421 research outputs found

    Area under ROC curve of energy detection over generalized fading channels

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    A fast and reliable detection scheme is essential in several wireless applications such as radar and cognitive radio systems. Energy detection is such a method as it does not require a priori information of the received signal while it exhibits low implementation complexity and costs. Since the detection capability of ED is largely affected by the effects of multipath fading, this paper is devoted to a thorough analysis of energy detection based spectrum sensing over generalized fading conditions. To this end, analytical expressions are firstly derived using the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC) under additive white Gaussian noise. This analysis is subsequently extended to the case of generalized fading conditions characterized by k - μ and η - μ fading distributions. The offered results are novel and are employed in analyzing the corresponding performance. It is shown that fading phenomena result to detrimental effects on the performance of spectrum sensing since the deviation between severe and non-severe conditions is rather substantial

    Analytic Expressions and Bounds for Special Functions and Applications in Communication Theory

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    This paper is devoted to the derivation of novel analytic expressions and bounds for a family of special functions that are useful in wireless communication theory. These functions are the well-known Nuttall Q-function, incomplete Toronto function, Rice Ie-function, and incomplete Lipschitz-Hankel integrals. Capitalizing on the offered results, useful identities are additionally derived between the above functions and Humbert, Φ1, function as well as for specific cases of the Kampé de Fériet function. These functions can be considered as useful mathematical tools that can be employed in applications relating to the analytic performance evaluation of modern wireless communication systems, such as cognitive radio, cooperative, and free-space optical communications as well as radar, diversity, and multiantenna systems. As an example, new closed-form expressions are derived for the outage probability over nonlinear generalized fading channels, namely, α-η-μ, α-λ-μ, and α-κ-μ as well as for specific cases of the η-μ and λ-μ fading channels. Furthermore, simple expressions are presented for the channel capacity for the truncated channel inversion with fixed rate and corresponding optimum cutoff signal-to-noise ratio for single-antenna and multiantenna communication systems over Rician fading channels. The accuracy and validity of the derived expressions is justified through extensive comparisons with respective numerical results

    A Comprehensive Framework for Spectrum Sensing in Non-Linear and Generalized Fading Conditions

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    We derive a comprehensive analytical framework for the ED over generalized, extreme, and non-linear fading conditions which addresses the topic completely. This is carried out for both conventional and diversity receptions and it is based on the area under the ROC curve (AUC), which is an efficient performance measure that is widely used in physical sciences and engineering. This differentiates the considered methodology from the aforementioned routine approaches and additionally provides generic results on the arbitrary derivatives of the MGF of useful generalized processes. The asymptotic behavior of the derived expressions is also analyzed providing direct and concrete insights on the role and effect of the involved parameters on the ED performance. The offered analytic results are subsequently employed in quantifying the performance of ED over various types of fading conditions, which exhibits that ED performance is significantly degraded by even slight variations of the severity of fading. To this end, it is shown that the detrimental effects of fading can be effectively mitigated with the aid of square-law combining and switch-and-stay combining methods, as a low number of diversity branches can ensure sufficient and holistic performance improvement even in severe fading conditions

    Energy detection based spectrum sensing over enriched multipath fading channels

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    Energy detection has been for long constituting the most popular sensing method in RADAR and cognitive radio systems. The present paper investigates the sensing behaviour of an energy detector over Hoyt fading channels, which have been extensively shown to provide rather accurate characterization of enriched multipath fading conditions. To this end, a simple series representation and an exact closed-form expression are firstly derived for the corresponding average probability of detection for the conventional single-channel communication scenario. These expressions are subsequently employed in deriving novel analytic results for the case of both collaborative detection and square-law selection diversity reception. The derived expressions have a relatively tractable algebraic representation which renders them convenient to handle both analytically and numerically. As a result, they can be utilized in quantifying the effect of fading in energy detection based spectrum sensing and in the determination of the trade-offs between sensing performance and energy efficiency in cognitive radio communications. Based on this, it is shown that the performance of the energy detector depends highly on the severity of fading as even slight variations of the fading conditions affect the value of the average probability of detection. It is also clearly shown that the detection performance improves substantially as the number of branches or collaborating users increase. This improvement is substantial in both moderate and severe fading conditions and can practically provide full compensation for the latter cases

    Evaluation of Innotrac Aio! Second-Generation Cardiac Troponin I Assay: The Main Characteristics for Routine Clinical Use

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    The availability of a simple, sensitive, and rapid test using whole blood to facilitate processing and to reduce the turnaround time could improve the management of patients presenting with chest pain. The aim of this study was an evaluation of the Innotrac Aio! second-generation cardiac troponin I (cTnI) assay. The Innotrac Aio! second-generation cTnI assay was compared with the Abbott AxSYM first-generation cTnI, Beckman Access AccuTnI, and Innotrac Aio! first-generation cTnI assays. We studied serum samples from 15 patients with positive rheumatoid factor but with no indication of myocardial infarction (MI). Additionally, the stability of the sample with different matrices and the influence of hemodialysis on the cTnI concentration were evaluated. Within-assay CVs were 3.2%–10.9%, and between-assay precision ranged from 4.0% to 17.2% for cTnI. The functional sensitivity (CV = 20 %) and the concentration giving CV of 10% were approximated to be 0.02 and 0.04, respectively. The assay was found to be linear within the tested range of 0.063–111.6 μ g/L. The correlations between the second-generation Innotrac Aio!, Access, and AxSYM cTnI assays were good (r coefficients 0.947–0.966), but involved differences in the measured concentrations, and the biases were highest with cTnI at low concentrations. The second-generation Innotrac Aio! cTnI assay was found to be superior to the first-generation assay with regard to precision in the low concentration range. The stability of the cTnI level was best in the serum, lithium-heparin plasma, and lithium-heparin whole blood samples (n = 10 , decrease < 10 % in 24 hours at +20°C and at +4°C. There was no remarkable influence of hemodialysis on the cTnI release. False-positive cTnI values occurred in the presence of very high rheumatoid factor values, that is, over 3000 U/L. The 99th percentile of the apparently healthy reference group was ≤ 0.03   μ g/L. The results demonstrate the very good analytical performance of the second-generation Innotrac Aio! cTnI assay

    Deposition conditions for the indium-bearing polymetallic quartz veins at Sarvlaxviken, south-eastern Finland

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    Polymetallic quartz veins, with up to 1500ppm indium, have been discovered recently in the Sarvlaxviken area within the 1.64Ga anorogenic multiphase Wiborg rapakivi batholith and adjacent 1.90Ga Svecofennian crust in SE Finland. Evidence from primary fluid inclusions in the Sarvlaxviken area provides new information on the hydrothermal transport and depositional processes of metals in anorogenic granites. Fluid inclusions with variable aqueous liquid and vapour proportions (5-90vol.% vapour) occur in quartz, cassiterite and fluorite belonging to three generations of polymetallic quartz veins. Microthermometry indicates that the veins were deposited at temperatures that range from similar to 500 degrees C down to <100 degrees C and salinities from 0 to 16 eq. mass% NaCl. Fluid inclusion data show that the depositional conditions were similar regardless of vein generation. The interpreted depositional processes involve phase separation with a combination of condensation, cooling and boiling of an initially low-salinity (<3 eq. mass% NaCl) aqueous magmatic vapour phase enriched in CO2-F-Cl-S and metals. Fluid inclusions with low salinities dominate, but higher salinities are recorded in metal-rich parts of the veins. The turbulent fluid flow, with complex geometry and temperature-salinity patterns, may explain why sulfide and/or oxide opaque minerals occur irregularly, and are locally the dominating vein minerals, but disappear completely into barren parts of the quartz veins. All fluids are considered to have been generated by the F-rich Marviken granite (and related granite dykes), which show all geochemical criteria for an ore-fertile granite. The quartz veins investigated in the adjacent Svecofennian country rocks are considered to represent the very last stage of a fluid with similar characteristics to the fluid responsible for the ore formation in the Sarvlaxviken area, but that had cooled to <100 degrees C

    Iron status in early childhood is modified by diet, sex and growth : Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled vitamin D trial

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    Background & aims: During early childhood the risk of iron deficiency (ID) is high. Serum ferritin serves as a marker of iron status. We explored prevalence of ID and iron deficiency anemia (IDA), and identified determinants of iron status in infants and toddlers. Methods: We performed a secondary analysis of the Vitamin D intervention in infants (VIDI) study in Finnish healthy term infants. According to study protocol, at 12- and 24-months of age iron status, growth and dietary intakes were evaluated. ID was defined as serum ferritin Results: ID prevalence increased from 14% in infants to 20% in toddlers. IDA prevalence was 3% at both time points. In infants, ID and IDA were more common in boys than in girls (19% vs. 9%, p = 0.001 and 5% vs. 1%, p = 0.039) but no sex-difference in toddlers was observed. Of infants, 30% had daily iron intake below average requirement of 5 mg/day. Higher daily iron intake per body weight (mg/kg) independently associated with higher infant serum ferritin (B (95% CI) 0.30 (0.04, 0.56), p = 0.026). Correlation between iron intake and ferritin was stronger in infants with ID than in infants without ID. Breastfeeding was more common (63% vs. 35%, p < 0.001) among ID infants than in infants without ID. In toddlers, frequent consumption of milk products independently associated with lower ferritin (B (95% CI) -0.03 (-0.05, -0.01), p = 0.001). Consumption of meat and fish associated with better iron status. Serum ferritin at both time points associated with duration of gestation and growth. The association of growth and ferritin was age-dependent in boys, while in girls, faster growth associated consistently with lower ferritin. Conclusions: In Northern European healthy infants and toddlers ID is common. The intake of iron remains below recommendations and food consumption and iron intake associate with iron status. Further studies are warranted to assess significance of ID on child development and clinical health outcomes. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Peer reviewe

    A Computationally Efficient EK-PMBM Filter for Bistatic mmWave Radio SLAM

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    Millimeter wave (mmWave) signals are useful for simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM), due to their inherent geometric connection to the propagation environment and the propagation channel. To solve the SLAM problem, existing approaches rely on sigma-point or particle-based approximations, leading to high computational complexity, precluding real-time execution. We propose a novel low-complexity SLAM filter, based on the Poisson multi-Bernoulli mixture (PMBM) filter. It utilizes the extended Kalman (EK) first-order Taylor series based Gaussian approximation of the filtering distribution, and applies the track-oriented marginal multi-Bernoulli/Poisson (TOMB/P) algorithm to approximate the resulting PMBM as a Poisson multi-Bernoulli (PMB). The filter can account for different landmark types in radio SLAM and multiple data association hypotheses. Hence, it has an adjustable complexity/performance trade-off. Simulation results show that the developed SLAM filter can greatly reduce the computational cost, while it keeps the good performance of mapping and user state estimation

    The Effects of Vitamin D Supplementation During Infancy on Growth During the First 2 Years of Life

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    Context: The relationship between maternal and infant vitamin D and early childhood growth remains inadequately understood. Objective: This work aimed to investigate how maternal and child 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25[OH]D) and vitamin D supplementation affect growth during the first 2 years of life. Methods: A randomized, double-blinded, single-center intervention study was conducted from pregnancy until offspring age 2 years. Altogether 812 term-born children with complete data were recruited at a maternity hospital. Children received daily vitamin D-3 supplementation of 10 mu g (group 10) or 30 mu g (group 30) from age 2 weeks to 2 years. Anthropometry and growth rate were measured at age 1 and 2 years. Results: Toddlers born to mothers with pregnancy 25(OH)D greater than 125 nmol/L were at 2 years lighter and thinner than the reference group with 25(OH)D of 50 to 74.9 nmol/L (P .053), but group 30 had slower growth in length and head circumference between 6 months and 1 year (P 121 nmol/L) were shorter (mean difference 0.2 SD score [SDS], P = .021), lighter (mean difference 0.4 SDS, P = .001), and thinner (in length-adjusted weight) (mean difference 0.4 SDS, P = .003) compared with the lowest quartile (< 81.2 nmol/L). Conclusion: Vitamin D and early childhood growth may have an inverse U-shaped relationship.Peer reviewe