37 research outputs found

    Physical activities and enjoyment during the lockdown: Effect of home-based supervised training among children and adolescents

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    Enjoyment during physical and sport activities is an essential and well recognized component that has been also related to motor ability in children. During the period of home confinement due to Covid-19 lockdown, the Italian version of the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale (PACES-It) was used to evaluate the level of enjoyment in physical and sports activities. The beginning stem of the questionnaire was modified by asking subjects “During the lockdown, when I am physically active…”. Data were collected on a sample of 140 among children and adolescents (60 aged 6-11 and 80 aged 12-15, 66% males and 34% females). About 90% of subjects followed online school classes and 83% also received indications from their Sports Associations about physical home-exercises and other forms of guided distance learning. Results from PACES showed that subjects liked the home physical activities with a mean value of 65.2 11.8 with higher values from those who received online support from their regular instructors; moreover, higher values from PACES were obtained by middle school children respect to primary school children and high school adolescents. Despite the mandatory confinement, a positive feedback regarding the enjoyment was reported by children and adolescents for the home distance modality

    Efficacia di una formazione multilaterale extracurricolare di 12 settimane sull’insoddisfazione dell'immagine corporea e sull’autopercezione delle dimensioni corporee tra gli adolescenti

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    Purpose: The aim of the study was to investigate how multilateral, extra-curricular training, supplementary to the curricular Physical Education hours, can improve the self-perception of body image and reduce any dissatisfaction. Methods: 100 students (14-15 years) were assigned to the experimental group (MG; n=50; 25M, 25F) that has never been involved in extracurricular physical activity, or Active group (AG; n=50; 25M, 25F) practicing sports for at least 3 years. At baseline and after 12-week, anthropometric measurements and two standardized tests to assess the degree of personal satisfaction to-wards their body were administered (i.e., Body uneasiness test (BUT) and contour drawing rating scale (CDRS)). Results: After the intervention, signif-icant differences in the total MG for body weight (-1.36 ± 2.03 kg, p < 0.0001), BUT (-0.54 ± 1.49, p = 0.0320) and CDRS (-1.26±3.92, p=0.0366) scores were de-tected. Females of the MG showed significant improvement in body weight (-1.49 ± 2.22 kg, p = 0.0027) and BUT (-0.76 ± 1.56, p = 0.0398), whereas males showed improvement in body weight (-1.24 ± 1.85 kg, p = 0.0027) alone. AG showed no significant changes (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Findings suggest that multilateral training could increase body image satisfaction. However, girls always showed higher scores than boys and this indicates greater dissatis-faction and uneasiness with their bodies.Scopi: Lo scopo dello studio è stato quello di verificare come un allenamento multilaterale, extracurricolare, integrativo delle ore di Educazione Fisica curriculari, può migliorare l'autopercezione dell'immagine corporea e ridurne l'eventuale insoddisfazione. Metodi: 100 studenti (14-15 anni) sono stati assegnati ad un gruppo sperimentale (MG; n=50; 25M, 25F) che non ha mai svolto attività fisica extracurricolare, o ad un gruppo attivo (AG; n=50; 25M, 25F) praticante sport da almeno 3 anni. Al basale e dopo 12 settimane, sono stati eseguiti sia misurazioni antropometriche sia due test standardizzati per valutare il grado di soddisfazione del proprio corpo (Body uneasiness test (BUT) e Contour drawing rating scale (CDRS)). Risultati: Dopo l'intervento, sono state rilevate differenze significative nel MG totale per peso corporeo (-1.36±2.03 kg, p<0.0001), punteggi BUT (-0.54±1.49, p=0.0320) e CDRS (-1.26±3.92, p=0.0366). Le ragazze del MG hanno mostrato miglioramenti significativi nel peso corporeo (-1.49±2.22 kg, p=0.0027) e BUT (-0.76±1.56, p=0.0398), mentre i ragazzi hanno mostrato miglioramenti soltanto nel peso corporeo (-1.24±1.85 kg, p=0.0027). AG non ha mostrato variazioni significative (p>0.05). Conclusioni: Le scoperte suggeriscono che un allenamento multilaterale potrebbe incrementare la soddisfazione dell'immagine corporea. Tuttavia, le ragazze hanno sempre mostrato punteggi più alti rispetto ai ragazzi e questo indica una maggiore insoddisfazione e disagio nei confronti del proprio corpo.&nbsp

    Plyometric training on sand versus grass: Effects on sprinting, jumping, agility and balance in soccer players

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    Soccer is an intermittent high-intensity activity requiring explosive strength and power production by the neuromuscular system. Plyometric training is recognized as an effective method for improving both sprinting and jumping ability through the stretch-shortening cycle. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of plyometric training on sand versus a grass surface on sprinting, jumping, agility, balance ability in soccer players. Sixteen adult soccer players volunteered in the study and were randomly assigned to a plyometric training group performed on sand (PS, n = 8) or on grass (PG, n = 8). Both groups performed 7 weeks of plyometric training on two separate weekly sessions lasting about 1.5 hour. Five-, 10- and 20-meters sprint test, Sargent test and standing long jump test, Illynois Agility test and Stork test were administered to assess sprinting, jumping, agility and balance ability, respectively. After 7 weeks of intervention results showed significative improvements in PS group for sprinting (p < .05), for standing long jump test (p < .05) and for balance (p < .05). Small but not significant differences were found for the other variables. A 7-week plyometric training performed on sand showed improvements on sprinting, jumping and balance respect to the same training performed on grass surface in adult soccer players

    Sustainable Intervention for Health Promotion and Postural Control Improvement: Effects of Home-Based Oculomotor Training

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    Abstract: Currently, it is crucial to propose daily sustainable interventions that elicit healthy lifestyles and the promotion of favorable health outcomes beyond the usual medical prescriptions. Home confinement and pandemic limitations reduced physical activity and augmented sedentary behaviors that potentially also reflect on posture. Health-related quality of life includes an effective postural control which is affected by visual performance. Therefore, the aim of the study was to analyze the effects of a single session of eye exercises and also of a home-based oculomotor training on postural control. Thirty active adults (mean age: 42.9 ± 14.4 years) were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions: subjects were evaluated on a stabilometric platform before (T0) and immediately after (T1) a training session consisting in clockwise ocular movements (C1), counterclockwise (C2) and mixed condition (C3). All subjects repeated, at home, the same ocular training and were re-evaluated after 5 weeks (T2). All measured variables tended to improve after 5-week home training, but significative differences were found, especially in acute measurement. C1 and C2 conditions showed better results than C3. Thus, a specific oculomotor training, a cost free and self-administered training, can represent a practical tool to improve postural control and health-related quality of life in active adults


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    Introduction: The research tested the effects of training in three different load zones. The hypothesis is that this type of training can provide more complete hypertrophic gains compared to workouts performed in a specific, single load area. Materials and methods: 37 participants were divided into 4 groups (SE; S; E; C). The first group trained simultaneously with high loads and low repetitions and with low loads and high repetitions; the second group trained in the high load condition, the third with low loads and high repetitions brought to the point of fatigue and the last control group had not practiced any type of training. The participants performed the training program 3 times a week for an eight-week period. Results: The internal group comparison of the 1RM squat values, shows an important mean improvement emerged in the participants of the SE sample, a similar increase was recorded in group S, while in group E there was no increase, but a slight average decrease in the 1RM of squats. In group C the decrease in the 1RM of squats was significant. Conclusions: Resistance training performed simultaneously in different load areas (SE) optimizes muscle hypertrophy. These data underline both the reactivity of skeletal muscle to mechanical load alterations and the importance of metabolic stress as a necessary factor for increasing muscle volume

    Physical Education in primary schools through traditional folk Games in outdoor contexts

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    The purpose of the paper is to highlight the need to change teaching strategies in physical education in elementary school. Sedentary lifestyles, abetted by technology such as the recent COVID19 Pandemic, call for a reevaluation of classical teaching methodologies to promote, from an early age, education toward active lifestyles. After an examination of what folk tradition games (GTD) represent, the analysis reevaluates their use , in the elementary school setting both to foster socialization and preserve folk values and as a practice of physical activity outside the school setting. For this reason, the discussion focuses on innovative teaching strategies such as outdoor education (OE) and the psycho-physical benefits they bring, along with the practice of GTDs, as real educational experiences in authentic situations. The use of GTDs in OE can be an ecological strategy to promote motor activity as an active lifestyle in a sensitive age such as childhood

    Educazione fisica e bullismo scolastico: stato dell'arte, implicazioni pratiche e proposte di ricerca

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    Bullying has been considered as a multidimensional form of aggression which includes a double distinction, distinguishing the form of aggression and its functions. In the school context, bullying is considered a primary issue with figures up to 35%. Two forms of aggression have traditionally been considered: physical aggression and relational/social aggression. In Italy regional laws have been enacted on prevention and fight against bullying and cyberbullying and the parliament started the legislative iter to recognize bullying as a form of stalking. Physical education (PE) potentially promote behaviors and attitude against bullying but PE setting has also been linked to bullying episodes: victims of bullying can tend to avoid PE lessons as a potential situation that make them feel vulnerable; on the other hand, PE can exert beneficial effects in encouraging the externalization of emotions and improving social skills. PE teaching styles and teachers’ proactive attitude are crucial to promote a friendly environment and to avoid potential situation of discrimination. PE teachers should try to enhance self-efficacy as well as social competences of their students and avoiding creating embarrassing sit-uation due to physical appearance and/or poor motor skills. Future research should address behaviors of PE teachers to contrast bullying, evaluate the positive/negative role of PE in bullying situations, explore the prevalence of bullying at school respect to the other disciplines.Il bullismo è stato considerato come una forma di aggressione multidimensionale che comprende una doppia distinzione, tra la forma di aggressione e le sue funzioni. Nel contesto scolastico, il bullismo è considerato una questione primaria con cifre fino al 35%. Tradizionalmente sono state considerate due forme di aggressione: l'aggressione fisica e l'aggressione relazionale/sociale. In Italia sono state emanate leggi regionali sulla prevenzione e la lotta al bullismo e al cyberbullismo e il Parlamento ha avviato l’iter legislativo per riconoscere il bullismo come forma di stalking. L’educazione fisica (EF) può potenzialmente promuovere comportamenti e atteggiamenti contro il bullismo, ma è stata anche collegata ad episodi di bullismo: le vit-time del bullismo possono tendere ad evitare le lezioni di EF come poten-ziale situazione che le fa sentire vulnerabili; d’altra parte, la EF può esercitare effetti benefici nell’incoraggiare l’esternalizzazione delle emozioni e nel migliorare le abilità sociali. Gli stili di insegnamento dell’EF e l’atteggiamento proattivo degli insegnanti sono fondamentali per promuovere un ambiente amichevole e per evitare potenziali situazioni di discriminazione. Gli insegnanti di EF dovrebbero cercare di migliorare l’autoefficacia e le competenze sociali dei loro studenti, evitando di creare situazioni imbarazzanti dovute all’aspetto fisico e/o alle scarse capacità motorie. Le ricerche future dovreb-bero affrontare i comportamenti degli insegnanti di EF per contrastare il bullismo, valutare il ruolo positivo/negativo dell’EF nelle situazioni di bullismo, esplorare la prevalenza del bullismo a scuola rispetto alle altre discipline.&nbsp

    Proposal for a Fitness Program in the School Setting during the COVID 19 Pandemic: Effects of an 8-Week CrossFit Program on Psychophysical Well-Being in Healthy Adolescents

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    Background: The Italian government promoted social distancing, in which the suspension of any social event, suspension of all activities practiced in gyms, sports centers and their closure was ordered. The social distancing in the school environment and the use of strategies to limit viral infection are not very compatible with group motor activity and team sports. The aim of this study is to verify the effectiveness of a CrossFit program in order to mitigate the deficits in fitness caused by COVID-19 prevention measures and to evaluate the effects on self-efficacy in a group of young adolescents. Methodsː 30 healthy participants were randomly allocated into an intervention group (IG) that performed the 8 weeks CrossFit training program or control group (CG). Physical fitness tests (i.e., Squat, push-up, lunge, and 20 m run) and psychological measures Regulatory Emotional Self-Efficacy scale (RESE) were performed at baseline and after 8 weeks. Resultsː After 8 weeks, the intervention group showed significant improvements for all fitness tests (p &lt; 0.0001). Additionally, higher scores for the RESE negative and positive (p &lt; 0.0001) scales were found in the intervention group. No statistical differences were found in the control group except for the push up test. Conclusionsː the 8-week CrossFit intervention program could positively affect the general physical well-being and improve the emotional perceived self-efficacy in healthy adolescents. View Full-Tex

    Does the Level of Training Interfere with the Sustainability of Static and Dynamic Strength in Paralympic Powerlifting Athletes?

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    Background: Paralympic powerlifting (PP) presents adaptations that the training tends to provide, mainly concerning the mechanical variables. Objective: Our aim was to analyze mechanical, dynamic and static indicators, at different intensities, on the performance of paralympic powerlifting athletes. Methods: 23 athletes of PP, 11 national level (NL) and 12 regional level (RL) performed dynamic and static tests over a comprehensive range of loads. The study evaluated regional and national level athletes and the influence on the training level on the performance of strength. The study was carried out in four weeks, with the first week to familiarize with the one repetition maximum (1RM), day 1, and there was a 72-h rest and familiarization with dynamic and static tests carried out day 2. In week 2, the 1RM tests were performed (day 1 and 72 h later), and the static tests were performed with a distance of 15 cm from the bar to the chest, with the tests of maximum isometric strength, time to maximum isometric strength, rate of force development (RFD), impulse, variability and fatigue index (IF) taking place on day 2. In weeks three and four dynamic tests were performed, including means propulsive velocity, maximum velocity, power and prediction of one maximum repeat. Results: Differences were found, with better results than for RL in relation to NL in MVP (45%, 55%, and 75% 1RM), in VMax (50%, 55%, 75% and 95% 1RM). In power, the NL had better results (40%, 45%, 50%, 60% and 95% 1RM). Conclusion: RL athletes tend to present better results with regard to velocity, however in power, NL athletes tend to present better performances