235 research outputs found

    Quo Vadis, Slovenia? Between Framework Conditions and Internal Capabilities

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    We consider the new EU member states as semi-peripheral countries standing at the development crossroads. We emphasize the sociocultural factors of development, present a model for bringing together several cultural and social influences, and test its validity by applying a fuzzy-set methodology, a rather novel approach in social sciences. We augment our analysis of internal socio-cultural factors by considering the likely changes in the external framework conditions. Focusing on demography, technology, and global economic and political structures, we outline possible scenarios for European development that will certainly affect the chances of individual countries. As our contribution, we discuss the interplay between such framework conditions and internal development capabilities and draw some implication for the case of Slovenia.development, socio-cultural factors of development, long-run scenarios

    The role of 3D-printing technologies in oncology: actualities and perspectives

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Tehnologiile de imprimare-3D (TI-3D) reprezintă o metodă inovativă de fabricație ghidată prin calculator. De rând cu creșterea incidenței maladiilor oncologice la nivel global, TI-3D au înregistrat rezultate importante pe plan de diagnosticare, cercetare, didactic, cât și management pre și post-operator al lor. Scopul lucrării. Determinarea realizărilor recente de utilizare a tehnologiilor de imprimare-3D (TI-3D) în oncologie și perspectivele implementării lor în procesul de studiu, cercetare și practica medicală. Material și metode. A fost realizat un review literar folosind 60 de articole științifice din bazele de date PubMed, NCBI, Frontiers, ScienceDirect, 3D Printing in Medicine, cu o vechime de până la 10 ani. Rezultate. Au fost evidențiate și analizate direcțiile de implementare a TI-3D în următoarele tipuri de cancer: mamar, melanom malign, cerebral, pulmonar, al pielii, sistemului gastrointestinal, urogenital, osos. Una din direcții reprezintă managementul pre și post-operator. Utilizând imaginile obținute în urma scanării prin CT sau IRM, cu ajutorul unui software de calculator și unei imprimante-3D se creează modele tridimensionale ale tumorilor cu zonele învecinate, fiind facilitată o diagnosticare precisă și abordare terapeutică personalizată. Aceste modele interactive 3D pot fi utilizate și în scop didactic sau cercetare, în timpul studiului la modulul de oncologie pentru o mai bună însușire a proceselor tumorale și opțiunilor posibile de tratament. Concluzii. Tehnologiile de imprimare-3D (TI-3D) prin multitudinea de metode și Material de imprimare, au un rol promițător în dezvoltarea medicinei personalizate în domeniul oncologic prin abordare științifico-practică multidisciplinară și management efectiv individualizat.Background. The 3D-printing technologies (3D-PT) represent an innovative computer-guided manufacturing method. Along with the increase of the incidence of oncological diseases globally, 3D-PT have achieved important results in terms of diagnosis, research, teaching, as well as their preand post-operative management. Objective of the study. Establishing the recent achievements in the use of 3D-printing technologies (3D-PT) in oncology and the perspectives of their implementation in the process of study, research, and medical practice. Material and methods. A literature review was performed using 60 scientific articles from the databases PubMed, NCBI, Frontiers, ScienceDirect, 3D Printing in Medicine, up to 10 years. Results. There were highlighted and analyzed the directions of implementation of 3D-PT in the following types of cancer: breast, malignant melanoma, brain, lung, skin, gastrointestinal, urogenital, bone systems. One of the directions represents pre- and post-operative management. Using the images obtained from the CT or MRI scan, with a computer software and a 3D-printer there are created three-dimensional models of the tumors and surrounding areas, facilitating a precise diagnosis and personalized therapeutic approach. These interactive 3D- models can also be used for teaching or research purposes, during the study of the oncology module for a better understanding of tumor processes and possible treatment options. Conclusion. The 3D-printing technologies (3D-PT) within the multitude of printing methods and materials have a promising role in the development of personalized medicine in the oncology field through a multidisciplinary scientific-practical approach and effective individualized management


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    Communication is invisible force that creates dynamic in each social field. Communication is imperative for existence of dynamics. There is no existence of social field without dynamics. Social field by itself is constitute from social forces: social institutions, social networks and cognitive frames. Actually they all shapes the social field. All those social forces might be utilized by the actors in their communication strategies which all may shape the public. The process of communication and communicator’s awareness level related on influence of social forces or communication process which is the subject of the current article. The reader may also find out how the social forces are influential on communication and how of the other hand the communicating agents use them to shape the public? The article offers a theoretical model of communication, based on the SOFIA approach to analysis of social fields. The model defines several categories in each social force that affects the communication process. It is a complex process in which the social forces influence each other, and simultaneously exert a joint influence on the public. Usually, actors or their groups are categorized into eight different areas, and each of them has its agent-communicator. He is as a matter of fact representative of a group that communicates with the public on behalf of a particular group. Always read the term agent - communicator, in our paperwork as a part of the group consisting of formal actors or formal agents


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    INTRODUCTION A group of neurons in the medullary raphe nuclei is involved in respiratory control. Raphe neurons are known to be the major source of serotonergic projections to other respiratory areas of the brain stem and spinal cord (1-3). Previous studies have shown that stimulation of the neurons in the raphe pallidus (RP) produces excitatory effects on respiratory activity The basic respiratory behavior of anesthetized animals is attributed to phrenic nerve activity. The phrenic motor nucleus (PMN) receives descending serotonergic projections originating from the RP (3). These projections make important contributions to the changes in discharge patterns of the phrenic nerve activity. It has been shown that raphe induced respiratory facilitation of the phrenic nerve activity is attenuated following intravenous administration of the serotonergic receptor antagonist methysergide (3). Therefore, we hypothesized that chemical stimulation of RP would produce excitatory responses that are mediated through 5-HT 1A receptors in the PMN. The present study was performed to investigate changes in phrenic nerve activity with chemical stimulation of RP by the synaptic excitant, D,L-homocysteic acid (DLH). Additionally, this study examined the role of 5-HT 1A receptors in the PMN on the excitatory response elicited from RP. METHODS The protocol for this study was approved by the Ethical Committee for Biomedical Research of the University of Split School of Medicine, Split, Croatia. All experiments were carried out in accordance with the National Research Council's guide for the care and use of laboratory animals. General procedures Experiments were performed on adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 280-330 g. Anesthesia was performed with intraperitoneal injection of 20% solution of urethane in 0.9% saline (1.2 g/kg; supplemental dose 0.2 g/kg). The adequacy of anesthesia was assessed by the absence of a withdrawal reflex after noxious paw pinch. The femoral vein and artery were cannulated for intravenous drug delivery, blood pressure monitoring, and sampling of arterial blood. Blood samples were taken at regular intervals, and arterial blood gasses were maintained within physiological limits by infusion of bicarbonate solution. The trachea was cannulated through midline incision. All animals were vagotomized bilaterally. End-JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY 2009, 60, 3, 167-172 www.jpp. Stimulation of the raphe pallidus nucleus produces facilitatory effects on respiratory activity. Numerous serotonergic projections from the raphe pallidus have been shown to terminate in the phrenic nucleus. This study was undertaken to examine the role of 5-hydroxytryptamine 1A (5-HT 1A ) receptors in the phrenic nucleus on the excitatory response of the phrenic nerve activity elicited from the raphe pallidus. We hypothesized that blockade of 5-HT 1A receptors in the phrenic nucleus will attenuate raphe-induced facilitation of the phrenic nerve. Chemical stimulation of the raphe pallidus by synaptic excitant D,L-homocysteic acid produced increase in the amplitude of the phrenic nerve activity. After microinjection of the specific 5-HT 1A receptor antagonist WAY, N-(2-(4,2-methoxyphenyl)-1-piperazinyl)ethyl)-N-2-pyridinyl-cyclohexane-carboxamide maleate into the phrenic nucleus, the raphe-induced facilitation of the phrenic nerve was attenuated. These data suggest that excitation of the phrenic nerve activity elicited by activation of the neurons in the raphe pallidus is mediated by 5-HT 1A receptors in the phrenic nucleus. K e y w o r d s : breathing, serotonin, phrenic nerve, ra

    The role of 3D-printing technologies in the management of breast cancer patients

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    Introduction. Breast cancer represents a current problem due to high morbidity, mortality and disability. About 685,000 women worldwide die from breast cancer annually. Only 1.3% are detected in the early stages, while 24% in the late stages. Although mastectomy is an important and definitive treatment option for some patients, it is often associated with substantial psychological, social, and sexual sequelae, as well as a significant distortion of body image. Along with the development of personalized medicine, the principles and methods of diagnosis and treatment, 3D printing technologies have a promising role, aimed at improving the management of breast cancer patients by creating anatomical models of tumors for explanatory and operational purposes, as well as of safe, compatible and easily tolerated breast implants. Materials and methods. A literature review was performed using scientific articles from PubMed, NCBI, Frontiersin, 3D Printing in Medicine, databases for a period of 5 years. Keywords used in the search: breast cancer, bioprinting, 3D printing, 3D implants, personalized medicine. Results. This review of scientific articles highlights the main achievements in the field of 3D printing in the management of breast cancer patients. Scanning and subsequent three-dimensional printing of tumors allows the detailed explanation of the tumor process to patients. Also, it facilitates the choice of an appropriate and personalized therapeutic tactic. New printing technologies, including bioprinting, allow the modeling and creation of mammary gland implants using hypoallergenic, durable and compatible materials with the formation of patient-specific bioabsorbable matrices (scaffolds). Different types of stem cells and growth factors can be seeded on the scaffolds, similar to the extracellular matrix, ensuring the processes of cell growth and angiogenesis. These scaffolds, which are later resorbed by the body, keep the injected adipose tissue safe and minimize the significant volume loss of breast adipose tissue typically seen in the lipofilling technique. Conclusion. Although 3D printing technologies are in development and testing stages yet, they represent an important chain in the appropriate future of personalized medicine in the management of breast cancer patients

    Особенности детских опухолей и педиатрической онкологической службы в условиях децентрализации

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    Tumors in children have peculiarities of natural development, diagnosis and clinical features, morphological structure, age, sex, pre-selection, etc. In the structure of oncopediting morbidity prevail hemoblasts 58-60%, brain tumors 17- 18%, kidney 7-7.5%, bone 5.0-5.5%, soft tissue sarcomas 4.0-4.5%, thyroid gland tumors 0.8-1.0%, reproductive organs1.0-1.2%, liver - 1.0%, others - 2.5-3.0% [15, 16, 23].Tumors in children occupy the second place in the structure of mortality of children up to 18 years of age. A special place goes to Eving’s sarcoma, Wilms’ tumor, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma and others [21].The oncology service also has its own particular managerial features, such as having certain criteria and facilities, centres specialising in paediatric oncology, specialists, technical devices, diagnostic and treatment technologies, medical equipment and generic and effective drugs. The service must have onco-pediatric specialists in every region of the Republic of Moldova - north, centre, south and south-east. Interdisciplinary cooperation is needed with family medicine, local specialists and tertiary specialists, as well as with the families of these children, local administrative bodies and the voluntary sector. There is a need for an infrastructure for the paediatric oncology advisory service and interdependence with the Oncology Institute, rehabilitation centres, continuing education centres in hospital and palliative care, and social services.Rezumat.Tumorile la copii au particularități de dezvoltare naturală, de diagnostic și clinică, de structură morfologică, de vîrstă, de sex, de predelecție etc. În structura morbidității oncopediatrice prevalează hemoblastozele 58-60%, tumorile creierului 17-18%, rinichiului 7-7,5%, a oaselor 5,0-5,5%, sarcoamele țesuturilor moi 4,0-4,5%, tumorile glandei tiroide 0,8-1,0%,a organelor reproductive 1,0-1,2%, a ficatului - 1,0%, altele - 2,5-3,0% [15, 16, 23].Tumorile la copii ocupă locul 2 în structura mortalităâii copiilor până la 18 ani. Un loc aparte îi revine sarcomului Eving, tumorii lui Wilms, rabdomiosarcomului embrionar și altele [21].Și serviciul oncologic are particularotățile sale manageriale, să dispună de anumite criterii, facilități, centrele să fie specializate în oncopediatrie, să dispună de specialiști, dispozitive tehnice, tehnologii de diagnostic și tratament, echipamente medicale și medicamente generice și eficiente. Serviciul trebuie să dispună de specialiști oncopediatri în fiecare zonă a Republicii Moldova - nord, centru, sud și sud-est. Este necesară o colaborare interdisciplinară cu medicina de familie, specialiștii din teritoriu și cu veriga specializată terțiară, dar și cu familiile acestor copilași, cu organele administrativ teritoriale și cu sectorul asociativ. E necesară infrastructura serviciului oncopediatric consultativ și interdependența cu Institutul Oncologic, cu Centrele de reabilitare, de educație continuă în condiții de spital și de tratament paliativ, cu serviciile asistenței sociale.Опухоли у детей имеют особенности естественного развития, диагностики и клинических признаков, морфологического строения, возраста, пола, предварительного отбора и др. В структуре онкопедиатрии преобладают гемобластозы 58-60%, опухоли головного мозга 17-18%, почки 7-7,5%, костей 5,0-5,5%, саркомы мягких тканей4,0-4,5%, опухоли щитовидной железы 0,8-1,0%, репродуктивных органов 1,0-1,2%, печени - 1,0%, другие - 2,5-3,0% [15, 16, 23].Опухоли у детей занимают второе место в структуре смертности детей до 18 лет. Особое место занимают саркома Эвинга, опухоль Вильмса, эмбриональная рабдомиосаркома и другие [21].Онкологическая служба также имеет свои особенности управления, такие как наличие определенных критериев и материальной базы, центров, специализирующихся на детской онкологии, специалистов, технических средств, технологий диагностики и лечения, медицинского оборудования, генерических и эффективных препаратов. Служба должна иметь онкопедиатров во всех регионах Республики Молдова - на севере, в центре, на юге и юго-востоке. Необходимо междисциплинарное сотрудничество с семейной медициной, местными специалистами и специалистами высшей категории, а также с семьями этих детей, местными административными органами и волонтерским сектором. Необходима инфраструктура консультативной службы детской онкологии и взаимозависимость с Институтом онкологии, реабилитационными центрами, центрами непрерывного образования в области госпитальной и паллиативной помощи и социальными службами

    Teaching physiology: blood pressure and heart rate changes in simulated diving

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    Background and Purpose: Physiology exercise employing simulated diving is used in our curriculum to integrate knowledge in cardio-respiratory physiology. Aim was to improve model used in physiology exercise by employing continuous recordings of arterial pressure and heart rate. Materials and Methods: Total of 55 medical and dental students volunteered for the exercise. They were instrumented with photoplethysmographic blood pressure and heart rate device, as well as with pulse oxymetry. Continuous measurement of variables was undertaken while students performed apneas or breathed through snorkel in air or in cold water, or temperature change was applied to their forehead. Results: Employment of continuous recordings enabled detailed insight into changes in selected cardiovascular parameters during 30 seconds breathholding. Time course of the changes showed marked biphasic response. When face was submerged in cold water during apnea, arterial pressure initially decreased and heart rate increased. At the end of breath-hold, arterial pressure increased and heart rate decreased, respectively. Corresponding changes were less pronounced when breath-hold was performed without face immersion. Conclusion: Improved protocol in laboratory exercise enabled us to show two distinct phases in changes of cardiovascular variables which are characteristic of diving reflex. We showed students how modern technology can improve their studies in near future and encouraged and motivate them to participate actively in exercise

    The role of micro-RNA in cardiovascular diseases

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    Introducere. Micro-RNA (miRNA) sunt molecule mici de acid ribonucleic, care joacă un rol important în controlul expresiei genice în celulele eucariote. Actualmente, se consideră că micro-RNA circulante pot fi utilizate ca biomarkeri de diagnostic și noi ținte potențiale terapeutice ale bolilor cardiovasculare (BCV). Scopul lucrării. Elucidarea rolului miRNA în dezvoltarea bolilor cardiovasculare, cu scopul de a îmbunătăți diagnosticul, prognosticul și de a identifica noi ținte potențiale terapeutice eficiente. Material și metode. S-a efectuat un reviu al literaturii din ultimii 10 ani, utilizând 30 de surse bibliografice, dintre care ale Bibliotecii Științifice Medicale ale USMF „Nicolae Testemițanu”, date ale bibliotecilor electronice PubMed, Elsevier, Cambridge Journals Online, Hinari, Medline, MedScape și American Physiological Society Journal. Rezultate. Un șir de cercetări au estimat rolul major al miRNA în diagnosticul și tratamentul BCV. Expresia crescută a miRNA-499, miRNA-636, miRNA-380, miRNA-17 etc. a fost relevată în plasmă la pacienții cu infarct miocardic acut. La fel, miRNA-126, miRNA-37, miR-221 au fost crescute la pacienții cu insuficiență cardiacă (IC). În plus, valoarea prognostică a miRNA-182 s-a dovedit a fi superioară peptidei natriuretice și proteinei C-reactive de înaltă sensibilitate în IC. La un grup de șobolani a fost efectuată injecția intramiocardică cu vezicule ce conțineau miRNA-99a, care au prevenit apoptoza, mediată de hipoxie și au indus autofagia. Ca rezultat, a fost ameliorată funcția ventriculului stâng și supraviețuirea la 4 săptămâni de la infarct miocardic. Concluzii. Actualmente, miRNA potențial pot fi utilizate atât în scop diagnostic, cât și terapeutic în diferite BCV, prin influența asupra unor căi sau procese celulare datorită anumitor structuri, precum liposomi, vezicule, vectori virali create cu scop de a transporta miRNA intracelular.Introduction. Micro-RNAs (miRNAs) are small molecules of ribonucleic acid that play an important role in controlling gene expression in eukaryotic cells. Currently, circulating miRNAs are considered as potential diagnostic biomarkers and novel therapeutic targets for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Objective. Elucidation of the role of micro-RNAs in the development of cardiovascular diseases, in order to improve diagnosis, prognosis, and identify effective therapeutic targets. Materials and methods. A literature review was conducted using databases from the last 10 years, using 30 sources, including those from the Scientific Medical Library of the Nicolae Testemițanu University, as well as data from electronic libraries such as PubMed, Elsevier, Cambridge Journals Online, Hinari, Medline, MedScape and the American Physiological Society Journal. Results. A series of studies have demonstrated the significant role of micro-RNAs in the diagnosis and treatment of CVD. Increased expression of miRNA-499, miRNA-636, miRNA-380, miRNA-17 has been detected in the plasma of patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). Similarly, miRNA-126, miRNA-37, miR-221 have been found to be elevated in patients with heart failure (HF). Moreover, the prognostic value of miRNA-182 has been shown to be superior to that of natriuretic peptide and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein in HF. In a group of mice, intramyocardial injection of vesicles containing miRNA-99a was performed, which prevented hypoxia-mediated apoptosis and enhanced autophagy. As a result, left ventricular function and survival were improved at 4 weeks after the MI. Conclusions. Currently, miRNAs potentially can be used for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes in various CVD by influencing specific cellular pathways or processes through structures such as liposomes, vesicles, or viral vectors designed for intracellular miRNA delivery