4,586 research outputs found

    Maple+GrTensorII libraries for cosmology

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    The article mainly presents some results in using MAPLE platform for computer algebra and GrTensorII package in doing calculations for theoretical and numerical cosmologyComment: LaTeX LLNCS style, 8 pages, accepted for SYNASC 2004 - 6th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-30 200

    Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Associated Clinical Features in Latino and Caucasian Patients from a Single Center.

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    INTRODUCTION AND AIM:Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is the most common type of liver cancer in adults and has seen a rapid increase in incidence in the United States. Racial and ethnic differences in HCC incidence have been observed, with Latinos showing the greatest increase over the past four decades, highlighting a concerning health disparity. The goal of the present study was to compare the clinical features at the time of diagnosis of HCC in Latino and Caucasian patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS:We retrospectively screened a total of 556 charts of Latino and Caucasian patients with HCC. RESULTS:The mean age of HCC diagnosis was not significantly different between Latinos and Caucasians, but Latinos presented with higher body mass index (BMI). Rates of hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia were similar in the two groups. The most common etiology of liver disease was alcohol drinking in Latinos, and chronic hepatitis C in Caucasian patients. Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) was the associated diagnosis in 8.6% of Latinos and 4.7% of Caucasians. Interestingly, alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels at time of diagnosis were higher in Latino patients compared to Caucasians, but this difference was evident only in male patients. Multifocal HCC was slightly more frequent in Latinos, but the two groups had similar cancerous vascular invasion. Latino patients also presented with higher rates of both ascites and hepatic encephalopathy. CONCLUSION:Latino and Caucasian patients with HCC present with a different profile of etiologies, but cancer features appear to be more severe in Latinos

    Force Percolation Transition of Jammed Granular Systems

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    The mechanical and transport properties of jammed materials originate from an underlying per- colating network of contact forces between the grains. Using extensive simulations we investigate the force-percolation transition of this network, where two particles are considered as linked if their interparticle force overcomes a threshold. We show that this transition belongs to the random percolation universality class, thus ruling out the existence of long-range correlations between the forces. Through a combined size and pressure scaling for the percolative quantities, we show that the continuous force percolation transition evolves into the discontinuous jamming transition in the zero pressure limit, as the size of the critical region scales with the pressure.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Analisis Penyebab Unclaimed Berkas Bpjs Pasien Rawat Inap Di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia (RSU Ipi) Medan

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    Pending atau sering disebut dengan unclaimed yang artinya tidak terklaim atau tertunda. Hal ini disebabkan terdapat kasus yang ditatalaksanakan di rumah sakit tersebut diragukan kesimpulan medisnya karena ketidakcocokan atau ketidaklengkapan data-datanya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis penyebab unclaimed berkas BPJS pasien rawat inap berdasarkan identifikasi input dan proses. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan fenomenologi. Waktu penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari-Juli 2018 di RSU Imelda Pekerjaan Indonesia Medan. Populasi yaitu rekam medis BPJS rawat jalan yang dipending pada bulan Februari-Juli 2018 sebanyak 490 berkas. Sampel diambil secara proposional stratified random sampling yang berjumlah 83 berkas. Informan kunci berjumlah 6 orang yang terdiri dari 1 orang kepala ruangan BPJS RSU IPI,3 orang  petugas koder BPJS RSU IPI dan 2 orang petugas administrasi BPJS. Data dikumpulkan melalui wawancara dan observasi. Untuk analisis data dirangkum secara deskriptif melalui reduksi data, penyajian dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan penyebab unclaimed berkas BPJS pasien rawat inap di Rumah Sakit Umum Imelda Pekerja Indonesia (RSU IPI) Medan adalah jumlah SDM, sarana, teknologi, perencanan berupa ketersediaan SOP, dan evaluasi. Berdasarkan 83 berkas BPJS yang terpending ada 45% berkas BPJS dikarenakan dari kesalahan pengkodingan, 22% dikarenakan dari indikasi medis dan 33% dikarenakan  administrasi. Disarankan untuk pihak rumah sakit agar menambah jumlah SDM, perbaikan terhadap sarana dan teknologi, perencanaan dan evaluasi sehingga dapat menurunkan jumlah unclaimed berkas BPJS pada rumah sakit

    Theodore Dreiser's First Novel (to the 115th Anniversary of “Sister Carrie's” Publishing)

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    AbstractThe article is devoted to Theodore Dreiser's skill as a writer of a novel. His first book “Sister Carrie” characterized his writer's manner in which the author was unhurried deliberate and thorough master. In his first novel Th. Dreiser shows himself as a deep psychologist and stylist. “Sister Carrie” is a landmark in the history of American literature as well as in the history of world realistic literature of the XXth century

    Russian Writers’ Impressions of America in the Mirror of American Literary Criticism

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    AbstractThis article analyzes the monographs of American theorists of literature devoted to the study of artistic responses of Russian writers who visited the USA in the 20th century. Some books appeared in critical field of American scientists: “The City of Yellow Devil” by M.Gorky, “Iron Mirgorod” by S.Yesenin, “My Discovery of America” by V.Mayakovsky, “O’key” by B.Pilniak, “The Little Gold America” by I.Ilf and Y.Petrov. In the paper the books by Gorky and Ilf and Petrov are analyzed. American approach to these works is shown in different ways: from critics to estimation of their positive influence on Russians’ attitude towards the USA

    Procjena rizika od abrazije na obalama mora i spremnicima za vodu

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    Destructive processes on seas and water reservoirs of Russia lead to significant losses of valuable coastal territories and damage to numerous economic objects located there. The article discusses the spatial and temporal patterns of the development of certain types of coasts and water bodies as a whole. An algorithm (methodology) for the quantitative assessment of abrasion risk is proposed, which is the main tool for determining the need for and priority of preventive measures. The general mathematical models for abrasion risk calculation are substantiated. The possibilities of assessing the abrasion risk with a minimum amount of data for choosing the optimal location of new reservoirs are considered. Specific examples of abrasion risk assessment are given for seas and large water reservoirs in Russia, with priority investments from the federal budget being indicated. Timely implementation of measures aimed at reducing losses from coast destruction will benefit for the rational and safe use of coastal areas.Destruktivni procesi na obalama mora i spremnicima za vodu u Rusiji doveli su do značajnih gubitaka dragocjenih obalnih područja i do oštećenja brojnih gospodarskih objekata na tim područjima. U članku se razmatraju prostorni i vremenski obrasci razvoja određenih vrsta obala i vodenih površina u cjelini. Predlaže se algoritam (metodologija) za kvantitativnu procjenu rizika od abrazije kao glavnog alata za utvrđivanje potrebe kao i prioriteta preventivnih mjera. Kao dokaz poslužili su opći matematički modeli za izračun rizika od abrazije. Razmatraju se mogućnosti procjene rizika od abrazije s minimalnom količinom podataka za odabir lokacije novih spremnika. Navedeni su posebni primjeri procjene rizika od abrazije za mora i velike spremnike za vodu u Rusiji s prikazanim prioritetnim investicijskim ulaganjima iz saveznog proračuna. Pravodobna provedba mjera usmjerenih na smanjivanje gubitaka uzrokovanih uništenjem obala pridonijet će racionalnom i sigurnom korištenju obalnih područja
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