6 research outputs found

    Representation of women in management (gender inequality)

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    The bachelor thesis is devoted to contemporary problems connected with the position of women in management positions and gender inequalities between men and women. Its aim is to clarify the current situation of women in the labour market through their qualitative research and professional statistics, their attitudes, views and experience with mobility in career development, as well as the impact of managerial careers on family life. In the theoretical part is generally characterized management, manager, related skills, woman as a manager, barriers related to her enforcement in management, the influence of the family and the situation on the labour market in the Czech Republic. The analytical part of the bachelor thesis contains statistical data and my own quality research, data processing and summary of research results and recommendations for practice. The method used to collect data is a semi-structured interview

    Measurement of inventories in the Czech Republic and according to IFRS

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    The content of this bachelor thesis analyses measurement methods of inventories according to Czech accounting legislation and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Prior to the analysis, the accounting approaches themselves and the exact objective of inventories are described. The aim of the thesis is to compare measurement methods of inventories according to Czech legislation and IFRS with emphasis on the evaluation of their differences

    Additional file 19: Figure S6. of RNA sequencing-based analysis of the spleen transcriptome following infectious bronchitis virus infection of chickens selected for different mannose-binding lectin serum concentrations

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    Network representation of enriched GO Immune System terms of differentially expressed (DE) genes for comparison between infected birds at week 3. The GO Immune System terms were identified as nodes and linked based on their kappa score level (> = 0.4) and p-value < 0.001. Functionally related groups partially overlapped. The GO terms are labelled in colors according to hierarchical clustering of GO terms. Terms which have not been grouped are shown in grey. The color pie charts of the GO Immune system nodes show the gene proportion associated with the respective term. (PDF 30 kb

    Additional file 2: Figure S1. of RNA sequencing-based analysis of the spleen transcriptome following infectious bronchitis virus infection of chickens selected for different mannose-binding lectin serum concentrations

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    Multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot created using expression profiles of all normalized genes. Four MDS plots were created using the normalized gene count data set. The purpose of MDS plot is to provide a visual representation of the pattern of proximities (similarities or distances) among the set of studied birds. Plots are labeled by eight comparison groups and three different factor levels; status (uninfected and infected), line (L10L and L10H) and time (weeks 1 and 3). The plot was created using the “plotMDS.dge” function implemented in the edgeR package. In all plots, L10H_CTL_W1 (red, n = 8), L10H_CTL_W3 (blue, n = 7), L10H_INF_W1 (green, n = 8), L10H_INF_W3 (purple, n = 7), L10L_CTL_W1 (orange, n = 8), L10L_CTL_W3 (yellow, n = 8), L10L_INF_W1 (brown, n = 6), L10L_INF_W3 (pink, n = 8). (PDF 6 kb