54 research outputs found

    Resolvin D1 Halts Remote Neuroinflammation and Improves Functional Recovery after Focal Brain Damage Via ALX/FPR2 Receptor-Regulated MicroRNAs

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    Remote damage is a secondary phenomenon that usually occurs after a primary brain damage in regions that are distant, yet functionally connected, and that is critical for determining the outcomes of several CNS pathologies, including traumatic brain and spinal cord injuries. The understanding of remote damage-associated mechanisms has been mostly achieved in several models of focal brain injury such as the hemicerebellectomy (HCb) experimental paradigm, which helped to identify the involvement of many key players, such as inflammation, oxidative stress, apoptosis and autophagy. Currently, few interventions have been shown to successfully limit the progression of secondary damage events and there is still an unmet need for new therapeutic options. Given the emergence of the novel concept of resolution of inflammation, mediated by the newly identified ω3-derived specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators, such as resolvins, we reported a reduced ability of HCb-injured animals to produce resolvin D1 (RvD1) and an increased expression of its target receptor ALX/FPR2 in remote brain regions. The in vivo administration of RvD1 promoted functional recovery and neuroprotection by reducing the activation of Iba-1+ microglia and GFAP+ astrocytes as well as by impairing inflammatory-induced neuronal cell death in remote regions. These effects were counteracted by intracerebroventricular neutralization of ALX/FPR2, whose activation by RvD1 also down-regulated miR-146b and miR-219a-1-dependent inflammatory markers. In conclusion, we propose that innovative therapies based on RvD1-ALX/ FPR2 axis could be exploited to curtail remote damage and enable neuroprotective effects after acute focal brain damage

    Anandamide Suppresses Proliferation and Cytokine Release from Primary Human T-Lymphocytes Mainly via CB2 Receptors

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    Anandamide (AEA) is an endogenous lipid mediator that exerts several effects in the brain as well as in peripheral tissues. These effects are mediated mainly by two types of cannabinoid receptors, named CB(1)R and CB(2)R, making AEA a prominent member of the "endocannabinoid" family. Also immune cells express CB(1) and CB(2) receptors, and possess the whole machinery responsible for endocannabinoid metabolism. Not surprisingly, evidence has been accumulated showing manifold roles of endocannabinoids in the modulation of the immune system. However, details of such a modulation have not yet been disclosed in primary human T-cells.In this investigation we used flow cytometry and ELISA tests, in order to show that AEA suppresses proliferation and release of cytokines like IL-2, TNF-alpha and INF-gamma from activated human peripheral T-lymphocytes. However, AEA did not exert any cytotoxic effect on T-cells. The immunosuppression induced by AEA was mainly dependent on CB(2)R, since it could be mimicked by the CB(2)R selective agonist JWH-015, and could be blocked by the specific CB(2)R antagonist SR144528. Instead the selective CB(1)R agonist ACEA, or the selective CB(1)R antagonist SR141716, were ineffective. Furthermore, we demonstrated an unprecedented immunosuppressive effect of AEA on IL-17 production, a typical cytokine that is released from the unique CD4+ T-cell subset T-helper 17.Overall, our study investigates for the first time the effects of the endocannabinoid AEA on primary human T-lymphocytes, demonstrating that it is a powerful modulator of immune cell functions. In particular, not only we clarify that CB(2)R mediates the immunosuppressive activity of AEA, but we are the first to describe such an immunosuppressive effect on the newly identified Th-17 cells. These findings might be of crucial importance for the rational design of new endocannabinoid-based immunotherapeutic approaches

    TRPV1 channels are critical brain inflammation detectors and neuropathic pain biomarkers in mice

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    The capsaicin receptor TRPV1 has been widely characterized in the sensory system as a key component of pain and inflammation. A large amount of evidence shows that TRPV1 is also functional in the brain although its role is still debated. Here we report that TRPV1 is highly expressed in microglial cells rather than neurons of the anterior cingulate cortex and other brain areas. We found that stimulation of microglial TRPV1 controls cortical microglia activation per se and indirectly enhances glutamatergic transmission in neurons by promoting extracellular microglial microvesicles shedding. Conversely, in the cortex of mice suffering from neuropathic pain, TRPV1 is also present in neurons affecting their intrinsic electrical properties and synaptic strength. Altogether, these findings identify brain TRPV1 as potential detector of harmful stimuli and a key player of microglia to neuron communication

    From traumatic childhood to cocaine abuse: the critical function of the immune system

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    Background: Experiencing traumatic childhood is a risk factor for developing substance use disorder (SUD), but the mechanisms that underlie this relationship have not been determined. Adverse childhood experiences affect the immune system and the immune system mediates the effects of psychostimulants. However, whether this system is involved in the etiology of SUD in individuals who have experience early life stress is unknown. Methods:In this study, we performed a series of ex vivo and in vivo experiments in mice and humans to define the function of the immune system in the early-life stress-induced susceptibility to the neurobehavioral effects of cocaine. Results: We provide evidence that exposure to social-stress (S-S) at an early age permanently sensitizes the peripheral (splenocytes) and brain (microglia) immune responses to cocaine in mice. In the brain, microglial activation in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of S-S mice was associated with functional alterations in dopaminergic neurotransmission, as measured by whole-cell voltage clamp recordings in dopamine (DA) neurons. Notably, preventing immune activation during the S-S exposure reverted the effects of DA in the VTA and the cocaine-induced behavioral phenotype to control levels. In humans, cocaine modulated Toll-like receptor 4-mediated innate immunity, an effect that was enhanced in cocaine addicts who had experienced a difficult childhood. Conclusions Collectively, our findings demonstrate that sensitization to cocaine in early-life-stressed individuals involves brain and peripheral immune responses and that this mechanism is shared between mice and humans

    Expert consensus report on lipid mediators: Role in resolution of inflammation and muscle preservation

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    This meeting report presents a consensus on the biological aspects of lipid emulsions in parenteral nutrition, emphasizing the unanimous support for the integration of lipid emulsions, particularly those containing fish oil, owing to their many potential benefits beyond caloric provision. Lipid emulsions have evolved from simple energy sources to complex formulations designed to improve safety profiles and offer therapeutic benefits. The consensus highlights the critical role of omega‐3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs), notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), found in fish oil and other marine oils, for their anti‐inflammatory properties, muscle mass preservation, and as precursors to the specialized pro‐resolving mediators (SPMs). SPMs play a significant role in immune modulation, tissue repair, and the active resolution of inflammation without impairing host defense mechanisms. The panel's agreement underscores the importance of incorporating fish oil within clinical practices to facilitate recovery in conditions like surgery, critical illness, or immobility, while cautioning against therapies that might disrupt natural inflammation resolution processes. This consensus not only reaffirms the role of specific lipid components in enhancing patient outcomes, but also suggests a shift towards nutrition‐based therapeutic strategies in clinical settings, advocating for the proactive evidence‐based use of lipid emulsions enriched with omega‐3 PUFAs. Furthermore, we should seek to apply our knowledge concerning DHA, EPA, and their SPM derivatives, to produce more informative randomized controlled trial protocols, thus allowing more authoritative clinical recommendations

    Lipocalin-2 promotes adipose-macrophage interactions to shape peripheral and central inflammatory responses in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

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    Objective: Accumulating evidence suggests that dysfunctional adipose tissue (AT) plays a major role in the risk of developing multiple sclerosis (MS), the most common immune-mediated and demyelinating disease of the central nervous system. However, the contribution of adipose tissue to the etiology and progression of MS is still obscure. This study aimed at deciphering the responses of AT in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the best characterized animal model of MS. Results and methods: We observed a significant AT loss in EAE mice at the onset of disease, with a significant infiltration of M1-like macrophages and fibrosis in the AT, resembling a cachectic phenotype. Through an integrative and multilayered approach, we identified lipocalin2 (LCN2) as the key molecule released by dysfunctional adipocytes through redox-dependent mechanism. Adipose-derived LCN2 shapes the pro-inflammatory macrophage phenotype, and the genetic deficiency of LCN2 specifically in AT reduced weight loss as well as inflammatory macrophage infiltration in spinal cord in EAE mice. Mature adipocytes downregulating LCN2 reduced lipolytic response to inflammatory stimuli (e.g. TNFα) through an ATGL-mediated mechanism. Conclusions: Overall data highlighted a role LCN2 in exacerbating inflammatory phenotype in EAE model, suggesting a pathogenic role of dysfunctional AT in MS

    Bioactive Lipids and Chronic Inflammation: Managing the Fire Within

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    Inflammation is an immune response that works as a contained fire that is pre-emptively sparked as a defensive process during infections or upon any kind of tissue insult, and that is spontaneously extinguished after elimination or termination of the damage. However, persistent and uncontrolled immune reactions act as a wildfire that promote chronic inflammation, unresolved tissue damage and, eventually, chronic diseases. A wide network of soluble mediators, among which endogenous bioactive lipids, governs all immune processes. They are secreted by basically all cells involved in inflammatory processes and constitute the crucial infrastructure that triggers, coordinates and confines inflammatory mechanisms. However, these molecules are also deeply involved in the detrimental transition from acute to chronic inflammation, be it for persistent or excessive action of pro-inflammatory lipids or for the impairment of the functions carried out by resolving ones. As a matter of fact, bioactive lipids have been linked, to date, to several chronic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, diabetes, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease, systemic lupus erythematosus, and multiple sclerosis. This review summarizes current knowledge on the involvement of the main classes of endogenous bioactive lipids—namely classical eicosanoids, pro-resolving lipid mediators, lysoglycerophospholipids/sphingolipids, and endocannabinoids—in the cellular and molecular mechanisms that lead to the pathogenesis of chronic disorders