric outpatients with major depressive disorder, three groups were formed according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV: CDCPD (n = 15), CD (n = 23), and CDR (n = 13). Groups were compared in terms of background information and measurements for depression (Beck Depression Inventory) and EMSs (Young Schema Questionnaire). Results Patients with CDCPD and CD did not differ in terms of background variables or the severity of depressive symptoms, but patients with CDCPD were more maladaptive with respect to the majority of EMSs. Patients with CDR were less depressed than CDCPD or CD patients, but did not differ in terms of EMSs compared with CD patients. Conclusions Comorbid cluster C personality disorder appears to be associated with more severe EMS endorsement in chronically depressed patients. Remitted patients show similar cognitive vulnerability factors in terms of EMSs compared to those currently chronically depressed. The findings suggest that EMSs may contribute to vulnerability to chronic depression. Focusing on EMSs may be beneficial in the treatment of chronic depression.Peer reviewe