33 research outputs found

    An oriented coincidence index for nonlinear Fredholm inclusions with nonconvex-valued perturbations

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    We suggest the construction of an oriented coincidence index for nonlinear Fredholm operators of zero index and approximable multivalued maps of compact and condensing type. We describe the main properties of this characteristic, including applications to coincidence points. An example arising in the study of a mixed system, consisting of a first-order implicit differential equation and a differential inclusion, is given

    On solvability of the impulsive Cauchy problem for integro-differential inclusions with non-densely defined operators

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    We prove the existence of at least one integrated solution to an impulsive Cauchy problem for an integro-differential inclusion in a Banach space with a non-densely defined operator. Since we look for integrated solution we do not need to assume that A is a Hille Yosida operator. We exploit a technique based on the measure of weak non-compactness which allows us to avoid any hypotheses of compactness both on the semigroup generated by the linear part and on the nonlinear term. As the main tool in the proof of our existence result, we are using the Glicksberg–Ky Fan theorem on a fixed point for a multivalued map on a compact convex subset of a locally convex topological vector space

    Controllability for systems governed by semilinear evolution equations without compactness

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    We study the controllability for a class of semilinear differential inclusions in Banach spaces. Since we assume the regularity of the nonlinear part with respect to the weak topology, we do not require the compactness of the evolution operator generated by the linear part. As well we are not posing any conditions on the multivalued nonlinearity expressed in terms of measures of noncompactness. We are considering the usual assumption on the controllability of the associated linear problem. Notice that, in infinite dimensional spaces, the above mentioned compactness of the evolution operator and linear controllability condition are in contradiction with each other. We suppose that the nonlinear term has convex, closed, bounded values and a weakly sequentially closed graph when restricted to its second argument. This regularity setting allows us to solve controllability problem under various growth conditions. As application, a controllability result for hyperbolic integro-differential equations and inclusions is obtained. In particular, we consider controllability of a system arising in a model of nonlocal spatial population dispersal and a system governed by the second order one-dimensional telegraph equation

    An approximation solvability method for nonlocal differential problems in Hilbert spaces

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    A new approach is developed for the solvability of nonlocal problems in Hilbert spaces associated to nonlinear differential equations. It is based on a joint combination of the degree theory with the approximation solvability method and the bounding functions technique. No compactness or condensivity condition on the nonlinearities is assumed. Some applications of the abstract result to the study of nonlocal problems for integrodifferential equations and systems of integro-differential equations are then showed. A generalization of the result by using nonsmooth bounding functions is given

    О топологических характеристиках для некоторых классов многозначных отображений

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    In the paper the topological characteristics of multivalued mappings that can be representedas a finite composition of mappings with aspherical values are considered. For such randommappings, condensing with respect to some abstract measure of noncompactness, a randomindex of fixed points is introduced, its properties are described and applications to fixed-pointtheorems are given. The topological coincidence degree is defined for a condensing pair consistingof a linear Fredholm operator of zero index and a multivalued mapping of the above class. Inthe last section possibilities of extending this theory to random condensing pairs are shown.В работе рассматриваются топологические характеристики многозначных отображений, которые могут быть представлены в виде конечной композиции отображений с асферичными значениями. Для такого рода случайных отображений, уплотняющих относительно некоторой абстрактной меры некомпактности, вводится случайный индекс неподвижных точек, описываются его свойства и даются применения к теоремам о неподвижной точке. Определяется топологическая степень совпадения для уплотняющей пары, состоящей из линейного фредгольмова оператора нулевого индекса и многозначного отображения указанного выше класса. В последнем разделе указаны возможности распространения этой теории на случайные уплотняющие пары

    On generalized boundary value problems for a class of fractional differential inclusions

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    We prove existence of mild solutions to a class of semilinear fractional differential inclusions with non local conditions in a reflexive Banach space. We are able to avoid any kind of compactness assumptions both on the nonlinear term and on the semigroup generated by the linear part. We apply the obtained theoretical results to two diffusion models described by parabolic partial integro-differential inclusions

    On boundary value problems for degenerate differential inclusions in Banach spaces

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    We consider the applications of the theory of condensing set-valued maps, the theory of set-valued linear operators, and the topological degree theory of the existence of mild solutions for a class of degenerate differential inclusions in a reflexive Banach space. Further, these techniques are used to obtain the solvability of general boundary value problems for a given class of inclusions. Some particular cases including periodic problems are considered

    Controllability for impulsive semilinear functional differential inclusions with a non-compact evolution operator

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    We study a controllability problem for a system governed by a semilinear functional differential inclusion in a Banach space in the presence of impulse effects and delay. Assuming a regularity of the multivalued non-linearity in terms of the Hausdorff measure of noncompactness we do not require the compactness of the evolution operator generated by the linear part of inclusion. We find existence results for mild solutions of this problem under various growth conditions on the nonlinear part and on the jump functions. As example, we consider the controllability of an impulsive system governed by a wave equation with delayed feedback

    On coincidence index for multivalued perturbations of nonlinear Fredholm maps and some applications

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    We define a nonoriented coincidence index for a compact, fundamentally restrictible, and condensing multivalued perturbations of a map which is nonlinear Fredholm of nonnegative index on the set of coincidence points. As an application, we consider an optimal controllability problem for a system governed by a second-order integro-differential equation