6 research outputs found


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    In article the structure and the content of practical preparation of the future social pedagogues in Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University at the educational levels “bachelor”, “specialist”, “master”, is analyzed, prospects of wide use of information and communication technologies at all stages of the organization of different types of practice are proved.Key words: social pedagogues, professional training, student practical training, information and communication technologies.У статті аналізуються структура і зміст практичної підготовки майбутнього соціального педагога у Полтавському національному педагогічному університеті імені В.Г. Короленка на освітньо-кваліфікаційних рівнях “бакалавр”, “спеціаліст”, “магістр”, обґрунтована перспективність широкого використання інформаційних і комунікаційних технологій на всіх етапах організації різних видів практики. Ключові слова: професійна підготовка соціальних педагогів, практична підготовка студента, інформаційно-комунікаційні технології

    European practices of inclusive education (experience for Ukraine)

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    In the era of globalization, there is a process of democratization and openness of society. The value of human beings, their dignity, and their lives are being redefined and given new meaning. Race, gender, gender, social stratum, physical and mental capabilities are no longer “criteria” for being in society. Everyone has the right to exercise his or her rights. Everyone has the right to education, medicine, life, etc. Ukraine is gradually moving towards Europe and over the past five years has been actively implementing a program of inclusive education. Inclusive education is a system of educational activities aimed at overcoming discrimination and exclusion of students with physical and psychological disabilities. This system of education has become in opposition to the boarding school system, where students are cut off from society. For five years, Ukraine has been actively creating inclusive classes and introducing various teaching methods. We can consider Europe as an example as a defender of democracy and human dignity. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to study the European practices of inclusive education in Ukraine. For the purpose we used the following methods: observation (throughout the study), interviews with all subjects of the learning process, inductive method, testing to check knowledge. Since the essence of inclusive education is not only the acquisition of knowledge but also comfortable growth in society, we want to pay special attention to this aspect. The results of the study showed that a special role is played by individual development of tasks for students, allowing to involve children even with psychophysiological problems. Also, a special role is played by parents and a teacher's assistant (for example, in Italy), the game form of learning, the change of activities after 10-20 minutes, group work, etc. The novelty of the study lies precisely in the analysis of the implementation and evaluation of European practices in Ukraine. The results of the study can be used in adjusting educational programs of inclusive education, communication of all subjects of training and for their qualitative implementation, as well as acquiring the importance of the role of assistant teache

    Educação inclusiva na Ucrânia

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    O objetivo do artigo é analisar o uso de tecnologias inovadoras modernas na educação inclusiva da Ucrânia e do mundo nas condições dos desafios modernos com base em uma revisão da literatura científica moderna. Utilizou-se o método de análise de conteúdo, com o auxílio do qual foi traçado o conteúdo da literatura científica pedagógica. Os resultados determinaram a importância do ensino a distância e seu desenvolvimento nas condições de um desafio militar na Ucrânia, os problemas e as perspectivas desta tecnologia inovadora. Foram estudadas avaliações do ambiente técnico inovador na educação inclusiva em condições de crise. A ênfase é colocada na pesquisa sobre educação STEM em métodos de projetos de inclusão e no uso de tecnologias simples e complexas. As conclusões enfatizam que as possibilidades de introdução da aprendizagem síncrona e assíncrona garantirão a aquisição dos conhecimentos e habilidades necessários, mas também permitirão que as crianças socializem


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    The article deals with the problem of influence of information and communication technologies on the higher education development. The peculiarities and dynamics of the MOOC expansion in the international educational space are determined, the experience of MOOC usage in the conditions of transnational education has been analysed, and the MOOC functions in Ukrainian educational reality have been investigated. The following methods were used in research: content analysis of scientific literature to clarify the essence of the research main categories; online courses netnography for studying their specifics; questionnaire, statistical processing and graphical representation of the study results concerning the MOOC functions in domestic educational practices. The essence of the term “MOOC” is clarified, the concept of their construction as well as features of technological functioning is revealed. The history of MOOC development in foreign countries (USA, Australia, Japan, Europe) and Ukraine is analysed. MOOC emergence and expansion is associated with digital humanities development and digital humanistic pedagogy establishment in the international educational space. The research results, which define the MOOC functions in the Ukraine educational practices, namely, ensuring openness, enriching the content of learning, individualization and inter-activation are characterized. Five main problems of the MOOC implementation are highlighted and investigated: 1) the presence of two different MOOC types; 2) the role of a teacher in MOOC; 3) participation of students in MOOC; 4) understanding and usage of the “mass” character of MOOC; 5) the boundary between the MOOC openness and control over them. Unprecedented popularity and opportunities for reaching the student audience have prompted international organizations and their education departments to initiate global forums to discuss the urgent economic, social, technological, psychological and pedagogical issues that arose during the MOOC introduction, as well as to adopt regulatory documents to ensure the quality of MOOC provision

    Training Students of Social Specialties for the Formation of Competent and Safe Use of Web-Technologies by Junior Pupils

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    Мета статті - проаналізувати значення шєЬ-технологій у сферах соціального простору (позитивні й негативні тенденції), запропонувати варіант підготовки майбутніх соціального педагога й соціального працівника, компетентних у сфері інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій, на основі аналізу освітніх програм підготовки даних фахівців. Використано комплекс теоретичних (аналіз, синтез, узагальнення) та емпіричних (спостереження, бесіда, інтерв'ю) методів педагогічного дослідження. Стаття містить дослідження теоретичних і методичних аспектів підготовки майбутніх фахівців соціономічних спеціальностей до роботи з молодшими школярами та їх батьками щодо грамотного й безпечного використання ресурсів віртуального простору. Вона розкриває позитивні тенденції ШєЬ-технологій. Висвітлює поняття, пов'язані з безпекою у всесвітній мережі. У публікації наводиться перелік Інтернет- загроз для дітей. Обґрунтовується необхідність аналізу змістового компоненту в циклі дисциплін професійної і практичної підготовки студентів спеціальностей «Соціальна педагогіка» та «Соціальна робота» й доповнення змісту, форм і методів підготовки майбутнього фахівця у вигляді спеціальних тем, питань і завдань у навчальних дисциплінах даного циклу.The purpose of the article is to analyze the importance of Web-technologies in the spheres of social space (positive and negative tendencies), to offer a variant of competent in the field of information and communication technologies future social pedagogue and social worker training on the basis of analysis of educational programs of training specialists. The article contains a study of theoretical and methodological aspects of training of the future specialists of social specialties for work with junior schoolchildren and their parents regarding the competent and safe use of resources of the virtual space. The author describes the concept, outlines a brief history, reveals the positive trends of Web-technologies (use of Web-browsers, Web-sites, IM - instant messaging, IRC - Internet chats, voice chats, video conferencing, social networks). The article covers concepts related to security in the World Wide Web (flooding, trolling, spamming, flaming, off-topic, hotlink). The publication provides a list of Internet threats to children. The researcher explains the combined efforts of scientists with the largest technical corporations in addressing the issues of preventing the risk of interaction between the child and various web-technologies. These are such projects as the manual "Children on the Internet: how to teach security in the virtual world", developed by the employees of the Institute of Psychology named after G. S. Kostiuk of NAPS of Ukraine and one of the largest Internet providers in Ukraine the "Kyivstar Company"; educational and methodological manual "Educating the culture of the user of the Internet. Security in the World Wide Web", developed by the staff of the Institute of Innovative Technologies and the Content of Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine with the support of the Partnership in Training program of company "Microsoft Ukraine". The author justifies the necessity of the analysis of the content component in the cycle of professional and practical training of students of the specialties "Social pedagogy" and "Social work" and supplementing the content, forms and methods of training the future specialist in the form of special topics, and tasks in the disciplines of the given cycle is substantiated

    The USE of the Phenomenon of Cybersocialization of the Student Youth in the Preparation of Future Social Pedagogues

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    Мета й завдання статті – проаналізувати поняття «кіберсоціалізація» та запропонувати варіант використання цього феномену в підготовці майбутнього соціального педагога на основі аналізу освітньо-професійної програми підготовки даного фахівця. Методи дослідження: аналіз, узагальнення, спостереження, інтерв’ю, вивчення нормативної та навчальної документації. Стаття розкриває зміст поняття «кіберсоціалізація людини», одну з особливостей кіберсоціалізації студента. Вона містить дослідження теоретичних і методичних аспектів підготовки соціального педагога, використовуючи феномен кіберсоціалізації. Обґрунтовується необхідність аналізу змістового й методичного компоненту в циклі дисциплін професійної та практичної підготовки майбутнього соціального педагога. Пропонуються доповнення змісту, форм і методів підготовки майбутнього фахівця у вигляді спеціальних тем, питань і завдань у навчальних дисциплінах «Педагогіка», «Соціальна педагогіка», «Соціалізація особистості».The purpose and objectives of this article are to review the concept of “cybersocialization” and to offer the option of using this phenomenon in training of a future social pedagogue by analyzing the educational and professional training programs of the specialist. Methods: analysis, synthesis, observation, interviews, studying the regulatory and training documentation. The article reveals the content of the concept of “cybersocialization of the person”, another feature of cybersocialization of the student. For most students in our country computer, electronic, mobile and other information and communication technologies today have become a necessary working tool, an intermediary in the communication process, guide to virtual reality. Most of them without even realizing based on this technique, without a doubt, experience significant irritation in case of system failure, which determines the impossibility of immediate retrieval of the desired information, writing letters, communication with required or desired by the person receiving email, etc. Thus, the virtual reality becomes for them a new kind of living space with specific features of the communicative process. A virtual environment (cyberspace), along with natural, spatial, geographic, social, cultural, landscape and architectural, and the like plays a significant role in everyday modern life and professional activity. Cybersocialization is a local process of qualitative changes of the personality structure that occurs as a result of human socialization in cyberspace virtual socializing online environment, that is in the process of using its resources and communication with virtual agents of socialization, occurring to a person at global Internet (primarily in the process of correspondence by e-mail, on forums, in chat rooms (referring to the form of IRC (Internet Relay Chat), blogs, web pagers, teleconferencing and online-games). The article contains the investigation of the theoretical and methodological aspects of the social pedagogue’s training, using the phenomenon of cybersocialization. It proves the necessity of analysis of the substantial and methodological components in professional socio-pedagogical training of the future teachers (specialists). It offers the experimental content, forms and methods in the form of special issues and tasks in educational disciplines «Pedagogics», «Social pedagogics», «Socialization». The problem requires further research in the theoretical and practical training of the social pedagogue to work in a virtual space, the use of information and communication technologies in the work with different social groups and other areas of professional activity